Issue 96

Dissolve Fatigue,Stress & Depression: with Pranic Healing!

Miracles are possible & become everyday events if we have the tools to access the secret laws of nature.

Pranic Healing is the art & science of accessing this knowledge & applying this knowledge to healing & maintenance of good health.

Quantum physics acknowledge the existence of the energy body (or aura) & the important role it plays in sustaining health & well being.

All disease first manifests in the energy body & if held there will eventually adversely affect the body, mind or emotions.

By treating the energy body, Pranic Healing treats the cause of the dis-ease, bringing relief of symptoms, repair of the physical, emotional or mental body & a healthy balance back into your life.

Pranic Healing dissolves fatigue, stress, depression, negative emotions & thoughts, mental cloudiness, poverty consciousness, emotional instability, diseases in the body, mind & emotions, relationships & finances

Testimonials from my work this year include:

I am feeling grounded, thinking clearer & going great guns !! (HR Executive) I am able to stay calm & focus my energy in a loving way (Student)

I presented with depression - I am feeling more grounded, balanced & positive. I now feel motivated again. (5 sessions) (Airline Booking Agent)

I was physically run down & mentally exhausted - More optimistic & energized. A better sense of perspective & clearer about the steps I need to take in my life. Relaxed & peaceful. (4 sessions) (Engineer)

I had mood swings, anxiety & depression- I have more clarity in my mind & emotions & body. I feel calmer & lighter. I am able to breath better & deeper. Overall I am able to cope better than before. (6 sessions) (Student)

I had a headache- the headache cleared immediately & stayed away. (1 session) Artist

I was shy & anxious- I can speak without being afraid. I can hold a relaxed conversation & feel more confident. (3 sessions) Medical Technician


The Pranic Healing Centre

Fara Curlewis

I have 20 years experience in health, healing, building wellness & spirituality.

I am a Nurse, Midwife, Parenting Educator and Counsellor & 10 years ago I began my training & work as a Pranic Healer.

I have completed the Basic, Advanced, Pranic Psychotherapy, Psychic Self-Defence, Crystal Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga (level 2-3). I have been personally taught by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui - the modern day founder of Pranic Healing. Master Choa Kok Sui researched and experimented for 20 years to develop this inner science of healing & he has written many books (available at Nurture Studio).

A depth of knowledge & a wealth of experience - Pranic Healing, Reiki, Counselling, Narrative Therapy, Massage Therapist, Nurse, Midwife, Health Educator.


Receive a 1.5 hour session for the cost of 1 hour.

3254 3834/0418 217 193

clickhere here for details.

173 Annie Street New Farm


10 Reasons Not to Diet :with Life After Diets !

The Truth About Diets
Ten Reasons Why Our Diets Fail Us

Diets Don't Work
Sure weight can be lost, but it always comes back. In an address to The American College of Physicians, Dr Alvan Feinstein said "The five year cure rate for obesity is virtually zero". Most diet studies put the failure rate at 96 to 98 per cent. The few who do manage to keep the pounds off are people like Lynn Redgrave and Richard Simmons, who make a career out of weight control. But most of us aren't paid millions to stay svelte, and we eventually give up or blow the diet.

Muscle Loss
All diets, even high protein diets, reduce muscle tissue. The first week of a high-protein diet, loss is half water, one-quarter fat, and one-quarter lean tissue. We can grow new bone cells or blood cells, but once we lose a muscle cell it is gone forever.

Of course, rapid two-kilo loss doesn't mean losing a kilo of dead muscle. Protein is simply withdrawn from the cell. But some cells do die. This means that when the two kilos is regained, there is a higher fat-to-lean ratio. The more often you diet, the fatter and weaker you become, even if you are exercising.


We may give lip service to health, but the real reason most of us diet is to look better. But after several years of losing and gaining weight our skin loses its elasticity and large weight losses may leave stretch marks.

Many diets fail to satisfy the body's need for protein, which can result in loss of scalp hair after five to ten weeks. So if your favourite diet consists mainly of protein-low salads, you can look forward to shrunken muscles, fatigue, wrinkles, a bad mood and a bald head.

