
Issue Number 2 - Tuesday 20th March 2001

Holistic Healing: It's all a matter of balance
by Jenny Fitzgerald : Holistic healer

Holistic healing is the process of bringing the mind, body and spirit back into balance. When we are out of balance physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually we experience discomfort and disease in our lives. Holistic healing, as opposed to medical treatment, has its major focus on understanding the individual, not the symptoms displayed by the patient. It uses the inner power and resources of the mind and body to re-establish our own unique balance. It is this balance that results in full health and allows us to live our lives with energy and vitality.

When working with clients I find that one of the major problems we have in our western culture is the inability to understand and feel our own bodies. We walk around in this vessel and yet are unaware of the impact we are having on it. How often do you sit and just experience the flow of energy running through your body? Unless there are symptoms we don't usually take any notice of this amazing tool, our bodies, which we have to evaluate our well-being.

Holistic healing takes into account the many aspects of the individual that have been disconnected and brings them back into alignment. Because we are all individuals and none of us is the same, we need different treatments to realign ourselves on all levels (body, mind and spirit).

So what can you expect when you go to a Holistic healer?

You will be asked questions about your current symptoms, about your life in general, your family history, and anything else the healer may feel is relevant. From the answers you give the healer will, usually intuitively, make a decision as to where your unique healing process should start. You may be advised to consult a medical practitioner; a natural therapist or another practitioner that the healer feels would be beneficial to support your return to health. You may also be advised to attend courses and seminars so you can learn new skills that will better enable you to make informed decisions about your health.

The healer will also advise you on the meditation practice which will bring about balance in the most appropriate way for you (not necessarily the quickest). Meditation is an important part of the healing journey and will have many benefits for your overall well-being.

You will be given some form of energetic healing. There are many forms available which include Reiki, Spiritual healing, Magnetic healing, Tonal healing, Crystal healing, Chakra balancing, Colour therapy, and the list could go on forever. Most healing methods will involve you either sitting or lying down in a peaceful environment that will enable you to relax and can involve you answering questions, listening to the healer or being in a meditative state. The experiences will vary from healer to healer and from healee to healee, and also from session to session. Because we are individuals we will get from the healing that which is right for us at this particular time.

Everyone can benefit from Holistic healing because it is aimed at the individual not the symptoms. So children, adults, the elderly, and the disabled will all receive a benefit from a treatment. Quite often, several sessions are required because the changes necessary for an individual to experience balance will happen over a period of time rather than instantly. Just as a person who is overweight has to shed the kilograms slowly as s/he works through the many reasons why they need to be overweight, so it is with any imbalance in our lives.

So don't wait for the imbalances to develop into symptoms, contact a Holistic healer and learn the skills necessary, to understand yourself and to bring the balance back, so you can live with the vitality you deserve.


About Jenny:

Jenny Fitzgerald is a Holistic healer at North Brisbane Natural Therapies Centre. She has been working in the field for 10 years. She holds regular workshops in Conflict Resolution, Stress Management and Boundaries as well as teaches Meditation and Reiki. She has recently released her first Meditation CD which is available by contacting 3207 5245. The cost of the CD is $20.00 plus postage & handling.

North Brisbane Natural Therapies Centre


Take A Break!

Taking 'time out' is a great way to revitalise, which creates a positive environment to begin and motivate changes in your lifestyle. Our regular story in 'Naturally Happy' will look at the different options available to us in Queensland to 'chill out'.
In this issue we look at 4 of Australia's best health retreats; and they're on our doorstep!

Clear Mountain Health & Conference Centre, Camp Eden Health Retreat The Golden Door Health Retreat and The Dome Retreat are 4 local businesses that have national and international recognition, however these hidden treasures are available within a 2 hour drive for most of us. They are all quite individually different however they all share the common attitude goal to be very effective.

They have on offer fantastic deals and packages to suit you on, from afternoon 'time outs' to the ultimate get away holiday package. So when it all gets a bit to much, 'take a break' and check out their web sites. Do it for yourself or do it for someone special!

Camp Eden Health Retreat
Clear Mountain Health & Conference Centre
The Dome Retreat
The Golden Door Health Retreat

Hypnotherapy: the myths and the facts!
By DR Rick Collingwood Ph.D, B.A

Most people when asked if they have ever been hypnotized will answer 'no', but they are usually mistaken. Almost everyone has at some time been in a hypnotic state without recognising it. In childhood, daydreaming which is so real to the child that the dream or imagined situation takes the place of ordinary reality, is essentially self-hypnosis. In adult life many people still daydream occasionally, and most people have episodes of absent-mindedness or abstraction during which time they are, as we say, in a 'World of their own'.

