Issue 94

The Wizards Workshop:with Dennis Oosterman!

Dennis Oosterman – Member RA, AKA, AHA, ABH, TLTA, ABNLP, IBAHC.

Dennis has been practising Kinesiology for over 6 years. He has studied a range of healing therapies including Usui Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Kinetics and more. The focus of his appointments can be entirely RAW (Rekindled Ancient Wisdom) based as he has simply had remarkable results with intervening RAW with his clients. He is also a member of the International Board for Accelerated Human Change, works in ethical change work for children and adults, people in business and organisations.

Dennis’s work and Rekindled Ancient Wisdom have surfaced in an article as a new kinesiology style published within the 2006 spring edition of the UK’s leading Kinesiology Journal ‘In Touch Magazine’.

Level II Usui Reiki (Central Coast) Master Hypnotherapist (SYDNEY) Master Neuro Linguistic Programmer (SYDNEY) Master Time Line Therapist (SYDNEY) Level VII Rekindled Ancient Wisdom (RAW) Australian Academy of Applied Parapsychology (SYDNEY) Connection to Higher Self

All NEW clients receive a Meta-Kinesiology session including Hypnotic Re-Patterning!(minimum 2 hour session) ( mention

[email protected]

Mobile :0411 227 185

or clickhere for details located at the Valley Pool.

A Natural Blend Gives Quality of Life: with Releve!

Women suffer daily from menstrual pain and society accepts the status quo.

Women for generations have cried out for help but nobody, really listens!

Authorities offer suggestions - measures and some these are invasions of a women's rights and her personal feelings.

My young daughter was entering this new experience as she suffered monthly, my heart was very saddened as she suffered.

I felt as a father and husband that there must be an answer in the natural, drug free essential oils, which I had studied as an aromatherapist.

In my sleep I wrote down recipes for blends, until one night in a dream I wrote down the blend we now call "Releve

Instantly, when my young daughter applied the essential oil blend, her pelvic cramps, muscular and personal pain decreased significantly.

She has applied, daily, this natural blend, as many other females have also done, and many years later, they suffer no significant pain.

Lifestyles, Quality of Life, release from pain, has returned for many females who apply Releve . I along with many other males personally apply the natural essential oil for body muscular pain release.

Releve does what is states, relieves your personal pain.

You may have to refer to your health practitioner who understands your particular medical physiology.

Releve has a pleasant aroma and does not burn.

We offer families an natural pain relief, pleasant aroma, essential oil for all ages to enjoy quality of life.

Special offer for the first 200 people to purchase Releve a special introductory price of $33.00 including postage for 50ml bottle Ordering 07 3848 0243 or email [email protected] We accept phone orders /credit card




Live Everyday with Joy in Life and Work: with Patch Adams!

The global Happiness movement goes a step further in Australia with the most heartwarming social justice entrepreneur we know leading the new positive change charge for the Empowerment Institute in October. According to Dr Patch Adams, clown, humanitarian and the world's most loved MD, happiness is a choice that you make, and a practice. We can build meaningful lives that bring us joy. And it can be a simple and fun process, really. Like the new science of Positive Psychology teaches us, happiness is not something we have to earn, deserve or that is external to us. It is the result of cultivating positive thinking, emotions, virtues and strengths that can buffer us against life's misfortunes and build lasting levels of contentment and gratification. We take the focus and energy off what is wrong with us or our situations, and apply it toward what is right.

Although Patch has brought his signature strengths of laughter, humour and playfulness and hope-dispensing to some of the world's worst war zones, natural disaster areas and to 10,000 deathbeds, his own personal "aha!" moment came through the darkness of personal depression he suffered as an eighteen year old. Overwhelmed with the violence and injustice in the world, Patch had several stints in a mental hospital prior to beginning his medical studies. However, in his last hospitalisation, the young Patch realised that one choice was to avoid or ignore the injustices, or to serve humanity.

Another more complicated decision he made at the time was "to be a scientist studying joy, and to also to be it".

