Issue 202

Preconception Care with the Holistic Healthy Retreat: June 30 - July 7 2012 in Bali!

The decision to start a family is one of the most important & exciting ones that a couple can make. Why is it then that this journey, meant to be filled with magic joy hope & the anticipation of new life, can be so difficult & tragic?

Creating a new life, your brand new baby, is not only about the joyous act of love making but of how healthy both of you are before, during & after pregnancy. Optimum health ultimately affects your chances of getting a 'bun in the oven' & keeping her there full term! It also gives bubba the best possible opportunity to be happy & healthy for a life time. And this is what we all want!

It is amazing that historically as a species we have been able to procreate under the most stressful conditions & often in poor health. But in our modern world the research is showing alarming changes in male reproductive health with a dramatic drop in sperm number & viability. This, with our increasingly toxic world filled with female hormonal disruptors & stress, can dramatically affect healthy baby making!

For many years couples have consulted me to share the heartache of infertility, repeated miscarraige, still birth & babies with delayed developmental mile stones. It is clearly apparent that there is a deep need to support couples on this journey. For education in preconception care, for time out for you to fall in love again & reconnect with your partner. For self nourishment & for space to call in a new life.

It was with this in mind that Holistic Fertility Retreat was conceived.

This gorgeous 7 day retreat in Bali in July 2012 addresses the consequences of infertility in marriage /partnreship. The retreat, set deep in the lush, green rice paddies in the mountains of Bali, offers couples a nurturing loving & transformational space in which they can reconnect with each other. Here you will learn how to create the most fertile relationship possible that will support new life. And here you will feel completely supported in your journey to create your family.

June 30 - July 7 2012

Call Annie on 07 3369 9965

[email protected]




Stretching - Is It better Before or After Training?: by ifeelgood247!


Ask a group of personal trainers and fitness experts about stretching and you’ll get a variety of answers. Some support stretching before and after exercise, others only after, and others suggest planning a specific stretching session each week. With all the conflicting advice, it’s no wonder the average person is confused.

Why you should stretch.

Let’s put aside the before or after debate for a second and think about the reasons stretching is considered important. Regular stretching helps to keep your muscles flexible which is important for everyday life. A lack of flexibility makes it difficult to perform everyday tasks such as bending down, reaching up, in front or behind you. Even the simple act of getting dressed or putting on your shoes can be difficult if you have poor flexibility. But more than that, regular stretching helps to remove any build of lactic acid in the muscles, increases blood flow, and can help prevent injuries..

Stretching before exercise.

For many years fitness professionals have advised people to prepare for exercise with a few minutes of exercise followed by static stretches for the quadriceps, hamstrings, groin, calves, and upper body. However, most fitness professionals now agree that this is not necessarily the best method as performing static stretches before your muscles are properly warmed up can lead to injuries or hinder your training..

If you like to stretch prior to working out, it is now recommended to perform dynamic stretches instead. Dynamic stretching is a fancy term using to describe moving your joints, arms and legs, through their normal range of motion. Think about the swimmers preparing for an event during the Olympics. All that arm swinging they do before they stand on the blocks is dynamic stretching. By adding dynamic stretching to the start of your workout you will help to prepare your body for exercise by warming up the specific areas you are going to use..

Stretching after exercise.

While stretching before exercise is optional, stretching after exercise is still considered important by fitness professionals. Stretching after exercise, especially static stretching or PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) stretching is one of the best ways to remove lactic acid (and other toxins) from your muscles after exercise, and increase your flexibility while your muscles are warm and open to being stretched. (Our trainers can help show you how to perform these stretches)..

Stretching after exercise is an important inclusion to your workout. The extra five or ten minutes it takes to stretch at the end of your session can be the difference between waking up stiff and sore tomorrow or being able to move freely. If you find yourself regularly cutting your stretching short, add one or two 30 minute stretching sessions or even a yoga class to your weekly routine. Try it for a couple of weeks and you’ll soon notice the difference it makes to both your performance and your recovery time. (c) Copyright ifeelgood 24/7 express health clubs - 2011


Indooroopilly: Shop 1 Indooroopilly Junction Shopping Centre 100 Conan St.

