Issue 73

Seasons of Life: with Healthwise Clinic!

Everything in life has a season, the year we know has spring, summer, autumn & winter.
Spring is a time of expansion, the days get longer & warmer, our energy should improve, plants burst into life, many animals give birth to their young.
Summer is a time of maximum growth and maximum warmth, our energy should be at its peak, the days are longer, we need less rest and our resistance is at its best.
Autumn is a time of slowing down and preparing for winter, the days are getting shorter & cooler. This is when we need to prepare for winter by getting enough rest and the correct nourishment for winter.
Winter is the time of maximum rest, the days are shorter and cooler we often need more sleep, if we run ourselves down in winter we are going to be that much more susceptible to infection and illness.

Prior to our modern age we lived by the seasons, went to bed when it was dark, got up with the sun. The season dictated what foods were available. All the advantages of modern life make a lot of what we do easier but it also enables us to work harder and longer, a lot of the food that is consumed is devoid of goodness through processing or poor soil conditions. All this leads to people becoming more stressed and run down and as such more susceptible to illness. The illnesses are not only colds and flu but also chronic degenerative conditions such as arthritis, heart disease and cancer.

I mentioned earlier that everything has a season, the day also has a season. Sunrise is the beginning of spring and the morning is the springtime. This should be a time of activity and nourishment.
Midday or from about 11am to 3pm is summer time in the day, the day is at it warmest and our energy should be at its peak.
Late afternoon from 3pm to about 7pm is the autumn time when warmth, energy and light is reducing, we should be winding down and starting to relax.
The evening is the wintertime of the day, it gets dark, temperature reduces, it is a time of rest and recuperation to prepare for the next day.
This seasonal aspect to the day is why shift working is so hard on our health and why shift workers generally have more health problems.
Just as the year and the day has a season so does our life. When we are born this is our spring time, maximum growth and development mark our early years.
From our early 20's to about 40 is our summer we should be at our peak, our bodies should be at maximum development, our health should be at its best.
From 40 to 60 we are in the autumn of our lives slowing a little, body warmth often lessens, this is when we need to prepare for the next stage in our lives.
From 60 on we are in the winter of our lives still able to live a full and healthy life but needing to respect any limitations we have and live and eat accordingly.
If we are fortunate enough to be born in spring, then we are being born in accordance with the seasons, this is seen to be particularly beneficial.
Every year our birthday is seen to be the beginning of spring for our personal life calendar, so even if our birthday is in July this is our springtime.
In Chinese medicine it is believed that the 3 months preceding your birthday is the hardest time to improve your health as it is the winter of our personal calendar. The three months after your birthday is the best time for recovery, growth and repair as this is the springtime.

If we respect all the stages of our lives we can look forward to a life well lived and an optimization of our potential. At any stage of our lives there are things we can do to improve our health and well being but obviously the earlier we start the better.

Wishing you a great autumn David & Zam Healthwise clinic


15% off all medication on your first visit!

click here for details

5th Floor Morris Towers 149 Wickham Terrace Brisbane



Creating Extraordinary Relationships:with Catherine Connolly!

Many people think of relationships as something we have rather than something we do. But this mode of thinking tends to create the illusion that it is something out side of ourselves that we have no control over. So, when there is difficulty in relating there tends to be a focus of blame on the other and a desire for them to change.

In any situation in which we are relating to another person there are 2 perspectives being communicated, each person then being responsible for how they are giving their 50% to the equation. The only way we can change the quality of the communication is to be responsible for our own 50% of how well we are contributing to mutual understanding, agreements and solutions.

This is easy when we are in rapport and are able to remain unemotional. In these moments we take the time to listen, ask useful questions and clarify we understand each other. We can even cope with the other person being upset, without buying in and are able to seek to bring out their needs and solutions.

One of the key things that allow this type of relating is that our attention is on creating solutions and understanding with the other person rather than on being right. We are clear on the value of communicating itself; good communicators have a clarity of the purpose of the communication.

