
Issue Number 7 - September 2001

In this months issue of "Naturally Happy"

Repair and revitalise with Organics!

by Mondo Organics
Like the feeling of touch to the awaiting body and the caress of oils to tantalise the skin, the foods we indulge in must also arouse our tastes and stimulate our senses. It's not enough that we eat three meals a day … what's important is that the food choices we make every day are the healthiest and most vitalising to our body.

So you've decided to take on a healthy attitude towards your eating. Fresh fruit, lots of vegetables, grains, fish, chicken, lean meat, and made a few choices to cut your caffeine and sugar by half, slowed down on snacking in between meals and made desperate attempts to lower you fat intake.

But is this enough? Are you actually getting all the nutrients and vital minerals that your body needs? Well, if you are doing all this and have introduced organics into your life, then you are one of the lucky ones who has made the ultimate decision to turn your body clock back, and begin to repair and revitalise your body from the inside out.

A quick definition of organics, is foods grown and processed without the use of chemicals, pesticides, growth-promoting hormones and genetically modified organisms. All of these chemicals are in what you thought was an innocent carrot from your local supermarket or that juicy BBQ chicken from the local take-away.

We're not trying to scare you aware from your local shopping centre, we simply want to offer you an alternative choice towards a healthier, cleaner way of eating.

The effects of toxic-free food choices that you make now will have extraordinary effects on your body, and will be recognisable with a healthier glowing skin, less health problems, some weight loss and more body endurance. Your sense of taste and smell will improve and with some of you those nasty allergies might even go away.

You will definitely notice a difference with organic produce, its general appearance might look a little distorted or marked, there might be a few insect bites taken out of the leaves and the carrots might have a few extra arms growing out of the sides, but it's a guarantee that it is all real food.

It may sound a little too much fuss to be travelling around searching for organics, but looking beyond your supermarket shelves you will notice that it is more readily available than you thought, and the only worry that you may have is what combinations to cook up and what fantastic produce to buy!

To find out more about Mondo Organics click on to


The definitive encyclopaedia of Feng Shui

Best selling author Lillian Toos' vibrant, comprehensive and pertinent guide to understanding and implementing an ancient practise for the new millennium. A great christmas gift idea!


In this superb, highly illustrated volume, discover the origins, fundamentals principals and applications of feng shui from its foremost author. The illustrated encyclopaedia of feng shui is designed to show amateur practitioners and readers how to achieve harmony, balance, greater happiness, satisfaction and well-being in their every day lives. This immensely practical encyclopaedia covers all the essential elements of feng shui in eight parts including:

  • Background to feng shui
  • Fundamentals of feng shui
  • Feng shui in the home
  • Personal feng shui and feng shui in the family
  • Feng shui in the garden
  • Feng shui in the business world
  • Feng shui for all environments
  • Dictionary of feng shui

Illustrated throughout with striking line drawings and full colour artwork, specially commissioned photographs and boxed features. To order this book for yourself or as a gift for a friend email My Health Specials on [email protected] or call 07 3342 7456. our price $29.95 save over $20.

What are you feeding your love( heart ) muscle?

What are you feeding your LOVE muscle? Does it desire a feast of the five senses? More than likely it has been neglected, abused and put in all the wrong places. It screams for attention. Feed me, feed me! Oh please feed me some…


No, this is not Don Quixote's cousin. It is however part of the diet that your 'love muscle' otherwise know as your heart, should be receiving. Heard it all before. Well it is O.K with me if you stop reading now. Just remember to schedule a appointment with a good cardiovascular surgeon in your mid to later years.'Shocking' I hear you say. Unfortunately current trends tell us that this is not a threat but a statistical certainty.

Cardiovascular disease was the leading cause of death among Australians in 1998, accounting for 50,797 deaths (40% of all deaths).

Coronary heart disease (mainly heart attacks) was the leading single cardiovascular cause of death, accounting for 27,825 deaths (22%of all deaths) in Australia in 1998.

Stroke was Australia 's second greatest single killer after coronary heart disease, claiming 11,982 lives in 1998 (9% of all deaths). It is the leading cause of long-term disability in adults.

So why should you be feeding your love muscle CoQuinone? Here are a FEW reasons.

There appears to be a direct relationship between the brutality of heart failure and the alarming depletion of CoQ10. CoQ10 scarcity can be caused by 1) inadequate dietary intake 2) impairment of the body's capacity to synthesis CoQ10 3) extreme burning up of CoQ10 by the body, or an amalgamation of these factors.

The body also has the ability to make CoQ10 from the amino acid tyrosine. However, this is a seventeen step procedure that requires at least eight vitamins and several trace minerals. A scarcity in any one of these nutrients can hamper the body's manufacture of CoQ10.
The cost of taking CoQ10 in supplementation is about 2 to 3 dollars a day. That is a little less than the $250,000 heart transplant.

USANA's CoQuinone is the best CoQ10 supplement available.

This product can be purchased from The Health Dealer Click here for more details

Change the shape you're in with Sea Clay Body Wraps!

