Issue 235

How To Free Yourself From Addiction: with Deb Pepperdine of the Beach Health Retreat.

“If you can change your mind, you can change your life.” Williams James, American psychologist and philosopher, The Principals of Psychology 

You can set yourself free to live an extraordinary life.

Step 1:  Know that you are not trapped in the ways of the past.
As human beings, we are growing and  awakening to a greater vision.  This is demonstrated by the changes over the centuries from hunter gatherer to agriculture to the information technology revolution.  Time is speeding up.  What used to take decades now occurs in minutes.  To move across the continent used to be a perilous journey of months by boat is now a relatively safe journey by jet plane in air conditioned comfort with personal audio-visual.

Our brains have now been proven to be continue to grow.  The term plasticity is now used which implies the nerves are malleable like plasticine.
The implication is that we cannot be labelled.  Our challenges are not permanent.  Experiences of depression, bi-polarity this new technology and understanding of the brain and associated cutting edge treatment modalities have proven to have been amazingly effective in providing short term relief and long term permanent changes for personal challenges for addiction.

The implications and ability to move through episodes in one’s life means that we can be free to be who we want to be and drive our actions to create the future we believe in

Step 2: Addiction takes many forms
Whether it is  the ‘sensory gratification’ of cigarettes, drugs, booze, sugar, coffee, bad food, overeating etc or something else, the second step is a realisation.

An addiction is the seeking of short term pleasure while not consciously acknowledging a pain or upset in an area of one’s life. These basic needs and desires of human beings, all of which are associated with the lower part of the brain.

Western Society has contributed to this pattern of response, seeking pleasure and avoiding pain, with beliefs around time healing, keeping a stiff upper lip and not being taught from a young age adequate coping techniques.

Step 3: Taking responsibility
It takes a big why to get through a big addiction.Don’t let it get to the point of affecting health, relationship, work or finances.  There is much to live for.
If you can see that there is meaning to life beyond the addiction then you will be in a good position to work through the avoidances of pain.

Step 4: Finding Purpose:
As you clear through past avoidances you become more open to discovering your mission.  Operating from inspiration helps you focus on what is meaningful in your life.

This sets high priority actions which focuses your thoughts and energy in a productive way

The success of achievement then becomes the pleasure that is sought which brings about feelings of self-esteem, confidence and ultimately leadership.
When you acknowledge the balance of pleasure and pain, you will experience Presence and Purpose.

Deb Pepperdine
07 5409 7577
Deb is available for one on one personal or Skype sessions.









The 5 Elements Theory: By Healthwise Clinic.


The five elements or phases is a system used in Chinese medicine to classify disorders of the body but can in fact be applied to any phenomena – it is commonly used in Feng Shui and martial arts. The five elements are: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. To be in a state of balance each element should be represented evenly within the body, although it is normal for individuals to have a slight predominance of one or two elements.
The elements are interrelated as they feed each other but also control each other. It is best to understand the five elements by examining the diagram.
Fire creates ashes that become the earth, earth contains minerals to become metal, metal carries water (pipes or bucket), water nourishes wood (plants), wood then feeds a fire, and so the cycle continues. The elements should move through the cycle in a particular direction but when this is disrupted, an imbalance occurs. For example, if the cycle reversed, fire would burn and destroy wood.
Within the circle is a star formation which indicates a controlling cycle. This cycle ensures that no element becomes too dominant and if this occurs, the correct element is chosen to reduce the dominant element. The controlling cycle is: wood breaks up earth (through the root system), earth absorbs water, water quenches fire, fire melts metal and metal chops wood. When the body is out of balance, for instance, too many fire signs are present (the patient is hot, excessively talkative or has burning urination) the water element may be nourished to put out the excess fire (eg. increase cold foods and herbs and drink more water). 

5/149 Wickham Terrace, Brisbane




Changing Your Unconscious Blueprint can Save your Career and Marriage: by Sue Lester Head Transition Coach at Growing Content Pty Ltd

Have you ever wondered why you don’t always feel as grown up and confident as you’d expect? Have you struggled to make significant changes in your life? Are relationships at home and work a battleground of hurt, outbursts and the silent treatment?

The answer could be found in your unconscious blueprint™. This is the internal image you hold of yourself at the deepest conscious level. When this image is significantly younger or older than your chronological age, or is a disempowering one, it impacts significantly on your interaction with the wider world.

You store your beliefs, memories, internal images as pictures in your unconscious as that is the most efficient way to record information. If you think of your unconscious mind as the crew of your life ship, in the engine room below, your internal image is the blueprint by which crew determine your behavior and thoughts. By changing the characteristics of those images, you can change your conscious blueprint, and new behaviors are easier to adopt.

Your unconscious blueprint™ is significant in the workplace on two levels.
Firstly, your own image will determine your level of confidence and self-esteem, and your ability to reason, accept criticism, control your behavior, handle responsibility and conflict, work in a team, adapt to change, and manage yourself and others.