If this is what your doctor finds for you, find a new doctor. Dieting is dangerous and doesn't work, but the news isn't all bad. Being thin is just a fashion, and like all fashions, this one has just about run its course.

Usually when we've eaten enough the hypothalamus notes the higher blood sugar and signals the brain to stop eating. But when we are below our set point, the signal isn't sent. This is why we binge. Our stomachs may be full, but out brains respond to a cellular hunger and the impulse to continue eating remains.

This tendency to lose control and gorge is one of the most serious drawbacks to dieting. A letter to the British medical journal, Lancet, tells of the death of a twenty-three year old model who found it necessary to diet in order to keep her job.

Eventually her hunger got so out of control and in a single meal she ate "liver, kidneys, steak, eggs, cheese, bread, mushrooms, carrots, a whole cauliflower, ten peaches, four pears, two apples, four bananas, two pounds of plums, two pounds of grapes and two glasses of milk". It was a well-balanced assortment, containing all the vitamins and calories her starved body needed, but it was too much, too fast. She gained 19 pounds and then died.

Binges aren't usually fatal, but they often cause gastrointestinal cramping and diarrhoea. Bingeing is common because dieting is common. Dr Katherine Halmi of Cornell University found that 68.1 per cent of women students have experienced an eating binge, and 20 per cent consider themselves binge eaters.

Some dieters compensate for gorging by taking laxatives or diuretics. Many resort to self-induced vomiting. Dr James M Ferguson, clinical director of the eating disorder programme at the Alvarado Parkway Institute in San Diego, warns that fatalities due to bingeing and purging are increasing. The most famous case is that of Karen Carpenter, who used to sing "We've Only Just Begun".

Risks of self-induced vomiting include potassium depletion (which can be fatal); urinary infection and kidney failure; swollen salivary glands; dental cavities (from stomach acid put in contact with teeth when vomiting), muscle cramps, epileptic seizures; cessation of menstruation and infertility.

Purging is dangerous. Laxative purges won't give you cavities, but other risks are there, along with irritable bowel syndrome.

The Beverley Hills Diet is designed to produce diarrhoea, and it requires salt restriction, which is very dangerous. Too little salt combined with water loss caused by diarrhoea can result in hypovolemic shock - lowered volume of blood.
This can cause fever, muscle weakness, rapid, thready pulse and a feeling of impending doom. Blood pressure may drop to a fatal level.

The hypothalamus can't be fooled. We can stuff ourselves with grapefruit until our stomachs are painfully distended, but we still feel hungry. This is because when we start burning fat stores, we produce some "ashes". One of them is free fatty acids (FFA).

When the hypothalamus detects FFA in the blood stream, it assumes we're starving and directs the brain to eat.
Those maddening fantasies of cheeseburgers and chocolate layer cake come into being, and this is why the newest medical gadget, a plastic balloon inflated in the stomach, won't work.

The only way to stop the signal is to stop burning fat, which means eating something "forbidden". Sooner or later 98 per cent of us yield to the impulse to eat. Don't believe any diet scam that promises weight loss without hunger. You can't.

The Heart and Other Organs
Most of us diet for a week or two, lose a couple of kilos and go off the diet. A few months later we try again. Several times a year we lose muscle and gain fat. Since the heart is muscle, is too loses cells and can be seriously damaged by losing the "same" few pounds over and over again.

Both the heart and the brain are threatened by a build-up of cholesterol among dieters. Each time weight is regained, cholesterol is deposited, but losing weight doesn't remove it. Therefore, each rebound from a diet increases harmful cholesterol deposits, the risk of a heart attack and the risk of a stroke.

Studies show that rats which have been repeatedly starved and then permitted to eat at will, develop cardiac disease, arteriosclerosis and a shortened life expectancy. The problem is continual dieting, not fat. But the doctor says that being overweight is bad for your heart, so which is worse, being overweight or dieting? The answer depends on your sex.

Although more women than men are obese, women are protected from heart disease by oestrogen. Most of the studies linking obesity with heart disease were done on men, and even those are questionable.

A recent seven-country study by Dr Ancel Keys of the University of Minnesota found no significant relationship between weight and coronary disease.

