Issue 91

How Can Pilates Benefit me over other forms of Exercise :with Pilates on Macgregor!

How can Pilates benefit me over other forms of exercise with Pilates on Macgregor One question that I often get asked when being introduced as a Pilates coach is " How would Pilates benefit me over other forms of exercise"?

In answer I would say that all exercise types have their own specific outcomes or goals and Pilates is no different. It really depends on what the individual wants to achieve with exercise and whether Pilates fits that criteria.

Here is a list of the "key" benefits that I have experienced and observed in Pilates.

  • Strengthens the "core"(Without being too specific, the core muscles refer to abdominals, lower back, pelvic floor and gluteals )
  • Develops strength and tone in muscles in a balanced fashion (both sides and front and back of the body)
  • Improves balance
  • Improves posture
  • Improves coordination
  • Lengthens shortened muscles and strengthens weak muscles
  • Creates awareness of ones postural and movement habits and promotes self correction
  • Helps correct some dysfunctional movement patterns in the body
  • Helps to relax and de stress the body through focused, coordinated movement and breathing

    In conclusion may I say that all of the above result in a body which moves in a more efficient and functional manner. When your body is moving with freedom and ease, you feel lighter, more relaxed and better able to cope.


Invest in a block of 10 (after the initial consultation) and receive an extra one free!

clickhere for detail.

email [email protected] or call 61 7 3367 0360/0413155005

Self Esteem and Happiness: with Clayfield Counselling!

We're not good enough. You only need to flip open a magazine or switch on the TV to see it's true. We need to be sexier, thinner, fitter, younger and then- and only then- will our lives get better. Ageing gracefully? Forget it! With this ageing population we keep hearing about, you'd think that wrinkles and wisdom would be the new black but alas no, we're still expected to look at least 10 years younger. So much so that it's quite common for people to regularly inject poison into their face or have bits of their body sliced open, sucked out, stapled and pumped up. It's not enough for Mums to go through pregnancy and give birth anymore- now they've got to be yummy as well. Even the men haven't escaped. In a somewhat dubious win for equality, the dawn of the metrosexual has seen cosmetic houses create new lines of beauty products and makeup just for the boys. Little girls that haven't had a pimple yet let alone a wrinkle are being "pampered" at the beauty salon. One would think that these little girls would be the most beautiful and confident little girls around but read on.

Happiness- the elusive holy grail
94% of girls aged 18 and under wish they were more beautiful and 85% of women aged 40 and over think they're not as beautiful as the average woman. With all these new scientific advances in cosmetics and surgery all the things the advertisers have been telling us we need in order to be happy are within our reach, but for some reason our society just keeps getting more miserable and the drug companies are making a fortune in anti-depressants. Why is that? Could it be that being beautiful isn't the answer after all?

Healthy not Harmful
The image we project to the world tells other people something about us. If we're healthy we'll look healthy. If we value and respect ourselves we'll spend some time on grooming. Being overweight is just as unhealthy as being underweight and although food should be enjoyed, it is available in such abundance and so much of it is over processed and full of additives that we do need to be careful about what we choose to put into our body. But when guilt and shame are behind our reasons for dieting, grooming and presenting a certain image then we need to stop and reconsider.

"…the culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves. We're teaching the wrong things. And you have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn't work, don't buy it." - Morrie Schwartz

It's all a matter of priorities
We've mentioned in previous newsletters the importance of having self esteem and living life on our own terms. The reality is that most of us are never going to be supermodels or movie stars and let's be honest is that really any great blow? Look closely at the lives of the beautiful people; behind most of those pretty faces lies dysfunction, sadness and anxiety. Instead of struggling to be someone we're not and don't really want to be, perhaps we should concentrate on being the best we can be. Spend less time looking in the mirror and look instead at your family, friends and community. Instead of trying to reduce your laughter lines, make the most of them by smiling at all the people you love- trust me they'll think you're beautiful lines and all.

So next time you're tempted to listen to those ads which dare to suggest you're not good enough just as you are, have another look in the mirror and appreciate all your unique beauty. Beauty can be found everywhere- we just need to recognise it when we see it and appreciate it for what it is
clickhere for details 07 3862 6622


$10 off your first consultation!




Salon Skin Car vs Shop bought: with Beau Lys Skin Therapy & Beauty!

Are you using the right skin care for your skin?

Are you constantly going from product to product only to get a result for a little while then what you are trying to cure starts happening all over again?

Did you know that most acne products that you buy contain a product called benzyl peroxide? This product works at band aiding the problem and not actually fixing the problem in fact benzyl peroxide can cause excessive dryness, thus causing more problems like premature aging.

What you need to do is to fight the problem at the source and actually control the oil and remove the dead skin cells that build up on the skin. With a good quality product from a professional salon and then armed with the correct instruction for use and application, you can get your skin looking and feeling great without drying your skin out or stripping the skin of its natural oil and ph level.

Too many mainline products use the philosophy of stripping the skin to get rid of the oil and then try to bring the ph level back to normal. Unfortunately this seldom works.

Our skin needs sebum (oil) to keep the skin looking young and hydrated. It is well known that if a true "dry skin" person and a true "oily skin" person were to do nothing with their skin the true "dry skin" person's skin will age faster than the true "oily skin" person's skin. So saying this, we need to teach the skin to produce the correct amount of oil for our skin and this is where an educated and qualified therapist comes in.

Here at Beau Lys - Skin Therapy and Beauty we use a great salon only product called Joyce Blok. Joyce Blok uses naturally found essential oils to help bring your skin into a healthy balance of sebum.