This leads to a focus of attention on the quality of the communication rather than on their own ego. Being able therefore to be fully present to listen, clarify and give equal rights to all opinions requires a state of centeredness and a strong sense of self worth. It is from this place that there's no need to prove yourself so can have respect for all others and their differing opinions.

Install The Qualities of Your Ideal Relationships

Our closest relationships are our greatest teachers as we can have a lot of emotion invested in them and sometimes this vulnerability can lead us into having to win rather than listening well. They provide us opportunity to fine tune our skills in language and managing our own emotions. To do this well we need a focus point.

Make a list of all the qualities you would like to be experiencing in a close intimate relationship. After you have your list, review it to see exactly which ones you are very good at bringing to your interactions and tick these off.

Think of a relationship and time when the qualities which have not checked were missing in the interaction. As you replay the scene notice if you are not doing these same qualities you want in relating.

Next be totally honest with yourself and work out which qualities you need to improve. Most often the thing we want another to do is something we need to also improve.

An example might be you would really like your friend to listen more to you. So that when you are with them you are so focused on having your say that you do not actually fully listen to their point of view.

Work out how the same interaction might go if you began to use the quality you need to improve. Run a few scenarios for yourself so your brain can create some useful reference points of what to do differently.

Make a commitment to use this new behaviour consciously in all relationships for the next week. Each night review your interactions and notice how they are improving and make any adjustments necessary to take to the next day.

Your relationships should start exhibiting the qualities on your list as you purposefully bring them to the communications.


Visit or call 3854 1148





Exceptional Well- Being:with Pilates Head to toe!

Centrally located at 301 Water Street, Fortitude Valley, is the new boutique Pilates studio - Pilates Head to Toe.

Run by experienced Stott certified instructor Monique Telfer, the fully equipped studio offers clients a range of services from group mat classes to semi and private studio sessions.

At the studio, highly qualified and patient instructors, guide clients through exercises that are designed to improve posture flexibility and muscle tone. The detailed and fluid movements performed on a mat or specific Pilates equipment, will challenge co-ordination and balance, and can be targeted to achieve personal goals such as overall strengthening, rehabilitation, injury prevention and assist in athletic performance.

The internationally recognised Stott Pilates method insists on small class numbers and by allowing only 2 clients in a studio session, instructors can focus on the precision of the movements and tailor a program which emphasizes a clients individual strengths and weaknesses.

By improving core strength and stability around the joints, Pilates exercises re-aligns the body and helps you stand taller and straighter, leaving you feeling revived and energized.

The instructors at Pilates Head to Toe are regularly updated with on-going training, and have a client experience including professional dancers, world class athletes and pregnant women. Pilates is suitable for all ages and fitness levels, and the studio also provides a range of videos and DVD's for home use.

To experience and enjoy the benefits of Pilates or to find out more information, contact by phone 3839 8999 or


Buy a matwork course and receive a FREE class - minimum purchase 8 classes. (mention

click here for details



Recharge,Relax,Indulge,Enjoy:at the Camp Eden Health Retreat!

There are health retreats and there are holidays and then there is CampEden … where everything is about you.

From the moment you step inside CampEden you will feel its unique warmth envelop you and you will quickly discover the special place you occupy in our caring community. As you relax and enjoy the breathtaking beauty of CampEden and experience everything CampEden has to offer … the outside world will fade away … this is your time.

CampEden is Australia's longest established holistic health retreat and our guests keep coming back and referring their family and friends year after year, consequently we are always making changes to better ourselves so that we can continue to offer a sanctuary where you can come back time and time again and constantly experience something new.

To fully benefit from your stay at CampEden you need a minimum of 7 nights to experience all the invigorating activities, holistic therapies, pampering treatments, and our renowned healthy dining. Our NEW Eden Forum, created by listening to feedback from our wonderful guests and dedicated staff, is a series of daily journeys designed for each guest to explore their life, their purpose and their individual challenges and achieve their personal quest.

