Issue 70

Leading Dietitian Busts Common Myths: For Healthy Inspiration Members!

Leading dietitian busts common diet myths for Healthy Inspirations members One of Australia's leading dietitians, Matt O'Neill, is breaking common diet myths for members at Healthy Inspirations women's exercise and weight loss centres.

"If you want to lose weight and improve your quality of life it is important to recognise misinformation about dieting," Healthy Inspirations managing director Jamie Hayes said.

"There are still some old wives tailing circulating that make it more challenging for people to lose weight because they are being misled," said Matt O'Neill, who appears regularly on television programs Today and A Current Affair.

Healthy Inspirations regularly hosts free seminars for members to help women who want to lose weight and destroy diet myths like these:

1. You shouldn't eat carbohydrates at night. Carbohydrates are no more likely to turn into body fat when eaten at night.

2. You need to snack regularly to boost your metabolism. If your total calorie count is the same, research shows your metabolic rate will be the same, whether you eat three or six meals a day.

3. You can't eat carbohydrate and protein at the same time. The digestive system has enough specific enzymes to digest both carbohydrate and protein simultaneously.

4. Fasting cleanses your system. Going without food puts your body into starvation mode and produces chemicals called ketones that can place a burden on your kidneys.

5. Fat-free foods are 'guilt-free'. Snack bars, drinks and lollies that claim to be 99 percent fat-free often contain large amounts of sugar and concentrated calories.

6. You can eat as much as you like, as long as it's low fat. Eating low fat foods does not mean your energy intake will be reduced and, in fact, your fat intake may still be considerable given the large quantity of food eaten.

For more information, visit or call (07) 3378 6111.


Call for an Obligation-Free FREE Trial Week ( mention

Click the below links for your local area,

Healthy Inspirations - Indooroopilly 07 3378 4709

Healthy Inspirations - Kenmore 07 3878 5222

Healthy Inspirations - Mitchelton 07 3355 1149

Healthy Inspirations - Mt Gravatt (07) 3420 4233

Healthy Inspirations - Palm Beach 07 5598 4845

Healthy Inspirations - Toowoomba 07 4638 0222



Biophotonic Scanner:Do you ever take vitamins & wonder if they make a difference?

Why Do You Need to Supplement Your Diet?
The Australian and New Zealand governments recommend that we each consume at least two pieces of fruit and five vegetables per day to remain healthy and ward off disease. However, with long working hours, busy lifestyles, stress and pollution all having an impact on our health, few people consume enough fruits and vegetables on a regular basis to get all the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients their bodies need. Supplementation can help you obtain many essential nutrients and special food components that may be lacking from your diet. Researchers from Harvard Medical School and the Harvard School of Public Health stated in a landmark review that all adults should take a multi-vitamin daily.
June 19, 2002 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)

A Billion Dollar Industry
In Australia two thirds of the population outlay just over $2 billion per year ($100 per person) on complementary medicines. Up until now, we have had no way of telling whether or not these vitamins are actually making a difference to our health. But now, thanks to the patented Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner we can have absolute proof as to whether the particular brand of vitamins that we are using is working or not.

The Proof
This long sought after proof is provided by measuring the number of carotenoids in our skin. Carotenoids are powerful antioxidants that are found in abundance in certain fruits and vegetables and are required in the body to assist in the maintenance and improvement of general well being. They are absorbed in human plasma and tissue and the level of skin carotenoids is a good reflection of the antioxidants in the body, which in turn is an important indicator of the strength of the body's defence system. While it is impossible to feel the effects of our lifestyle on our body, some of the processes we call "aging" may be considered manifestations of the minute, cumulative damage done to tissues such as skin, blood vessels, and the brain. Knowing the number of antioxidant carotenoids in your skin provides you with an excellent indicator of your overall antioxidant activity.

Patented Technology
The Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner is the world's first non-invasive measuring tool that provides immediate evidence of carotenoid activity in your body. Pharmanex spent US$30 million developing the patented BioPhotonic Scanner and is the exclusive owner of the technology the scanner uses for measurement of skin carotenoids in a non-medical environment. By simply placing the palm of your hand in front of a low-energy blue light laser, you will obtain an immediate reading of carotenoid activity in your body - your Skin Carotenoid Score.