Secondly, your unconscious blueprint™ of others alters your relationships, management/team player style, your ability to delegate, your trust levels and more.

For example, Jason had hired Scott with the aim of guiding him on a career fast track within the company. On paper and in person, Scott seemed ideal for the position of assistant manager. Jason, however, struggled with trust and delegation, frustrating them both.

Checking his unconscious blueprint™ of Scott, Jason found a well-dressed to the point of foppishness ‘gay-boy’ who flirted constantly and was overall ‘a douche’. Once that image was updated from ‘douche’ to ‘dude’, Jason was able to rebuild his relationship with Scott. He actively trained and supported Scott to the point where he could be promoted, and Jason could take guilt-free holidays.

If you are feeling disempowered dealing with your manager or employee, check what your unconscious blueprint of her is. Witch? Irritating teenager? Or is it your own unconscious blueprint™ which needs changing to shift your workplace dynamics for the better?

‘Jill’ was 44 with low self-esteem, and really struggled on the rare occasions she forced herself to attend networking events. Her business was limping along, and she battled to manage her teenage children. Jill’s unconscious blueprint™ was of a shy 19 year old.

Her head transition coach updated it, and used NLP techniques to change some old limiting self-beliefs. Jill reported that for the first time she actually felt like she belonged at the networking event. Instead of reacting to the world as an emotional hesitant teenager, she now interacts as a 44 year old mother of three. She has the confidence to put her life experience to good use. Naturally there are supportive processes for this change, including learning how to set and maintain new behavioral boundaries in relationships.

For some, their unconscious blueprint™ is of their current age, but is a disempowering one. Jackie struggled with every diet under the sun, until her unconscious blueprint™ was changed from fat and frumpy to healthy and happy. She then easily put into practice everything she knew about healthy choices.

Now you have the conceptual awareness of your unconscious blueprint of yourself and others take a moment to reflect. How might you be ‘seeing’ yourself and others? Where is this influencing home and workplace dynamics? What would you like to change, and how will you implement those changes now?

Like most significant shifts in life, it is possible but not necessary to do it all yourself. Allow yourself to ask for help, and it will always be there, in one form or another. Life is too short to waste being less than you can be.
Reference: “The Face Within: How to Change Your Unconscious Blueprint” by Sue Lester. Available on Amazon Kindle and

For Success Map sessions, Internal Image Makeover (Kick start) programs, and Let Go And Grow coaching programs for clarity, confidence and motivation, contact Sue Lester on 0428 128 679 or [email protected]






Tap Water Vs Alkaline Water: by Tom of Alkalife

You may be a regular tap water drinker but you’ve heard some good things about alkaline water and want to compare the two. Well, you’re in the right place then. I’ll show you what’s really in your tap water and put it side by side with an alkaline water. You’ll be surprised what’s lurking in your water supply.

If you compare Sydney tap water (or any tap water in Australia) with tap water around the world, you have to admit the water quality is pretty good. It’s a sad fact that you can’t drink out of the tap in many countries and some can’t even get access to clean water. We’re fortunate in Australia to be able to drink from the tap and not fall ill..well not yet. You see, although tap water is potable, there’s a difference between drinkable water and healthy water. One helps you survive, the latter helps you thrive. Which would you prefer?

As you know, Sydney tap water contains fluoride. Many argue that fluoride helps you maintain healthy teeth (which I don’t believe) but the fact is, fluoride is a toxic waste – a known neurotoxin that causes brain damage and lowers IQ.¹ Fluoride has been dubbed the silent killer² and although won’t happen overnight, it will in the long term. I’ve covered this in more depth in my previous post you can read here.

Tap water also contains chlorine to kill microorganisms. Ingesting chlorine every day is a bad idea. According to the U.S. Council of Environmental Quality, the cancer risk to people who drink chlorinated water is 93 per cent higher than those whose water does not contain chlorine. What’s more concerning is that it produces disinfection byproducts which are 100 times more toxic than chlorine. Scientists have discovered that toxic chemical byproducts form when these disinfectants react with natural organic matter like decaying vegetation in the source water. The most common disinfectant byproducts formed when chlorine is used are trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids.³ They’re carcinogenic and have been shown to cause cancer in animal tests. Two studies have also concluded that lifetime consumption of chlorinated tap water can more than double the risk of bladder and rectal cancers in certain individuals.ˆ
How Does Alkaline Water Differ 
I’ll only be covering natural alkaline water here as man-made alkaline water is different. Alkaline water is becoming increasingly popular among health enthusiasts as there are so many benefits (I’ve covered this in a previous post here so I won’t go in depth).

Natural alkaline water does contain chlorine and may contain fluoride but these are naturally occurring. Adding a substance to water and finding it naturally is like comparing sea water to water with salt added to it. One is a natural source with full of life, the other a synthetic concoction made to resemble what Mother Nature already perfected. If fluoride is found naturally it’s usually calcium fluoride not silicofluoride added to tap water which is 85 times more toxic.