Introducing a safe, effective way to firm, tone and cleanse your body and skin as you lose inches. Whether you want a quick fix for that special occasion or a continuing progam of treatments to complement your diet, Australian Sea Clay Body wraps will make you look and feel the part.

Body wrapping is an ancient art practiced by women as a beauty treatment. In more recent times European spas and health clinics have used body wrapping techniques to compress fatty tissues and tighten flesh while helping to tone the underlying muscle structure.

Now the Australian Sea Clay Bodywrap treatments go beyond these early benefits in three exciting ways. Firstly, by nourishing your skin and body tissue; next by stimulating your body's cellular metabolism, and finally by providing a therapeutic level of detoxification

The Australian Sea Clay Bodywrap is a complex mixture of herbs and totally natural clays from ancient sea beds. This highly absorbent mixture is applied in a solution friendly to your skin. The solution acts to draw out toxic accumulations from the soft tissue layers, smoothing and tightening your skin. The cleansing effect revitalises your skin's natural elasticity, restoring its ability to help hold the new contours by the wraps. Additionally, just like a facial mask, the clay exfoliates your skin to give it a glowing look and soft healthy feel.

Amino nutrients, the small building blocks that protein is composed of, help complete the reshaping. Present in you daily diet, amino nutrients are absorbed directly into the metabolic systems providing building blocks for new tissue. Our Sea Clay solution combines four amino nutrient that directly target breakdown of surface fat, skin and muscle tone development, detoxification and the reduction of fatigue.

The combination of clay, herbs, amino-nutrients and wrapping, work inside and outside your body cleansing, detoxification and nourishing while giving a slimmer, shapelier, silky-soft you

All it takes is two hours. Why wait? You can unwrap a new you today. Aussie Perfect Image has an introductory offer for this wrap with 50% off your first treatment

click here for more details

Practitioner Profile: Fiona Griggs- Acupuncturist, Herbalist, Naturopath

Fiona has been working and studying in the health and disease field continuously for more than 20 years. Prior to graduating in Chinese Medicine in 1986, Fiona worked as a registered nurse/midwife in both Australia and the UK. Now a trained acupuncturist, herbalist and naturopath, Fiona uses the Chinese medical model to treat and prevent disease. This model aims to harmonise the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the individual.

Acupuncture effectively treats a wide range of health disorders. It originated in China more than 5000 years ago. It is a safe and effective natural healing therapy that works by stimulating points on the body's energy pathways (meridians) usually either with gently needle techniques or heat (moxibustion).

In 1979 the World Health Organisation recognised that the following conditions are successfully treated with acupuncture: headaches, stroke, facial and intercostal neuralgia, some forms of paralysis, peripheral neuropathy, Meniers' disease, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, sore throat, toothache, post-extraction pain, duodenal ulcers, gastritis, paralytic ileus, conjunctivitis and simple cataracts. Many other ailments respond to acupuncture.

Fiona also uses her expertise in Chinese Herbal Medicine, Western Herbs and Nutrition to treat the presenting symptoms of the patient, developing strategies unique for the individual's progress towards total wellbeing.

You can contact Fiona direct @ Jacaranda Therapies by clicking here for more details


Short and Sweet: Buttermilk Pancakes with Mango Passionfruit Sauce!

Ingredients :


  • 3/4 cup self raising flour
  • 2 tablespoons castor sugar*
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 cup Australian Buttermilk
  • 200ml fresh or canned mango puree
  • 1/4 cup fresh or canned passionfruit pulp
  • 1 tablespoon castor sugar*, extra
  • 4 scoops Australian Low Fat Vanilla Ice Cream

Combine the flour and sugar in a large mixing bowl. Gradually whisk in egg and buttermilk until smooth. Heat a non-stick pan and cook 1/4 cup of mixture until bubbles form around the edges. Flip over and cook on the other side until golden. Repeat with remaining mixture to make 12 pancakes. For the sauce combine mango, passionfruit and sugar together.; For serving, place 3 pancakes onto each serving plate and pour over sauce, top with a scoop of ice cream and serve immediately.

Nutritional Analysis per serve
Serves : 4 Carbohydrates : 42 g
Energy : 1056 kJ Calcium : 163 mg
Protein : 9 g Iron : mg
Fat : 6 g

Laughter is the best medicine

For people in a hurry, we have compiled this short history of medicine, using as an example the treatment of that common ailment, the ear ache.

2000 B.C. - Here, eat this root.

1000 A.D. - That root is heathen, say this prayer.

1850 A.D. - That prayer is superstition, drink this potion.

1940 A.D. - That potion is snake oil, swallow this pill.

1985 A.D. - That pill is ineffective, take this antibiotic.

2001A.D. - That antibiotic is artificial. Here, eat this root


Quote of the month

"there is more to life than increasing its speed"




Congratulations to Danni from Highgate Hill for winning the Camp Eden escape. This months giveaway is a beautiful Salt Crystal Lamp. If you have yet to see one of these master pieces click here

In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Special Edition devoted to great Christmas gift ideas!

My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness.

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