Your Skin Carotenoid Score

Pharmanex developed a reference scale (below) called the Pharmanex Skin Carotenoid Index. A higher range indicates a stronger defence. Your individual range may vary based on factors that include diet, genetic ability to absorb carotenoids, physical activity, and your lifestyle.


lowest highest

Your SCS shows the stable level of carotenoid antioxidants in your skin - providing you with a more accurate and reliable biomarker of your overall antioxidant defence level. The SCS will help you determine whether you are consuming an adequate amount of antioxidant-containing nutrients. Once you know your Skin Carotenoid Score, you are empowered to make improvements to your carotenoid health through nutritious eating, supplementation and lifestyle.

The Only Device of its Kind
The Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner has received approval from the Federal Government Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and is now listed on the Australian Registry of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) as a medical device. ARTG No: 118126.

LifePak Supplementation Program
LifePak is one of the world's leading comprehensive multi-vitamin/mineral supplements and Pharmanex's number one selling product. An optimal nutritional supplement needs to incorporate all five essential components: vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutrients and trace elements. LifePak contains all five, providing an optimal addition to a health maintenance program!

By participating in the LifePak supplementation program, combined with a healthy diet, you can track your SCS every sixty days for evidence of improved carotenoid activity and protection.

To purchase LifePak and/or to have a complimentary Scan (first time only), please contact Carol Kunowski in Australia on 0403 125 113 or clickhere for details!




LeaderFocus Series: Capacity to Inspire others!

Lee Stemm- Leadership + Performance Coach

In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. - Albert Schweitzer

All effective leaders have their own unique vision of what they want to accomplish. That vision becomes the energy behind every effort and the force that pushes through all the problems on the way. With vision, the leader is on a mission and a contagious spirit is felt among the crowd until others begin to rise alongside the leader.

Unity is essential for the dream to be realised. Long hours of labour are given gladly to accomplish the goal. Individual rights are set aside because the whole is much more important than the part. Time flies, morale soars upward, heroic stories are told, and the commitment is the watchword. Why? Because the leader has a vision!

Vision is everywhere for a leader. It sparks and fuels the fire within, and draws you forward. It is also the fire lighter for others who follow that leader.

Leadership is communicating to people their worth and potential so clearly that they come to see it themselves.

Vision starts within; therefore if you lack vision, look inside. What are your natural gifts and desires? Look to your calling if you have one. And if you still don't sense a vision of your own, then consider hooking up with a leader whose vision resonates with you. Become a partner. Powerful visions become a magnet; they attract, challenge and unite people who have similar values and goals. Nobody can accomplish great things alone. To fulfil a big vision, you need a good team.

What motivates others?

1. Significant contributions - People want to feel that they are valued and that they can contribute to others. They need to see that what they are doing is not wasted effort, but is making a contribution. People must see value in what they are doing. Motivation comes not by activity alone, but by the desire to reach the end results.

2. Good Participation - People support what they create. Being a part of the goal-setting process is motivating and it allows people to feel needed. They like to feel they are making a difference. When people have given input, they have a stake in the issue. They own it and support it. Seeing goals become reality and helping to shape the future is fulfilling. Goal participation builds team spirit, enhances morale, and helps everyone feel important.

3. Positive dissatisfaction - Someone said that dissatisfaction is the one-word definition for motivation. Dissatisfied people are highly motivated people, for they see the need for immediate change. They know something is wrong and often know what needs to be done. Dissatisfaction can inspire change or it can lead to a critical spirit. It can lead to apathy or stir one into action. The key is harnessing this energy toward effective change.

4. Recognition - People want to be noticed. They want credit for personal achievements and appreciation for their contributions. Recognition is one way to give meaning to a person's existence.

5. Clear expectations - People are motivated when they know exactly what they are to do and have the confidence that they can do it successfully. No one wants to jump into a tank that is vague or a job whose description is uncertain. Motivation rises in a job when the goals, expectations, and responsibilities are clearly understood. When delegating responsibility, be sure to give the necessary authority to carry out the task. People perform better when they have some control over their work and their time.

