Issue 89

Taking the Mystery out of Permanent Hair Reduction: With Bodysync!

Taking the Mystery out of Permanent Hair Reduction. With the warmer months looming ahead, everyone wants to be hair free in time for summer.

When it comes to beauty treatments, few subjects cause more confusion than Permanent Hair Reduction. Laser, Intense Pulsed Light, S-IPL - what does it all mean, and which one will bring the best results?

To cut through all the mystery and hype, there are two 'light-based' methods of removing hair - Laser, and Intense Pulsed Light. Both types aim to target the dark hair bulb with light, which converts to heat, destroying the bulb and preventing new hairs growing. Best results are achieved with dark hair and fair skin.

The difference between the two technologies is with the type of light they use. Laser has been around for many years and uses a single light frequency, while Intense Pulsed Light operates over a broad frequency spectrum. This makes Intense Pulsed Light far more flexible, as it allows the operator to tailor the machine's settings to best suit your skin type, pigment, sensitivity, and hair colour.

The latest term in the hair removal industry is S-IPL, or Super Intense Pulsed Light. This simply means that the machines are high powered compared to older or cheaper units, and can achieve much better results. As a general guide, using S-IPL on fair skin with dark hair, you could expect up to 40% reduction with just one treatment. Underarms, bikinis, legs, and men's backs often require 4 to 6 treatments one month apart to achieve the desired result.

At Body Sync, we tried several types of systems until we arrived at S-IPL. There are several brands on the market but we found that the Chromolite and Multilux systems achieved exceptional results with fewer treatments, and now we won't use anything else.


If you'd like to try S-IPL Hair Reduction, subscribers to Naturally Happy receive 15% off all S-IPL prices including specials, which you can find online at . You will also find answers to commonly asked questions, plus an online booking form if you'd like to start the challenge to be hair free for summer.

call 33 424 424 email [email protected]

Hay Fever with Christine Vandenburgh ND:Vanden Bergh Natural Therapies!

Hayfever affects more than 10% of the population and is characterised by episodic sneezing, runny nose and eyes, conjuctival, nasal and throat itching. It occurs in response to wind blown pollens and grasses (mainly in the spring & summer months) in individuals with a family history of allergy such as urticaria/hives, dermatitis and asthma.

Some individuals do have persistent symptoms during all seasons. Perennial allergic rhinitis occurs in response to allergens that are present all year round such as house dust, dust mite, animal dander and moulds.

The mechanisms involved in hayfever are linked to an immuno-allergic inflammation. During an allergic reaction, the nasal mucosa shows profound submucosal oedema with infiltration by Eosinophils (white blood cells) representing a prolonged and persistent late phase reaction. Nasal polyps are a frequent complication of hayfever and contain oedema fluid increasing the obstructive symptoms.

Antihistamine medications do not cure the condition, but only control some of the symptoms. They may have significant side-effects including drowsiness, the possibility of drug interactions and rebound phenomenon.

Causes and Triggers

1. Environmental

2. Food sensitivities

3. Stress

4. Poor digestion/Leaky gut

5. Genetic predisposition

6. Lymphatic congestion

Naturopathic treatment includes nutritional/ herbal supplements, herbal medicines & homeopathics, that manage the symptoms without side-effects. Also, investigate whether there are other allergens, such as foods, (i.e. wheat, dairy, yeasts, and processed foods) which can be avoided. Between seasons, boost the immune system, detoxify the body and identify as many allergens as possible to reduce the allergenic load and commence on a homoeopathic desensitization program.

For appt's please call 07 3352 6799 visit

or email [email protected]




Ortho-Bionomy:Effective Gentle Pain relief!

Ortho-Bionomy Ortho-Bionomy is a system of bodywork that was developed by Dr Arthur Lincoln Pauls in the 1970s in Britain. This therapy is used to promote wellbeing and to assist the relieving of pain and restrictions that may be caused by injuries, poor posture, stress-related problems and structural problems. Ortho-Bionomy is based on techniques found in judo, homeopathy and osteopathy and is designed to be gentle. In addition to practitioner-based exercises and corrections, a person can also practice some self-help techniques to assist in the everyday management of their condition. Ortho-Bionomy is suitable for both the novice and the professional and, because it is so gentle, it is suitable for all age groups.

Foundation Classes are open to all who have an interest in the healing of themselves, members of their families or making it a part of their current practice.

Details of future classes are available on

What Ortho-Bionomy is About

Ortho-Bionomy is about re-educating the body, so that it is able to maintain balance and function as well as possible. Some techniques used in this therapy include joint compressions, gentle movements and the use of preferred positions. These are all designed to stimulate the body's natural healing functions and self-balancing reflexes.