Not finding supportive academic research on how to live a life of joy, Patch decided he had to find his own solutions. Before he went to medical school, for social research purposes, he would ride up and down elevators in tall buildings for up to five hours a day! The study was for Patch to learn how to fall in love with people, and how to love life in each experience. He is 41 years into his own personal study, and has never had another bad day.

Patch's cognitive intention of "I will never having another bad day" means that he has found the secret of how to love life, and the practice of that love, with joy being the consequence.

Thousands have seen the movie "Patch Adams" starring Robin Williams. This is your chance to get up close and personal with one of the greatest altruists and social justice entrepreneurs of our time and learn what it takes to live a personally and professionally happier life.

Patch Adams is being brought to Brisbane and Sydney for keynote seminars by Susan Welch, well known Laughter Therapist and an Authentic Happiness Coach in the new Positive Psychology. Susan has been a pioneer of the Happiness movement in this country for the past 4 years, working with over 15,000 people in health, mental health, aged care, hospitals, schools, disability, corporate and government arenas. The evolution of this grass roots social justice movement has seen her work this year transform from the Laughter Clubs of Queensland into the Empowerment Institute, a national boutique bureau providing information, speakers, trainers, coaches, products and events for personal and professional development. Her aim is to unite people globally with solutions in health, wealth and happiness.

Book online at or phone 07 32681036 or 0413651643 for more information. Ticket sales in part and merchandise sold at the Brisbane and Sydney keynote events goes to support the good work of Sids and Kids Qld, and Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital Research Foundation. The Empowerment Institute is proudly supported by, Living Now Magazine, RSVP, In the Know Corporate Gig Guide, NT Pages and the Bayside Smart Business Network Association.




The Many Meanings of Mother : with Clayfield Counselling!

The Making of a Mother
"Mother", she must be one of the most revered, loved and idealized people to walk the earth, and yet, she is also often one of the most maligned, despised and taken for granted. Not so long ago, it was assumed that all women were born "little mothers". That they are given a kind of maternal gene along with their uterus which enables them to be fantastic parents from the moment a child is born to them. We understand now that this isn't true. The truth is that there are some men and women that make wonderful parents, and others that should never have children. Unfortunately reproductive abilities don't always reflect this, and so we have people who should be parents but are unable to have children and too many children born to parents who are inadequate or abusive. Many of our clients here at Clayfield Counselling Services have experienced this truth first hand, in one way or another.

Is it Enough to be just Good Enough?
Attitudes towards women and motherhood have changed and it is now, for the most part, recognised that women should have every opportunity to choose the life that's right for them, whether that be career, family, study or any combination. Unfortunately, although many women enjoy being both a mum and having a career or studying, many feel that being "just a mum" isn't contributing enough and they take on other roles to prove their worth.
There is pressure now to be Supermum, the woman who excels at parenting, intimate relationships, housekeeping, career and personal image. So many women feel the need to focus their energy into many different directions at once and, to their credit, manage to perform well in all the roles they juggle. However, many women don't cope as well, for a variety of reasons, becoming stressed and depleted; it is often their children that pay the greatest price.

That which has traditionally been classed as women's work is commonly dismissed as menial. The wiping of children's noses is often sadly equated with the mopping of floors but if you ask any adult about their childhood you'll understand how important parenting is. If a child is inadequately parented, it is virtually impossible for him/her to grow up into an emotionally healthy, well balanced adult without help and a lot of work. The role a mother plays in her child's life is so incredibly important, both to the child and to the society in which the child will live.

The Loving, the Abusive and the Negligent
Let's face it; parents are first and foremost human beings. Nobody is perfect and all parents make mistakes. However, there is a difference between a parent who makes mistakes and one who is abusive or negligent.

Many of our clients have experienced abuse and neglect at the hands of the very people that were supposed to love and care for them. The lack of a loving parent has a great impact on a child's developmental progress. Self-esteem, self-confidence, interpersonal skills and relationships all suffer and anxiety, depression and anger are common occurrences when a child is neglected or abused.