Remember: The number one motivational principle in the world is: People do what people see. Leaders must care for people before they can develop them.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said: "Trust people and they will be true to you: treat them greatly and they will show themselves great."

Visit our website and register for our Leaderfocus teleclass. We are offering 20 people free year subscription to our Leadefocus series. Go to our website and download your Fee E-book on Self Esteem FREE TELECLASS - 24TH February 2006 - Circle of Conflict Mapping Tool Further enquires or assistance - call our office [email protected]
1300 661 453

Enroll for ½ price!

This offer is open to the first 20 people to call or email Lee.

Members will benefit from forums, downloadable recources, tools around leadership, will receive monthly leaderfocus articles, and monthly leaderfocus teleclasses, and will receive a yearly review session of their vision, values and mission and goals lead by a qualified coach.



Keeping Yoga Simple: with Sunshine Yoga!


Yoga is ensconced in tradition that goes back at least 2000 years. Some say India and others say China was its origin. There are many ideas, opinions and expectations that have left us here in the modern Western world with mixed impressions. So what really is this "yoga stuff" all about.

Firstly, let's keep it simple. Yoga is based on balancing body, mind and soul - and I throw emotions in there as well! We use breathing (pranayama), postures (asana), movements (vinyasa) and relaxation (meditation) to balance and maintain our health and wellbeing. The purpose being to reach enlightenment - they say! This is where I get a little stuck because what does enlightenment mean? And that's a subject to big to get into here. Let's just use the word 'balance' - we all understand this word don't we?

All systems in life require balance - whatever we do we strive for balance, whether in the physical exterior world or the quiet interior spiritual world. So if, for example, we have a body with strong arms and weak legs, we work on strengthening the legs to bring balance which will make us feel great and allow our body to operate better. If we are very active in our minds and never switch it off, we will not know the treats we receive when we have a quiet mind and internalise and be silent. We all need a bit of both - and that's called balance.

Did you know that if you have a strong and flexible spine, we will be more strong and flexible of mind and spirit.

Did you know that dynamic poses are not the only way to build physical strength? That in fact this type of strength is built on stressed and tight muscles and and when a muscle is tight and stressed it is in fact quite weak. Brute strength we can call it.

Did you know that a gentle posture held whilst using conscious deep breathing will build strength - sustained strength. Because the muscle is destressed and relaxed, the energy and oxygen channelled to these relaxed muscles is what builds sustainable strength. This type of strength lasts.

Did you know that when you were born your breathing technique was perfect - it is what we call diaphragmatic breathing - using the lower lungs rather than the upper lungs. The large volumes of oxygen we inhale with the lower lungs is what rejuvenates our being. Shallow chest breathing holds you in tension; deep diaphragmatic breathing moves you into relaxation. We forget how to breath correctly at a very early age, however, on a deep level we remember and can easily connect back into this pattern of breathing.

Did you know that 15 minutes of deep relaxation/meditation is equivalent to more than 2 hours sleep.

Did you know that deep relaxation and meditation will assist you in releasing stress and tension. Add slow and focussed postures and connect with deep breathing and you have the most powerful stress management tool on this planet.

Yes, it's pretty simple and easy isn't it.

And not once have I mentioned guru or religion. Yoga is not about either of these. It can be, however it is not essential because you will still receive the wonderful long term health benefits without those 2 elements.

So let's keep it simple - you can create better health and a great feeling about yourself by introducing conscious deep breathing, postures and relaxation into your life - if practiced on a regular basis.


The Lord Howe Island Holiday


Book your Yoga and Adventure Holiday Now and Receive FREE a full set (4) Yoga DVD's, a Guided Relaxation CD and a Personal Photo CD of your holiday - worth $165.

Sunshine Yoga and Health has been taking yoga groups to this World Heritage listed island since 2001. Love of this paradise encourages members to return to this exquisite 'dot in the ocean' each year. A scenic 1½ hour flight from Sydney, Brisbane, Australia, takes you to join Lyn's group of just 12 like-minded souls for a wonderful week of relaxation and adventure.