For women, constant dieting seems to be worse than being overweight. Unbalanced diets tend to upset the electrolyte balance.
Electrolytes are ions of potassium, sodium, chloride bicarbonate etc.
Sometimes a dieter loses enough electrolytes to cause degeneration of the kidneys, urinary infection, and even fatal kidney failure.

Since the brain can't burn fat, the liver must take on the burden of making glucose out of fatty acids for the nervous system.
One of the by-products of burning fat is ketone bodies, they are made by the liver when there isn't enough fuel coming into the body.
If your diet is unbalanced in favour of protein, you will produce excess ketones. The kidneys then have the added work of cleansing them from the blood.

Fat and femaleness go hand in hand, because fat starts to accumulate in girls at puberty in time with a genetically set clock. Oestrogen is stored in fat, and some scientists believe there is a minimum amount of fat necessary for the onset of menstruation.

Dr Rose E Frisch of Harvard suggests that the amount of fat on an average 18 year old is just enough to see her through nine months of pregnancy and three months of breastfeeding. Since humans have always been faced with periods of famine, it is biologically sensible to require enough fat storage to ensure successful reproduction.


When the brain detects high levels of FFA in the blood, it signals to the body to conserve energy. The longer and more severely we diet, the stronger the signals. This impulse to conserve energy results in mental as well as physical depression.

Large weight losses seem to change the chemistry of the brain by reducing the catecholamine neurotransmitters.
The catecholamines are chemicals which bridge the gap between nerve cells and they are involved in control of voluntary movement, emotional arousal, learning and memory. Concentration becomes difficult during a diet as the hypothalamus continues to send signals producing food fantasies. It is a cruel and ironic twist of fate that the more moderate the diet, the worse the distraction seems to be.

If the hypothalamus believes there is no food in the environment, there is no point wasting energy seeking it. But you don't need studies to know that dieting makes us frustrated and irritable.

Dieters tire quickly, may have insomnia and lose enthusiasm for physical activity, even sex.

The Set Point
Diets don't work because our bodies are geared to maintain a certain weight. The control mechanism is in the hypothalamus, a small structure deep within the brain. It monitors the blood flow constantly, working like a thermostat.

When the blood sugar level drops, the hypothalamus signals the brain to find food and eat it. The amount of fat isn't determined by what we eat. What we eat is determined by the setpoint for which our bodies are programmed.

A recent study by Dr Labert J Stunkard of the University of Pennsylvania found that the weight of adopted children correlates with their biological, not adoptive parents, indicating that weight has more to do with genes than with learned habit. But just because the setpoint is genetic, doesn't mean it can't be changed. Smoking lowers it by a few points, while dieting raises it.

One of the best researchers in the field, Susan Woolley, of the University of Cincinnati, says that a loss of three kilos virtually assured a regain of three and half. So the person who has dieted many times may weigh far more than he or she would have if they had never dieted.

Dieting doesn't work; it may be wiser to concentrate on self-acceptance. It won't be easier but it will be healthier.

Written by: Ruth Priest Broadsheet Magazine New Zealand December


Life After Diets

An empowering alternative for women who are sick of dieting

Brought to you by Brisbane-based Karla Cameron who, through her own painful experience of being a weight loss industry ‘failure’ time and time again, shares with you a non-diet approach to natural weight management.


30 minute consultation including Di Bella Coffee and chocolates Absolutley FREE! ( valued at $35)
Introductory Seminar 1 & 1/4 hours mythbusting and thought provoking seminar could change you life. includes refreshments and reports - Bring a friend and your entry is free valued at $22

BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL. ( mention when booking)

07 3856 4989

145 Days Rd The Grange QLD

clickhere here for details.




2 Weeks till Patch Adams Arrives in Brisbane: Limited Tickets Available!

Discover True Happiness with Dr Patch Adams: October 17 Mercure Hotel Brisbane.

The global Happiness movement goes a step further in Australia in mid October with the most heartwarming social justice entrepreneur we know leading the new positive change charge. According to Dr Patch Adams, clown, humanitarian and the world's most loved MD, happiness is a choice that you make, and a practice. We can build meaningful lives that bring us joy. And it can be a simple and fun process, really.