Oxley: 99 Cook Street 1300 433 354

Coopers Plains : 1300 433 354






Using Lemon with Dry Body Brushing to Treat Black Heads & Red Spots: with Bodecare!

Ever thought of using a lemon to enhance your skin?

Lemon juice will smooth the skin, it is a good dirt chaser, disinfectant for blocked pores and blemishes. This would be a great remedy for build-up of blackheads and pimples or red spots on the shoulders, back, buttock and legs.

How to Dry Brush with Lemon Juice. This technique can be done as a "repairer" (after you notice you have these skin problems), or a "preventer" (as a habit for people who are prone to spots).

1. Get a fresh lemon and cut in half. You should only need half the lemon and save the other to put in your morning tea.

2. Lightly squeeze the lemon half and wipe the liquid onto your skin starting at feet, legs, buttock and work up the body, don't forget the back and shoulders.

3. It may sting! Many users note that lemon juice stings when it is applied to "active blemishes," that is, when it is applied to pimples. Normally, anything that causes stinging of the skin is not a good thing if you have acne. Lemon juice, however, causes a stinging that also slows down inflammatory processes, so that the net effect on the skin is good.

4. If you have quite bad skin problems (very inflamed and red), gently rub the lemon juice in, making sure you don't hurt your skin. If you hurt your skin by pressing too hard, then you could be making your skin worse.

5. By the time you have wiped the lemon juice to your upper body the lower body will have dried and ready to dry body brush. Dry Body brush as normal, using sweeping strokes in one upward motion to the major lymph nodes of the body. Starting at feet, toes and feet work up the entire body, seven strokes per area. Avoid genitals and breasts and never Dry Body Brush over acne or inflamed sores.

6. After dry body brushing, wash off the residue in the shower and apply your favourite organic body lotion.

Your skin will feel so smooth and amazing. Lemon can be drying on the skin, so I do this as a special treatment for a few days in a row to treat the red spots or blackheads and then I go back to just dry body brushing or alternatively I will do this once a fortnight as a maintenance treatment. Remember all MyHealthSpecial Readers receive a special $10 discount off your first purchase with Bodecare, simply use the coupon name: MYHEALTHSPECIALS and click ADD and it will automatically take $10 off your total. Go to Now to receive your gift.

Happy Brushing!

Jodie Smith



What Makes a Good Friend? Are You One?: by Sue Lester Head Transition Coach, Master Practitioner of NLP & Hypnosis.

It's part of our human nature to need connections to others, that sense of belonging which at a deeper level increases our sense of security and safety. Sometimes we can get that from our family, but more commonly now (by choice or circumstance) we rely on our friendships to fulfil that need - because we can choose our friends, right? But do we?

When you look at those you call your friends, how many did you choose, and how many chose you, or by circumstance fell into being part your life? The most wonderful friendships can blossom by accident, but we can also get locked into more toxic or tiresome relationships just as easily. You know the ones - the friends who are super needy or critical or superficial - that you spend time with and end up feeling more drained, inadequate or unhappy than you did before. And like a partner, it's harder to find the right one when you are with the wrong one. ?

To me a good friend is one that makes me laugh, shares common interests including travel, and can comfortably give me support and nudges as appropriate, but most of all, someone I can just be me with - not the coach, not the successful speaker or businesswoman, just me, warts 'n all. ?

How about you? What's important about friendship to you? Do you need someone who can talk for hours on the phone with you? Or someone to party with, kids free? Someone to talk business or babies with? And where do you find your best friends? Please post your response on ?

Sue Lester is a Catalyst of Change in her roles as Transition Coach, Key Note Speaker, Master Practitioner of NLP and Hypnosis and educator. Sue has a private practice at a Brisbane clinic, and coaching clients across Australia. Her 3 step Let Go And Grow Transition Coaching program results in Clarity, Confidence and Motivation. ?

She also developed and runs De-Stress For Success and Self Leadership First workshops and retreats, the Conception Coaching program for those struggling to conceive, and numerous in-house training programs for a variety of organizations from social enterprise to accountancy firms. Sue also writes regularly for a number of online magazines and forums. [email protected] Ph. 07 3103 2679



Learn The Art of Healing Touch: With Endeavour's Diploma Of Remedial Massage!

