Issue 95

Start Your Day Invigorated,Rejuvenated & Energized: with Xango!

The Product

The ultimate place to begin with the amazing product is to start with the history of the fruit that has taken over the world of network marketing.

The inhabitants of Southeast Asia were preparing Mangosteen medicines long before the first Europeans arrived in the early 1700s. The dark, purple rind was often dried and ground, then used to ward off infections both internal and external. Poultices of the fruit were used to treat parasitic skin infections. An extract from the pulp of the fruit was used to control fever, every element of the fruit, from rind to pulp to seed, was prized by the people who know the jungle's plants and fruits best. The tropical fruit was mostly valued not only for its medicinal properties but mostly for its remarkable, sweet and delicious taste. It was treasured so much that is was known throughout the land as "QUEEN OF FRUITS".

With the arrival of the Europeans and their ocean going vessels, the mangosteen was introduced to other faraway places. Queen Victoria of England, once she had tasted this imported delicacy, promptly declared it her favorite fruit, hence the name.

Today you will find the remarkable fruit growing outside of its original lands in such places as Australia, Brazil and islands of the Caribbean. And remarkably, after centuries of untold medicinal properties you can now find the Mangosteen fruit available in a singular, first to market product.

Mangosteen had ben discovered to be the fruit with the highest level of Xanthones. Xanthones were a newly discovered class of super anti-oxidants, far more powerful than what is typically found in Vitamin E, cod liver oil, etc. Of the approximately 200 known Xanthones, Mangosteen contains an amazing 43 . . . so far. From those 43 Xanthones, only about 6 have been studied in depth

. While most people know about the antioxidant benefits of Vitamins C and E, far fewer are aware of the incredibly potent antioxidant power of xanthones. Xanthones are natural chemical substances that have recently won high praise from numerous scientists and researchers. Xanthones have been studied for their medicinal potential, since they demonstrate a number of pharmaceutical properties:

* Supports microbiological balance * Maintains immune system health * Promotes joint flexibility * Provides positive mental support


Purchase 4 bottles and save $40 + FREE postage and handling! - (mention

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Dale: 0414 668 878

The Equipment Difference :with Contours Express!

Unlike many other womens fitness programs, Contours does not use the less expensive hydraulic equipment, as studies show women quickly reach their maximum capacity when using hydraulic equipment and no longer get results from their workouts. Less trips to the gym & better results for members. That's what busy women want to hear, and that's what Contours offers with our CardioFit Selectorized Equipment featuring real positive and negative resistance.

Our equipment is designed for women and sets us apart from the competition. You'll see results in much less time than with the hydraulic equipment offered by our competitors. Your exercise routine will not plateau because of the limitations of the equipment. Our equipment allows your program to grow with you. And, there's twice the benefit. CardioFit Equipment offers Positive and Negative resistance during your workout - helping you develop lean muscle, increase your metabolism and burn more calories. It maximizes the benefit of each minute spent, so you can get on with your busy life in a slimmer, more toned body in less time than ever!

If you're looking for a fun, friendly gym for women that helps you fit a workout into your busy lifestyle, look no further than Contours. Since 1998, our fitness and weight loss studios have been helping women all over the world achieve their goals.

Our innovative 29 minute workout combines the latest weight bearing equipment with a cardio workout. And unlike our competitors, we have real weights - which have been proven effective in increasing and maintaining bone density and decreasing the risk of osteoporosis.

At Contours, our friendly motivated fitness trainers are there to help you improve your fitness, increase your energy levels and even shed a few kilos. Simply ask us how.

Experience the new wave in women's fitness - it's fast, it's friendly and it's fun. Contours is unlike any other fitnesss studio - we invite you to experience the difference today.

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The Healing Crisis- What is it?: with Craig Hitchens ND!

The Healing Crisis - What is it?

Healing Crisis is a term thrown around a bit amongst various natural health practitioners and used to explain various symptoms that occur within the process of allowing the body to heal itself as nature intended. The trouble is many people who are not professionals often misuse the term and in some cases use it wrongly. Today I will as simply as possible point out some of the main things to look for when you are undergoing or suspect a healing crisis occurring. Please note that this is an outline and if you are ill you should be under the care of a professional always. This is just mean't to help you understand what a healing crisis is and is not.


Physicians and laymen have known about the healing crisis for thousands of years. During the healing process, the body tries to throw off toxins and poisons. What is known as the "healing crisis" frequently occurs in illnesses. The body seems overwhelmed with all the toxins and wastes it is trying to throw off. The organs of elimination (bowels, kidneys, lungs, skin, nasal passages, throat, bronchi, and urinary organs) become congested, crowded, and irritated.

During this crisis, that which appears to be disease symptoms appear. These may be open sores, perspiration, diarrhea, boils, colds, kidney and bladder infections, fevers, etc. But this is not a new, or intensified, disease-it is just part of the healing process. The body knows it must eliminate the wastes before it can begin rebuilding, so it works valiantly to do this.

Conventional Medical Physicians sometimes try to stop the process by introducing poisons (drugs) into the system. Immediately, the body stops throwing off wastes-stops the crisis-and turns its attention to the terrible new invader. The body may appear to be resting quietly now, with the symptoms reduced or gone; but, in actuality, it has been prostrated by the drugging.

Let us now return to a healing crisis and its symptoms. They are part of the cure, and should not be feared. Just work with the body, to help eliminate those toxic wastes. Open the channels of elimination by means of drinking water and fruit juices, fasting, enemas, colonics, showers, baths, and water treatments.