Like the new science of Positive Psychology teaches us, happiness is not something we have to earn, deserve or that is external to us. It is the result of cultivating positive thinking, emotions, virtues and strengths that can buffer us against life's misfortunes and build lasting levels of contentment and gratification. We take the focus and energy off what is wrong with us or our situations, and apply it toward what is right.

Although Patch has brought his signature strengths of laughter, humour and playfulness and hope-dispensing to some of the world's worst war zones, natural disaster areas and to 10,000 deathbeds, his own personal "aha!" moment came through the darkness of personal depression he suffered as an eighteen year old. Overwhelmed with the violence and injustice in the world, Patch had several stints in a mental hospital prior to beginning his medical studies. However, in his last hospitalisation, the young Patch realised that one choice was to avoid or ignore the injustices, or to serve humanity. Another more complicated decision he made at the time was "to be a scientist studying joy, and to also to be it".

Not finding supportive academic research on how to live a life of joy, Patch decided he had to find his own solutions. Before he went to medical school, for social research purposes, he would ride up and down elevators in tall buildings for up to five hours a day. The study was for Patch to learn how to fall in love with people, and how to love life in each experience. He is 41 years into his own personal study, and has never had another bad day. Patch's cognitive intention of "I will never having another bad day" means that he has found the secret of how to love life, and the practice of that love, with joy being the consequence.

But why at this time of our social evolution do we need this message so badly? It is ironic that Australia is a debt-free Commonwealth, but what do we now owe to ourselves, each other and our workplaces? Are we really happy?

Depression currently causes over six million working days to be lost each year according to Beyond Blue, a national, independent, not-for-profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, anxiety and related substance misuse disorders in Australia. It has been estimated that 6.4 million Australian adults - almost half the adult population - accessed the Internet during 2005. Reportedly, more Internet users search the Web for information on depression than any other health condition. Some 200 million scripts for anti-depressant medication are written in Australia yearly.

As Patch puts it, if we do not "work to compose our joy" we lay ourselves open to depression and anxiety, boredom and indifference. It is time we individually decided to take a stand, to take control of our own happiness and learn the techniques that can lastingly us make us mentally healthy. Patch is surely a great example of walking the talk!

Hunter "Patch" Adams has been a physician for nearly 30 years now, but he has been a clown for almost 40. He is a social activist, and Founder and Director of the Gesundheit Institute, a holistic medical community that has provided free medical care to thousands of patients since it began in 1971. Thousands have seen the movie "Patch Adams" starring Robin Williams. This is your chance to get up close and personal with one of the greatest altruists and social justice entrepreneurs of our time and learn what it takes to live a personally and professionally happier life.

Patch Adams is being brought to Brisbane and Sydney for keynote seminars by Susan Welch, well known Laughter Therapist and an Authentic Happiness Coach in the new Positive Psychology. Susan has been a pioneer of the Happiness movement in this country for the past 4 years, working with over 20,000 people in health, mental health, aged care, hospitals, schools, disability, corporate and government arenas. The evolution of this grass roots social justice movement has seen her work this year transform from the Laughter Clubs of Queensland into the Empowerment Institute, a national boutique bureau providing information, speakers, trainers, coaches, products and events for personal and professional development.

For Tickets, contact Susan Welch, Empowerment Institute Pty Ltd. Email [email protected]

Book online at or phone 07 32681036 or 0413651643 for more information.




Obesity Increases Risk of Postmenopausal Breast Cancer: Free Seminars in October!

Five Brisbane Healthy Inspirations women's only weight loss and exercise centres are encouraging the local community to support Breast Cancer Month during October. The local centres will be raising funds through pink ribbon merchandise and raising awareness with free breast cancer seminars, delivered by the Queensland Cancer Fund.

Times and locations for the free seminars about breast cancer and healthy lifestyle habits are:

Kenmore Monday 9 October 9.00am - 10.00am & 5.30pm - 6.30pm 1st Floor, Kenmore Village, Corner Moggill & Brookfield Roads Ph: 3878 5222

Mitchelton Saturday 14 October 10.30am - 11.30am 12 Blackwood St, Mitchelton Ph: 3355 1149

Sunnybank Hills Saturday 14 October 10.00am - 12.00noon 70 Pinelands Rd - next to the BP garage Ph: 3345 5533

Mt Gravatt Friday 20 October 6.30pm - 7.30pm Homemaker Centre, 1230 Logan Road Ph: 3420 4233

Indooroopilly Thursday 26 October 10.30am - 11.30am Centro, 34 Coonan St - above Blockbuster Video Ph: 3378 4709

There is growing evidence that excess body weight and lack of regular physical activity increase the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer, said Healthy Inspirations' Nikki Frey.