Endeavour College of Natural Health are now enrolling for their Trimester 2 intake at all campus locations for their Certificate IV in Massage Therapy and Diploma of Remedial Massage courses. Classes commence on Monday 21st May 2012 and places are filling up fast.

To help you be truly job ready when you graduate, all new students who enrol to commence studying the Diploma of Remedial Massage at Endeavour on campus in May 2012 will receive a portable practitioner massage table valued at $299*. Which means you'll be able to start practicing at home during your studies and once you graduate you'll be all set to practice.

Career Possibilities as a Massage Therapist
One of the most sought after professionals in the Natural Health industry, massage therapists help release tension, improve the functioning of joints and muscles, promote circulation and help reduce mental and physical fatigue experienced in today's busy lifestyle. Massage has also been shown to assist with a variety of emotional disorders and to relieve stress and anxiety.

Once you graduate, the career possibilities are limitless. You can build your own business working from home, work with other health practitioners in a multi-modality setting, work for sporting teams or even work internationally in a day spa or health resort.

Why Study at Endeavour?
As the largest Natural Health College in the Southern Hemisphere, Endeavour graduates are considered some of the best in the field. Endeavour's teachers and facilities are world class, with amazing learning centres and libraries on all campuses.

Endeavour's Diploma of Remedial Massage is a highly practical course that provides a deeper understanding of anatomy, physiology and the treatment of musculoskeletal health complaints. You'll learn a range of remedial massage techniques including trigger point therapy, sports injury management, myofascial release and lymphatic drainage massage. Unlike the majority of other colleges who offer massage qualifications, Endeavour has no educational ceiling. This means that if your eventual goal is higher education, you can progress and up skill your Diploma to a Bachelor degree at Endeavour.

Payment Options Endeavour have affordable payment plans for Certificate IV in Massage Therapy and the Diploma of Remedial Massage is completely covered by VET-FEE Help - the government student loan scheme.

So if your passion is to become a Massage Therapist but you missed Endeavour's January intake, talk to one of Endeavour's friendly enrolment advisors today on 1300 462 887 or enquire online for a campus tour or for further information.

*Terms and conditions at

Vitale Blog is a blog (weblog) website aimed at those interested in Natural and organic skin and body care. You will find: * A repository of useful articles for education about how to choose the best organic and natural skin care. These articles are aimed to help you with all aspects of understanding the ingredients and making the right choices for your skin and the environment. * A collection of videos about natural skin care. You can listen to the recordings at any time through your computer speakers rather than having to read through pages of content. * Fresh content is added regularly including vidoes on ingredients, interviews with other skin experts, how-to instructional articles dealing with current hot topics like greenwashing and effecitve ingredients, as well as news and information from the natural beauty world.





Short and Sweet:Garbanzo Bean Salad.


One can Garbanzo Beans, rinsed and drained 1/2 cup minced red onion 1 cup minced green, red or yellow peppers (or use all three!) 1/4 cup fresh parsley leaves 1 small bunch of rocket (washed & ready to go) DRESSING: 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil 2 teaspoons red wine vinegar 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano flakes Salt & pepper to taste Add first four ingredients in a medium bowl. Mix dressing ingredients in a small bowl, stir with whisk and pour over beans, onion, pepper and parsley mixture. Let chill in refrigerator for several hours.

Brought to you by Mass Attack.

Laughter is the best medicine!

How Do You Know its Raining Cats and Dogs?

You End Up Stepping in a Poodle!

.Quote of the Month!

"I would rather regret the things that I have done than the things that I have not." Lucille Ball


For a Good Cause: Why Support Guide Dogs Queensland?

Established in 1960, Guide Dogs Queensland helps to equip, empower and educate Queenslanders who are blind or vision impaired, of all ages, with a range of orientation and mobility services. With less than seven per cent Government funding for some specific rehabilitation services, and none for our Guide Dogs, we rely on the generosity of individuals, puppy sponsors, corporate support and people who leave a bequest in their Will to fund our vital work. And all services, including our Guide Dogs are offered free of charge.





In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"


  • Weight Loss Guide
  • Endeavour College
  • Skin Management Solutions
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.