The Many Meanings of Mother
Motherhood is a heart attitude. It is not reserved only for those women that give birth to children, as the many mums with adopted and foster children will tell you. Nor is it purely the care of children that makes a mother as many women who have given up their child for adoption or have experienced a miscarriage, abortion or the birth of a stillborn child understand.

If you think you may have been affected by any of the issues we've touched on in this newsletter and might benefit from talking to a counsellor why not phone us to make an appointment?

As for those of you who are lucky enough to have a great Mum, or you're married to one, why not do something special for her this Sunday? Let her know she's doing a great job, she deserves it. INTRODUCTORY OFFER

$10 off your first consultation!

clickhere for details 07 3862 6622





Amazing Introductory Offers:For Natural Health, Fitness & Beauty Businesses!

Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link,

Call Fitness Market @ 1800 635 685 As part of our September birthday sale, we are offering a Marquee MB101 exercise bike for FREE*! Buy any Marquee Treadmill listed below during the month of September and we will give you an exercise bike for free! That's a massive saving of $349! This great offer is available from as low as $29 per fortnight on Fitness Market EZI-Pay where you pay no interest ever!( mention when booking)

Stephanies Natural Beauty (NEW City location):

*Celebration One FREE SKIN REFRESHER - On any Beauty Treatment Booked at Stephanies Natural Beauty.

*Celebration Two "The ultimate in skin pampering & intensive results"

*Celebration Three "The secret to revitalising the body and relaxing the mind" (click here for full details) ( when booking)

Bio Beauty - Spring Into Health - offer from Bio-Beauty Health. Receive a Free jar of amazing Gotu Kola Healing Balm with every light therapy system. It offers real pain relief and rejuvenation using light and colour therapy. You can think of it as a great big vitamin pill made of SUNSHINE!! Treat 78 ailments in the comfort of your own home(all tested and approved worldwide by 5000 doctors). It is approved as a medical device by the stringent EU licence 93/42/EEC and is listed with Austalian TGA go to or phone 1300 88 40 46(mention

Hairfree Centres (National) For your first FREE* treatment, call Hair Free NOW on 1300 665 338. (mention when booking.)

Magnolia Bliss Natural Therapies(city)10% off the regular cost of your first service! (Mention Health, Wellness and Lifestyle!

GM Crops Latent Pesticides Activated After Eating By Joanne Hay

| Posted September 8, 2006 Just another reason to eat organic (as if we needed any more). According to a recent article from the Institute for Responsible Technology, certain varieties of herbicides used on genetically modified (GM) crops — though inactive inside the plants they protect — can be re-activated after consumption and cause toxic reactions. (more…)


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Short and Sweet: Greek Almond Yogurt Cake!


125g butter, softened ? cup caster sugar ? cup Australian Natural Greek Style Yogurt 2 large eggs, lightly beaten 1 ? cups self-raising flour, sifted 1/3 cup slivered almonds, roughly chopped icing sugar, for dusting


1. Cream butter and sugar together until light and creamy. Fold in yogurt. Gradually mix in eggs alternately with flour until well combined and stir in almonds. 2. Pour into a buttered ring tin and bake at 180?C for 30-40 minutes until a skewer inserted in the centre of the cake comes out clean and the cake is golden brown. 3. Allow to cool for 5 minutes before removing from tin onto a wire cake rack to cool. Serve dusted with icing sugar.

Brought to you by

Laughter is the best medicine!

How do you make a bandstand? Take away their chairs!

What did Mother broom say to Baby broom? It's time to go to sweep.

What did the big chimney say to the small chimney? You are too little to smoke.

Quote of the week!

"Life is like a ten-speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use.”” Charles M. Schulz, cartoonist

For a Good Cause: Why support Deaf Children Australia?

For over 140 years Deaf Children Australia has been enriching the lives of deaf and hearing impaired children and young adults. Deaf Children Australia provides information, advocacy, support services and educational resources that respond to the needs of these children and their families. We believe in the right of choice and equality of opportunity. Our point of difference is our willingness to respond to the needs of all deaf and hearing impaired children, including those with disabilities.

In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Zenergy!
  • Peter McMahon!
  • Contours express !
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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