Conditions that can be Treated by Ortho-Bionomy Ortho-Bionomy can help with the following conditions, amongst others:
* joint pain, restriction or dysfunction
* muscle pain or injury
* repetitive strain injuries
* whiplash
* chronic back and neck pain
* frozen shoulder
* migraines
* curvatures of the spine
* differences in leg lengths
* rehabilitation after surgery
* poor sleep patterns
* depression
* stress-related problems

The Treatment Process

This treatment is designed to be non-invasive and clients are usually fully clothed throughout a session. The emphasis is on the comfort of the client. Work may be performed on a massage table, or with the client sitting or standing. This is a cooperative therapy in that the client and the practitioner work together.
In a treatment session, the following may be performed: positional release; range of motion exploration, posture exercises, lymphatic work, energy movements, isometrics and isotonics, and subtle physical movements.

A typical treatment session lasts for around an hour and clients generally undergo anywhere from two to four sessions with a practitioner before an ongoing program of self-care is prescribed. However, the number of sessions required depends on the severity of a person's condition and on the individual themselves. Sessions are usually held weekly.

Ortho-Bionomy and Other Treatments
Ortho-Bionomy works with traditional modern medicines and alternative therapies and complements existing treatment that the client may be receiving. It should not be used as a replacement for treatment for urgent medical condition such as a broken bone, however, once the urgency has passed, it can be used to help rehabilitate the body.

Anne Paterson operates a Practice at Alexandra Hills in Brisbane and can be contacted on 07 3824 3700 or [email protected]

As Database Manager for Society of Ortho-Bionomy in Queensland she could find a Practitioner close to your locality.

Food that once sustained us: now tips the scales against us!


Understanding how food has evolved over centuries could help explain why more than half of Australian women and two thirds of men are overweight today.

Sunnybank Hills Healthy Inspirations owner Tracey Johnson says the history of food gives an interesting insight into why there is a rise in health disorders associated with food.

"We have more food availability throughout the year and more information about food than ever before, yet we are more confused and eating more poorly than generations ago," Mrs Johnson said.

"Food used to be about fighting for survival, now it's about fighting to survive food.

"Nothing is bad when it comes to the foods commonly given villain status. We simply need to understand their place in our diets."

So what has changed in the last generation that has led to the dramatic increase in body weight and associated diseases? Mrs Johnson says comparing a typical 1950s after- school snack with the highly processed afternoon tea of today calorie for calorie is a good example.

"Mums of the 1950s could be accused of being boring cooks with little flair for bringing out the best in food. Now anyone can wander into the supermarket and get a ready-made sauce, a few vegetables and some meat and prepare in 10 minutes the equivalent of a curry that is fit for a Maharajah. That's only on Monday night… On Tuesday we can dine like an Italian Prince and so it goes on.

"In the past, the wealthy were always associated with being overweight, having gout and being bad tempered because they were the only ones who could afford to have such rich food prepared for them. Now it is our turn!"

Examples of how staple foods have evolved into less healthy foods include grains, oil and alcohol.

"If we went back to the way grains were once used in foods it would be nowhere near as calorie rich or as tempting as today," Mrs Johnson said. "Now cheap grains can be very highly processed using machinery invented over the last century and perfected since the second world war. This means we now have easy access to what were once exotic foods like croissants, cakes and bread.

"Oil has also become associated with many of the 'bad things' in our diet. Originally oil was only available to the rich in small quantities because it was expensive to produce. It was a source of vitamins and nutrients that helped survive seasonal fluctuations in fruits and vegetables. It could be stored to keep people in good health.

"Today we use large quantities of cheap and processed oils to soak our fried foods and add texture as we cook. In the cooking process, we change the nutrient value of the food. Heated oil turns into a 'trans fat' which is associated with many cancers.

"Alcohol was also used in old times to supplement poor diets with vitamins and minerals when crops were scarce. Something like the beer we now consume was provided daily to farm labourers for sustenance. Now we have a rich diet and a glass of alcohol at the end of the day can tip the scales against us," Mrs Johnson said.

Healthy Inspirations combines a resistance-based exercise circuit with healthy eating plans based on supermarket foods, relaxation and one-on-one support three times a week for lasting weight loss. The Sunnybank Hills centre also houses a beautician, massage therapist, life coach, naturopath, aromatherapist and image consultant, and offers women-only workshops on parenting, women's health and self-development.