It offers the perfect setting for escape, with its untouched beauty, unique flora and fauna and rare species of birds and fish. The beautiful beaches beckon with crystal clear turquoise waters and then there's the lagoon.......! There are hideaway coves, mountains, headlands, wonderful walking tracks and mountains to climb.

This island prides itself with superb restaurants and cafes. A truly untouched paradise that will always be 'just that'! With only 400 permanent inhabitants and under 400 tourists allowed at one time, the island is never crowded.

The completely unpolluted environment offers you peace and tranquility combined with high energy activities if you chose. This is backed with Lyn's comprehensive health and well-being program, her support, experience, fun and friendship. You are guaranteed long lasting friendships and warm heart-felt memories of this most special and unique island holiday.

Non-Yoga Partners are more than welcome... in fact they receive a $300 rebate off the cost to spend as they wish... Fishing, Golf, Scuba-diving, Kayaking, Surfing and much more. there's plenty of fun activities and options here to interest all types!

For more details call Lyn Thomas 07 3252 5241 or click here for details

or email Lyn on [email protected]



Amazing Introductory Offers:For Natural Health, Fitness & Beauty Businesses!

Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link,

Thors Health & Fitness (West End)- 3 months FREE when you join for 3 months! (mention myhealthspecials when booking)

AquaMan (National ) - 25% off! .(mention when ordering)

Healthnette (Ipswich & Laidley) - $10 off Bowen treatment – Normal price $55, Free cell health analysis with I hour appointment. Normally $25 ½ price first consultation for Ketosystem Weight Management program. Normal price $60. (mention myhealthspecials when booking)

WOW Health (Hamilton ) - $100 Gift Voucher! Enjoy $100* off the joining fee on any results based package. *conditions apply. (mention myhealthspecials when booking)

Elysium Hair & Beauty -(Brisbane City) Elysium Bliss Certificate -
$800.00 worth of value for just 125.00. Have all your hair and beauty needs taken care of Limited time , only 200 for sale. First in best dressed! (mention myhealthspecials when booking) Health, Wellness and Lifestyle!

Amma in Australia

If you have been lucky enough to meet Sri Mata Amritanandanmayi Devi otherwise known as Amma you’ll be excited to know that she will be in Australia in March-April. Amma (“Mother”) is world-renowned as an extraordinary humanitarian and spiritual leader who is transforming the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. She travels the world spreading her boundless compassion and love in a most personal way ~ she has actually, physically embraced over 23 million people. Recently in India, Amma cuddled 50,000 people in 22 hours. (more…)


Brought to you by

Short and Sweet: Feta Omelette Roulade!

Serves: 4


* 2 eggs|2 tablespoons milk|1/2 cup grated Australian Cheddar Cheese|1 tablespoon chopped parsley|10g butter|4 slices salami or ham, chopped|50g Australian Feta cheese, crumbled|1\2 tomato, chopped


Lightly whisk eggs, milk, cheddar cheese and parsley together. Melt butter in a large non-stick frying pan, add egg mixture and cook for 4-5 minutes until set. Turn out and allow to cool slightly. Top with salami, feta and tomato and roll up to enclose filling. Cut into slices and serve warm or cold.


Brought to you by

Laughter is the best medicine!

The results of a study

About 85% of women are responsible for cooking the family dinner, and 84% wish they didn't have to.

Quote of the month!

Getting there isn't half the fun - it's all the fun! Robert Townsend

For a Good Cause: Why Support Surf Life Saving!

Volunteer surf lifesavers have been patrolling beaches in Queensland for more than 90 years. What began as fragmented groups of surfers saving lives of people in the unfamiliar environment of the ocean, has grown into one of the nation's proudest and most effective organisations serving the community and keeping Queensland beaches safe. The first Queensland Surf Life Saving Club was founded at Coolangatta Beach on 21st February, 1909.


In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Sunshine Yoga!
  • Sure Slim!
  • High Performance Coaching + Training!
  • Kickbike!
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.