What's happening

Every month Camp Eden brings you everything to cultivate the best in yourself and nourish your physical, spiritual and emotional self. Extra special events are also held throughout the year to further enhance your stay. Preview what's coming up at CampEden.

Program 1: March 19th - March 25th
Transformation: Creating Genuine Change in your Life

Program 2: May 22nd - May 27th
Creating your Reality: Awakening your Life's Purpose

Program 3: June 25 - July 1st
Transformation: Creating Genuine Change in your Life

Program 4: July 30th - August 5th
Creating your Reality: Awakening your Life's Purpose

The success of the "New Year - New You" Program facilitated by internationally renowned Facilitator (and regular guest at Camp Eden), Colin James, has led to the creation of a 2 Programs exploring Genuine Change and Life Purpose.

The experience of the week is an integration of learning, reflection, exercise, pampering, healing and great food in an exquisite environment. "The other fundamental element is the supportive community that is created" says Colin. "The majority of guests come alone to Camp Eden as they take a chance to reflect on possible turning points in their lives. Within days profound connections are made, friendships built and quality conversations shared. It is rare to come to a place where the issues and agenda's of home, work, family and the stuff of life can be left behind and, along with others, have a time of deep reflection and learning as well as being intensely enjoyable," he said.

The Programs are drawn on the 18 years of work Colin has developed in delivering programs, seminars, training courses and conferences around the world. He also brings his own experiences of Camp Eden where he has been a regular guest since 1992 and has blended the program to fit into the entire Camp Eden experience.

The 'Personal Growth Programs' are run in the mornings for 2.5 hours and serve as the centre around which the rest of the program revolves.

Colin does not run public personal growth programs as all his work is in-house and designed specifically for his clients, so this a rare opportunity to experience the energy and insight, the learning (and laughter) of one of Australia's leading Facilitators and Educators in one of the most beautiful environments you can experience.

"The objective is simple," says Colin "everyone at Camp Eden is focused on creating one the best weeks of your life."

Camp Eden was booked out for January 2006 and bookings are already being made for next year's 'New Year - New You" Program.

"Colin James is a great human being with a generous spirit. His seminars were very enlightening and provided me with new tools for re-setting my life goals."Ross, January 2006

"I enjoyed Colin James's forum the most as he is a brilliant presenter who provided a framework to work through the changes I want to make in my life. He did this through excellent communication, organisation and humour."Dominique, January 2006

Please call our friendly reservations team toll free on 1800 074 157 to secure your place now!

March & April 2006

Personalise your Camp Eden Experience with our brand new 'Lifestyle Enhancement Packages'

An important part of the Camp Eden Experience is creating positive transformations and taking that much needed time out to focus on the one person often neglected in life….YOU.

Following the huge success of our Lifestyle Enhancement Packages in 2005, 2006 brings the return of this combination of sessions, therapies and treatments packaged together to allow you the flexibility to personalise your Camp Eden program and meet your own personal goals.

For the months of March and April 2006 only, we are offering you the choice of one FREE package to be included in your 7 night Fresh Start or 12 night Breakthrough programs!

Treat yourself to the Eden Experience everybody is talking about ...
Please call our friendly reservations team toll free on 1800 074 157 to discuss these package options and secure your place now!

May & June 2006

20% OFF 7 and 12 night Deluxe Accommodation Packages
15% OFF 7 and 12 night Standard Accommodation Packages

As the seasons change, May and June are the perfect months to make some positive transformations in your life by allowing us to inspire and motivate you!
The Eden experience will give you the kick start you need to continue the year with a balanced and revitalized body, mind and soul.
The 'Eden Experience' will give you the kick start you need to continue your year with a balanced and revitalized body, mind and soul

Or call 1800 074 157

( mention when booking)





Amazing Introductory Offers:For Natural Health, Fitness & Beauty Businesses!

Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link,

The Dome Retreat (Brisbane City) - Receive a complimentary Dry Body Brush Treatment with any massage booked. Offer valued at $29.

Offer must be mentioned at time of booking and is not transferable. Offer does not apply with any other offers or gift voucher bookings. (mention myhealthspecials when booking)

Goodlife Health Clubs (8 locations) - 7 days for FREE! Get started today! ( mention myhealthspecials when calling)

Tree of Health - Noni (National) - Buy 4 x 1 litre bottles Tree of Health Noni Juice for $190 and get a 500ml bottle for just $5 extra. SAVE $23. P/H $8 city; $10 country (mention myhealthspecials when booking)

Radiant Body Bar -(Capalaba) Purchase a Contour Body Wrap and Receive a Free Mini Pedicure (valued $40) (mention myhealthspecials when booking) Health, Wellness and Lifestyle!

with Joanne Hay

Organic Diets Keep Kids Pesticide Free

Children who switched their diets for only a few days to organic foods dramatically and immediately lowered the amount of toxic pesticides in their bodies, researchers report. Lead author Chensheng Lu of Emory University found that when kids eat organic foods, pesticides in their body plummet to undetectable levels — even when following the diet for only five days. “An organic diet does provide protective measures for pesticide exposure in kids,” said Lu, who presented his research at a panel at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in St. Louis. His study appeared in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. Lu designed a novel intervention study by substituting organic foods into the diets of 23 elementary school children in the Seattle area. All the kids, who were aged 3 to 11, had metabolites — or evidence of pesticides — in their urine at the study’s start. But as soon as they began eating organic foods, the concentration of metabolites dropped to essentially zero. Once they returned to their conventional diet, the pesticides levels bounced back up.

The rest of this article, written by Christine Dell’Amore, was published February 22, 2006 in The Washington Post Website.


Brought to you by

Short and Sweet: Coconut Custard Meringues with Banana Salad!

Serves 10 people


* 1/4 cup custard powder 2 tablespoons castor sugar 2 cups Australian Skim Milk 1/3 cup desiccated coconut 1/3 cup Australian Pure Cream 2 bananas, sliced 2 oranges, segmented 1/4 cup passionfruit 10 preprepared meringues


Combine custard powder and castor sugar in a saucepan with a little milk to form a paste. Add remaining milk and coconut and heat, stirring until thickened. Cool and fold in cream. Top Meringues wih custard and fruit and serve. Banana Salad: Combine bananas, oranges and passionfruit together.

**This recipe is suitable for lacto-ovo vegetarians who have adopted a vegetarian diet for health reasons.

Serves: 10 Carbohydrates: 49 g Energy: 1085 kJ Calcium: 84 mg Protein: 5 g Fat: 5 g

Brought to you by

Laughter is the best medicine!

A farmer was milking his cow. He was just starting to get a good rhythm going when a bug flew into the barn and started circling his head. Suddenly, the bug flew into the cow's ear. The farmer didn't think much about it, until the bug squirted out into his bucket. It went in one ear and out the udder.

Quote of the month!

Expect people to be better than they are, It helps them to become better. But don't be disappointed when they are not; It helps them to keep trying." - Merry Browne

For a Good Cause: Why Support the Royal Childrens Hospital Fund?

Why Support The Royal Children Hospital fund ? One of the top priorities for the RCH Foundation this year is to expand clinical research at the Royal Children's Hospital. In addition to laboratory research, many studies at the hospital have a clinical, or "hands on" focus. Current research covers a wide range of children's illnesses and injuries. But research is expensive! And much of it wouldn't happen without the backing of our generous community. You can become part of the team that helps us to CARE FOR KIDS by making a donation to research. Listed below you will find some of the important research carried out at the Royal Children's Hospital in our Prime Research Centres and other areas.


In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Fit 4!
  • Belle Affair Day Spa!
  • John Suess Hypnotherapy!
  • Trim a Weigh!
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.