Call for an Obligation-Free FREE Trial Week ( mention

Click the below links for your local area,

Healthy Inspirations - Sunnybank Hills 07 3345 5533

Healthy Inspirations - Indooroopilly 07 3378 4709

Healthy Inspirations - Kenmore 07 3878 5222

Healthy Inspirations - Mitchelton 07 3355 1149

Healthy Inspirations - Mt Gravatt 07 3420 4233

Healthy Inspirations - Palm Beach 07 5598 4845




Amazing Introductory Offers:For Natural Health, Fitness & Beauty Businesses!

Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link,

Ocean of Beauty( Mt Gravatt): Youthfull Immersion facial (Cleanse, exfoliate,tone,moisturise) 20 min back massage & Mini Pedicure, (feet only soak,scrub,massage) $60.00.(mention when booking)

Pilates Head To Toe( Fortitude Valley) Buy a matwork course and receive a FREE class - minimum purchase 8 classes.(mention myhealthspecials when booking)

Massage Mat(National) Save $30 Normally priced at $290, purchase for $260 (including GST & delivery) (when you mention myhealthspecials!)

Bodysense Natural Health & Beauty(wavell Heights) Book a Performance Facial and enjoy a delightful Head and Scalp Massage Free! Revitalise your feet with a Ritual Foot Bath, complimentary when you book a one hour Massage! ( mention when booking).

Amigo Juice(National)- Purchase Amigo juice at $65 delivered and get 1 x 90 BONUS bottle of Mangosteen Plus. capsules "FREE " Save $27.50 join as a wholesaler or distributor today and receive 2 x 90 BONUS Bottles of mangosteen plus capsules "FREE" Save $55 purchase 9 Bottles of mangosteenplus @ $20.50 per bottle and receive 1 can of Amigo Juice or Amigo Capsules "FREE " Save $128 "WE WON'T BE BEATEN ON PRICE (mention Health, Wellness and Lifestyle!

India Kicks Out Coke and Pepsi By Joanne Hay

2006 Seven Indian states have banned the sale of these and other soft drinks in schools. But they’re not doing it for the same reason as Victorian schools did earlier this year. India’s centre for Science and Environment last week released results of its tests on 57 samples of soft drinks made by Pepsi and Coca Cola which revealed they contained residues of pesticides 24 times higher than the Indian standards. CSE said almost all soft drinks sold in India contain high levels of pesticides. (more…)


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Short and Sweet: Strawberry Blush!



1/2 punnet strawberries, reserve 1 strawberry for decoration 1 tablespoon water 1 cup Australian Skim Milk 200g tub Australian Reduced Fat Vanilla Yogurt 1 teaspoon honey


1. Blend the strawberries and water in a blender until smooth. Pour 1/4 of the puree into the base of two chilled serving glass.

2. Add the milk, yogurt and honey to the blender and process until smooth. Pour carefully down the side of glass. Garnish with a strawberry half.

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Laughter is the best medicine!

Karate Dog

Harold's new job had him working really late. He decides to get his wife a watchdog. He goes to the pet store and asks for a doberman.

The employee said, "If its a guard dog you want I have a dog just for you." The man walks to the back of the store to get a dog and comes back with a little poodle. Harold says, "This small thing, a watch dog? You're kidding, right?" The employee says, "No, this dog is special; he knows karate." "Karate? I don't believe it," Harold says. The employee puts the dog down and says, "Karate the sign." And he points to a sign advertising dog food. The dog runs up and rips the sign to shreds. Harold is amazed at this.

The employee then says, "Karate the chair." And he points to a chair in the corner. The dog runs up and rips the chair to shreds. By now Harold is convinced. "I'll take him," he says. When he gets home he surprises his wife and she yells out, "This little thing, a watch dog? No way." Harold says, "But this dog knows karate." "Karate," she yells. "Karate my ass

Quote of the week!

The important thing is not to stop questioning. -Albert Einstein

For a Good Cause: Why support Lifeline?

Lifeline in Australia Lifeline was founded in 1963 by the late Reverend Dr Sir Alan Walker as a telephone crisis service of the Methodist Central Mission in Sydney. Lifeline now provides all Australians with access to our 24-hour telephone counselling service on 13 11 14. This service is available to anyone in Australia needing emotional support, for the cost of a local call. Lifeline currently offers services through 41 Lifeline Centres, operating from 59 locations Australia wide. In addition to telephone counselling and National Programs, Lifeline Centres offer many services specific to the needs of their local communities.

In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Brandon Raynor Natural Therapies
  • Health & Harmony College!
  • Riverside Fitness!
  • Natural Health Clinics!
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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