More importantly alkaline water is far more effective in creating an alkaline environment that prevents the growth of disease and cancer. Dr Otto Warburg, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate discovered viruses, bacteria and fungus cannot live in an alkaline environment but thrive in an acidic one. This has a lot to do with the mineral composition. Alkaline waters contain higher amounts of alkaline minerals while lower in acidic minerals. These minerals so important to your body help neutralise acidic waste and flush them out safely.

While you can survive on tap water, it puts a burden on your body to eliminate toxins such as fluoride and chlorine. Alkaline water nourishes your body and sets you up to thrive. The choice is yours.
Tel: 02 9380 9977





Sitting Too Much: The Negative Effects.

Sitting for long periods of time can have significant negative effects on your health. It has been linked to increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat and higher cholesterol levels. The muscle activity required for standing and movement aids the body’s natural metabolic processes. When you are seated, these processes slow down and your health risks increase.Researchers recently conducted a study where they compared a group of healthy adults who spent less than two hours a day sitting with another group who spent more than five consecutive hours a day sitting in front of a computer or television. The results were alarming! The latter group had a 125% increased risk of cardiovascular disease and associated side effects, such as chest pain, high blood pressure or heart attack. The location of the sitting is not really the main concern.

Whether it is in front of the TV, or at a computer desk, or driving long distances, any extended sitting has harmful effects.Sitting for long periods can severely affect blood and oxygen flow. It has been proven in several studies that sitting with your legs crossed causes varicose veins. It has also been reported that many arthritic patients have complained of an increase in pain and joint stiffness during periods of prolonged sitting.If you work at a desk for long periods of time, try to ensure that you take regular breaks. Walk to the printer; stand while you take a telephone call; and walk to your colleague’s office rather than using the telephone or IM where possible.People who are generally active during the week are at a lower risk compared to those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. So while your job may require you to sit for prolonged periods, ensuring that you get enough physical activity when you are not at work can help to counter some of the harmful effects of sitting.

Furthermore, it will also help you to burn more calories and increase your overall health and energy levels too.Be mindful of the amount of hours you spend sitting in a day. Ensure that you are always engaging in regular activity that boosts your circulation. And most importantly, when you are sitting, make sure that you are doing so with the correct posture and lumbar support. Most of us slouch while watching TV, or hunch over our computer screens.

Poor posture has detrimental long-term effects to our health. Poor posture causes a range of problems such as chronic back pain and fatigue. When the back is straight, the spine is supported and stabilized, but as you slouch, your spine no longer has the support it needs to stay balanced, leading to many health problems.One of the most serious issues that can result from bad posture is spinal curvature. When we are not mindful about our posture, the spine can experience pressure, slowly influencing the spine curves to change their positions. The spine is specifically designed to help absorb shock and keep you balanced, but as the spinal position changes, this ability becomes compromised.When it comes to your health, you need to always be thinking of the long term and what impact today is having on your future. A great way to get some extra movement into your day it to have a treadmill or cross trainer at home.You can undo some of the damage caused by sitting all day at work or from watching too much TV.
 Check out our range of fitness equipment.

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Vitale Blog is a blog (weblog) website aimed at those interested in Natural and organic skin and body care. You will find: * A repository of useful articles for education about how to choose the best organic and natural skin care. These articles are aimed to help you with all aspects of understanding the ingredients and making the right choices for your skin and the environment. * A collection of videos about natural skin care. You can listen to the recordings at any time through your computer speakers rather than having to read through pages of content. * Fresh content is added regularly including videos on ingredients, interviews with other skin experts, how-to instructional articles dealing with current hot topics like green washing and effective ingredients, as well as news and information from the natural beauty world.




Short and Sweet:Sweet Sour Sorrel Green Smoothie.

A very quick Green Smoothie that is unique in its flavour. Sorrel is a lovely old fashioned green leafy that imparts a wonderful crisp sourness to this drink!

Avo is of course filled with essential fatty acids & makes the digestion of this smoothie much slower, releasing blood sugars gradually & steadily.

Great if you are a little hypo-glycaemic!


  • 2 big handfuls sorrel (leaves and stems)
  • 3 strawberries
  • Flesh of 1/2 avocado
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Handful of ice
  • Splash of water


  1. Add all ingredients except the avocadoe to a regular or high speed blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Add the Avo & blend for another 20 seconds or until smooth.


Brought to you by Mass Attack.

Laughter is the best medicine!

.Quote of the Month!

“Some people grumble that roses have thorns; I am grateful that thorns have roses.”
Alphonse Karr


For a Good Cause: Why Support Foodbank Queensland?


Last year alone, Foodbank Queensland provided enough food for 15.75 million meals.

Foodbank Queensland is a non-denominational community supported, non-profit organisation which relies on the support of a large network of dedicated people who have a commitment to fulfilling the aims and objectives of Foodbank Queensland.






In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"


  • 12 Round Fitness
  • Think 24 hour fitness
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.