Moderate exercise daily and some vigorous exercise may lower the risk of breast cancer by 20% to 40%. It is estimated that 11% of postmenopausal breast cancer is due to physical inactivity, says the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

2 out of 3 females aged 45 to 64 are overweight or obese, according to the National Nutrition Survey.

One in 11 Australian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer by the age of 75, and more than 2,500 women die as a result each year.

Healthy Inspirations is offering Pink Ribbon merchandise throughout October for Pink Ribbon Day on Monday 23 October to help raise funds for the Queensland Cancer Fund to conduct breast cancer research and provide essential support services for women with breast cancer and their families.

The local Healthy Inspirations centre is also offering women over 35 a free body composition analysis during Breast Cancer Month. The analysis includes a number of measurements that give an in-depth look at things like body fat percentage and fat mass. For more information phone your local centre on 1300 LOSE WEIGHT (1300 567 393) or visit

For media information contact: Chelsea McLean on 0413 792 908 or Healthy Inspirations on 1300 LOSE WEIGHT (1300 567 393)

The Queensland Cancer Fund encourages women to be familiar with the normal look and feel of their breasts and see a doctor if they notice any unusual breast changes. All women aged 40 and over have free access to the BreastScreen Australia program for mammographic screening. Women aged 50 to 69 are encouraged to have a free mammogram every two years.

For breast cancer information, visit or





Amazing Introductory Offers:For Natural Health, Fitness & Beauty Businesses!

Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link,

Optimal Health & Wellness (Cooparoo): 25% discount on first consultation. Normal $80 special $60 (inc GST). Extras such as homeopathics, herbs and supplements not included. mention when booking)

Urban Domain (City):over $200 of beauty treatments for just $89 Enjoy a facial treatment specifically tailored for your skin for $89 And receive absolutely FREE Eyebrow reshape and tint $30 FREE / Scalp, neck and shoulder massage $40 FREE / Glycolic peel or Eye treatment $55 FREE You Pay only $89.00 (Mention

Positive Balance Natural Health(Indooroopily)- 15% off your first initial consultation! ( mention

Active Life Fitness (Normal Park) 10% OFF ALL 6 & 12 MONTH MEMBERSHIPS. (mention when booking.)

The Vitality Zone(Stones Corner/Springwood)Invest in 5 massages receive one FREE! Invest in a cellular Health analysis and receive one FREE! ! (Mention Health, Wellness and Lifestyle!

Miniature Earth with Joanne Hay

check this out What’s the most Nourishing I can do about this?


Brought to you by

Short and Sweet: Mediterranean Cheddar Chicken!


50g butter 4 skinless chicken fillets 1 small eggplant, diced 2 zucchini, diced 1 red capsicum, diced 80g or 8 thick slices Australian Cheddar Cheese 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar basil leaves, to garnish


1. Melt butter in a frypan and pan-fry chicken fillets on both sides over medium heat until cooked through. 2. Add vegetables to the pan, stirring occasionally until just tender. Spoon some cooked capsicum over the chicken in the pan, top with cheddar cheese and pour vinegar over vegetables. Cover and cook until cheddar has melted. 3. Serve cheddar chicken over balsamic vegetables garnished with basil leaves.

Brought to you by

Laughter is the best medicine!

what do they call a chicken that crosses the road and rolls in the mud and then crosses the road again? a dirty double crosser

Quote of the week!

“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into." -Dr. Wayne Dyer

For a Good Cause: Why support Oxfam Australia?

Oxfam Australia is an Australian, independent, not-for-profit, secular, community-based aid and development organisation.

Our vision is of a fair world in which people control their own lives, their basic rights are achieved and the environment is sustained.

In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Zenergy!
  • Genesis Fitness !
  • Neverfail!
  • Xmas Ideas!
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.