Come in and experience this for yourself.


If you mention we will give you an Executive Facial, a Joyce Blok Cleanser, Toner, and Moisturiser package for only $135.00, normally $176.00. These products are integral to you skin care regime and the Executive Facial is a 45 minute skin work-out and is a great way to start you on your way to healthy skin.

Call 07 3824 4379 located in Alexandra Hills


Don't Become a Statistic: Start Exercising with Southbank Fitness!

Target audience: General community

Don't become a statistic!

  • Obesity
  • Osteoporosis
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Arthritis

    If there was a magic pill that would reduce your risk of developing any or all of these conditions, we'd be lining up for a prescription, right?

    What so many of us don't realise is that the desired magic solution IS actually available! It's called exercise and it's available right now!

    Now before you stop reading, because the thought of exercise makes you break out in a sweat, or if the mere word conjures up hideous images of fluorescent lycra or grunting bodybuilders, here's something to help put your mind at ease.

    Exercise these days needn't be difficult, a chore or unenjoyable. Exercising and reducing your risk of developing all of the above conditions is a lot easier than you might think, and a great deal more fun than you ever imagined! Think about this - wouldn't you like to:
  • See more of your friends or family?
  • Meet new people and make new friends?
  • Establish a routine to your day/week?
  • Feel more mobile and energetic?
  • Feel healthier?
  • Sleep more soundly and regularly?

    If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then you're just one step away from creating a more fulfilled life and a healthier you.
    For more information on how you can reduce your health risks and create a healthier you, phone (07) 3844 711


14 days for $14 - Join within the 14 days for 12 months and receive 1 month free! ( mention

clickhere for details





Amazing Introductory Offers:For Natural Health, Fitness & Beauty Businesses!

Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link,

Contours Express (Newmarket): 75% off start up fees! (conditions apply) ( mention to redeem)

Ocean of Beauty( Mt Gravatt): Youthfull Immersion facial (Cleanse, exfoliate,tone,moisturise) 20 min back massage & Mini Pedicure, (feet only soak,scrub,massage) $60.00.(mention when booking)

Releve (National) RELEVE FOR MENSTRUAL PAIN Discounts available on bulk purchase! mention when booking.

Hand Made Naturals (Highgate Hill) For all 'My Health Specials' customers a 'one of' offer of 10% discount when you purchase the 3 products mentioned together ie: Jojoba Cream Cleanser, Organic Rose Water, Rose Hip & Jojoba Face Cream. Total cost of the 3 would normally be $36.50 with 10% discount this brings it down to $32.85 plus receive a complimentary facial sponge(valued at $2.50) to use with the Jojoba Cream cleanser. (when you mention myhealthspecials!)

Movement Fitness Centre(Buranda)1 week absolutley FREE including a 30 min Personal Training Session! - Mention

Amigo Juice(National)- Purchase Amigo juice at $65 delivered and get 1 x 90 BONUS bottle of Mangosteen Plus. capsules "FREE " Save $27.50 join as a wholesaler or distributor today and receive 2 x 90 BONUS Bottles of mangosteen plus capsules "FREE" Save $55 purchase 9 Bottles of mangosteenplus @ $20.50 per bottle and receive 1 can of Amigo Juice or Amigo Capsules "FREE " Save $128 "WE WON'T BE BEATEN ON PRICE (mention Health, Wellness and Lifestyle!

Apricot Butter By Joanne Hay

When you’ve guests coming and you forgot dessert, the kids are on the winge for something yummy or you just want a sweet snack, Apricot Butter is perfect. It’s rich Butterscotch Schnapps taste makes it a winner on every occasion. You can put it with cream or quark, on porridge with cream, on pancakes or toast or just eat it by itself. Kids love it in their lunch boxes. It’s a great way to give them a dose of bowel bacteria without stretching the friendship. (more…)


Brought to you by

Short and Sweet: Chicken and Garden Vegetable Risotto



Makes 6 400g skinless chicken breast, cut into strips cooking oil spray 1 onion, finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, crushed 2 cups arborio rice 3 low salt chicken stock cubes, dissolved in 4 cups of boiling water 2 cups Australian Low Fat Milk, heated until just boiling 60g baby spinach leaves 1/2 cup frozen peas, thawed 1 bunch (8 spears) asparagus, cut into 3cm lengths and blanched 50g grated Australian Parmesan Cheese 30g shaved Australian Parmesan Cheese, extra


1. Grill chicken breast on both sides until cooked through. Cut into slices and reserve. 2. Lightly spray saucepan with cooking oil, add onion and garlic and cook until soft. Add rice and stir for 1 minute or until the rice is toasted. Add stock 1 cup at a time, stirring constantly over low heat until all the liquid is absorbed before adding more stock. Continue until all the stock is absorbed. Add hot milk, 1 cup at a time until absorbed and rice is tender. 3. Stir through sliced chicken, spinach leaves, peas, asparagus and parmesan. Serve topped with extra shaved parmesan.

Energy: 1997 Sugar: 6 Protein: 33 Sodium: 302 Calcium: 289 Fat: 10.2 SaFa: 4.4 Iron: 2 Carbohydrate: 61 Fibre: 3


Brought to you by

Laughter is the best medicine!

What happened to the frog that parked illegally?

It was toad.

Quote of the week!

There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid. -Gandhi

For a Good Cause: Why support The Smith Family?

The Smith Family is a national, independent, social enterprise that supports disadvantaged Australian children create a better future through education.

In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • The Wizards Workshop!
  • Holistic Dental !
  • Peter McMahon!
  • Patch Adams !
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.