Sometimes the pain becomes severe during the crisis. Drugs taken in earlier years are being pulled out of the tissues in an effort to discard. The damage of many years is being righted.

The body arouses itself in self-defense and brings forth acute elimination of toxins in the form of a fever, cold, inflammations, itching, boils, ulcers, hemorrhages, excessive menstrual discharge, etc. Reactions vary, in accordance with how the person has been living and the condition of the body.


Available for online consultations!

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Communication in Relationships : with Clayfield Counselling!

Communication in Relationships

Communication in a relationship is extremely important, but not everyone is an effective communicator. However, it is a skill, which can be learned and is very important as ineffective communication can significantly hamper one's fulfillment in a relationship.

What is Communication?

Communication is the exchange of information between two people. It is also something that most of us probably take for granted believing that because it is something we do so commonly throughout our day, we are all masters of it, but it can be complicated. To communicate effectively, you need to be clear about the messages you are trying to convey so that your partner is able to receive and understand your message correctly. In turn, it is important for your partner to hear the message correctly and understand what you are trying to say.

Of course, we not only communicate verbally, but also non-verbally through our posture, tone of voice, and facial expressions. These non-verbal messages can sometimes be more revealing than our verbal messages.

Why is communication in relationships so important?

It is a natural human trait to want to communicate with our fellow beings. Indeed, it is essential to our emotional health and, consequently, physical health that we learn to talk and listen effectively.

In a study by Ohio State University, the level of communication in a marriage has been shown to be very important to a person's physical well-being. It was found that marital arguments upset women more than men and caused them to fall ill more often than their partners.

Dr Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, researcher and psychologist said that women are more physically responsive than men to interactions in marriage and pregnancy complications were higher in women who felt they received less support.

Source: "Hitched to Bliss" by Christina Larmer (The Sunday Mail - Body and Soul)

How can we improve our communication skills within our relationships? Communication is a skill, which can be learned and, therefore, improved. Admittedly, it can be a long, hard road, but if your relationship is worth the effort, then you'll be keen to put in the hard yards.

How are we conveying our messages (verbal and non-verbal) to our partners - are we doing it effectively and honestly?

Often we don't say what we mean or we don't hear what is being said. When we look at a relationship, we need to look at what forms that relationship, what binds it, what is the common ground we share that cements us. When we've been in a relationship for some time, we may care and love the person we are with, but do we really know them? Can we read them and not put our own interpretation on what they are saying to us?

If we can't improve our communication skills alone, who can we turn to to help us?

If you can't make any progress with improving your communication skills alone, why not visit one of our professional counsellors at Clayfield Counselling Services. Our counsellors specialise in the area of relationship counselling and we would be more than happy to make an appointment for you to help.


$10 off your first consultation!

clickhere for details 07 3862 6622





Amazing Introductory Offers:For Natural Health, Fitness & Beauty Businesses!

Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link,

Clinic Aesthetic(South Brisbane): Two for the price of one Blueberry Smoothie (Anti-oxidant Exfoliating Mask) (Not in conjunction with any other offer, One offer per customer)( mention when booking)

Urban Domain (City):over $200 of beauty treatments for just $89 Enjoy a facial treatment specifically tailored for your skin for $89 And receive absolutely FREE Eyebrow reshape and tint $30 FREE / Scalp, neck and shoulder massage $40 FREE / Glycolic peel or Eye treatment $55 FREE You Pay only $89.00 (Mention

Positive Balance Natural Health(Indooroopily)- 15% off your first initial consultation! ( mention

Active Life Fitness (Normal Park) 10% OFF ALL 6 & 12 MONTH MEMBERSHIPS. (mention when booking.)

The Vitality Zone(Stones Corner/Springwood)Invest in 5 massages receive one FREE! Invest in a cellular Health analysis and receive one FREE! ! (Mention Health, Wellness and Lifestyle!

Finding Health Close to Home: A Call for Localism By Joanne Hay

As small local businesses are replaced by national brands, communities become colonies where people hardly know each other and where neighbors are united not by social and economic ties, but by proximity only. Television and car culture contribute to the breakdown of community: no longer do we sit on the front stoop and watch people walking to the corner store, or chat at the baseball diamond and the post office. Instead we live our lives indoors, in private, except when we drive out of the neighborhood to shop, work, or socialize with carefully selected friends. Alarmed by these trends, social activists have taken up the cause of localism and the rebuilding of community. What many of us do not realize, however, is that localism is not just a worthy social cause, but an important health issue as well. (more…)


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Short and Sweet: Apricot and Banana Jaffles!


1 tablespoon apricot fruit spread 1/4 cup Australian Ricotta Cheese 4 slices raisin or fruit bread 1 banana, sliced cinnamon, for sprinkling


1. Combine fruit spread and ricotta and spread over 2 slices of bread. 2. Top with banana, sprinkle with cinnamon and top with remaining slice of bread. 3. Cook in a sandwich maker until toasted and warmed through.

Brought to you by

Laughter is the best medicine!

I went into MacDonalds yesterday and said "I'd like some fries". The girl at the counter said "Would you like some fries with that". Jay Leno

Why did the jazz musician like the wooden board? Because it had a nice groove in it!

Why don't oysters give to charity? Because they're shellfish.


Quote of the week!

“Forget the resolutions. Forget control and discipline... too much work. Instead try experimenting. Go in search of something to fall in love with...something about yourself, your career, your spouse." -- Dale Dauten

For a Good Cause: Why support the RSPCA?


To prevent cruelty to animals by actively promoting their care and protection.


To be the leading authority in animal care and protection.

In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Zenergy!
  • Peter McMahon!
  • Xmas Ideas!
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.