The Facts

In hypnosis you do not, as a rule cease to be unaware or unconscious of what is going on around you. You will usually be aware of noises outside the room, the tightness of your shoes, or any other external stimulus, but your awareness of these things is often distant or faded, as your subconscious mind begins to concentrate directly and completely on what the therapist is saying to you, and on what your subconscious mind begins to concentrate directly and completely on what the therapist is saying to you, and on what you are using the hypnosis for. It is only in the deepest hypnotic states which we call 'somnambulistic' that you actually cease to be aware of anything except what is being suggested to you during the hypnotic session.

The way we think and what we think must influence the way we feel, and we are automatically affected in our physical feelings and personal consciousness made to ourselves, by ourselves, or by other people. For
Example if every person you met one morning said to you 'you look a bit sick and unwell today you should be at home in bed?' you would feel pretty ill and want to go to bed. On the other hand, if you were to be greeted wherever you went with compliments on your appearance, your manner, and remarks on how well you are looking, you would soon be feeling pretty good, even if the day started badly. The same idea is used in hypnotherapy: what you are thinking about yourself must affect the way you feel and consequently the way you deal with life. However, your deepest and most important feelings about yourself may be quite different from and at odds with what you think you feel. In hypnosis we make or accept suggestions subconsciously and deliberately, then use them to achieve something that we want or for something's that will benefit us, and that acceptance goes very much deeper than it can in non-hypnotic states. Hypnosis is all about control, but unlike in fiction and drama real-life hypnosis is about your own control of yourself and your body and mind. For the vast majority of people nothing can happen with willful submission or coming under the control of another person. For the vast majority of people nothing can happen in hypnosis that they do not agree to, and they simply cannot be made to do, think, or feel that they don't want to.

The Myths

Surrendering your will power or self control is an incorrect assumption about hypnosis that needs some clarification. If you watch, or perhaps take part in a demonstration of hypnosis at a club or a party you will see other people doing, or find yourself doing, all sorts of silly embarrassing things, things that you would
never usually be seen doing. However at a party or in a club, with a few drinks inside you, and your friends egging you on, you would be quite likely to do silly or humiliating things even without hypnosis. Because of the situation, and because the subject and the audience most probably believe that a hypnotist can control other people and make them do things, the subject will often simply go along with whatever the hypnotist suggests.


How can it help?

The subconscious mentally alert mind state often called Hypnotherapy is a very helpful and powerful therapeutic tool when applied and used in a responsible and sensible manner. Professional Hypnotherapists see many changes occur within their clients, that other persons may consider to be miraculous. Of course there are no miracles involved, just as there are no particular spiritual or any other esoteric principals used to induce or maintain the hypnotic state. Some of the many areas where clinical areas where clinical hypnosis is considered useful are QUITTING SMOKING, PAIN CONTROL, HABIT REMOVAL, SELFCONFIDENCE, SALES &PROFESSIONAL MOTIVATION, certain PSYCOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL DISORDERS, BED WETTING, SELF ESTEEM ENHANCMENT, BULIMIA AND ANOREXIA NERVOSA, PHOBIAS, WEIGHT LOSS, DEPRESSION, NAIL BITING, INSOMONIA, OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER, most forms of ADDICTIVE SUBSTANCE ABUSE and all types of STRESS. It is important to understand that hypnosis could be unhelpful to the recipient if it is applied incorrectly by an inexperienced person, and also to realize that just because somebody may be able to induce a hypnotic trance, this doesn't necessarily mean that they are qualified or able to offer Psychological help or effective counseling.

So if you have some challenges that are causing you concern or hindering your lifestyle you should consider hypnotherapy as an effective, natural and drug free alternative. Remember if you are going to open you mind to a stranger it is important and sensible that you select somebody who is professionally competent and adequately experienced, never be afraid to ask for credentials. Once you are satisfied and comfortable, then relax and enjoy a very enlightening and therapeutic experience.

DR Rick Collingwood Ph.D,B.A
Cert. Counsellor & Mental Health Practitioner Hypnoptherapist, Psychotherapist Tutor
Member E.H.A.A, A.C.H.A, A.B.H



Mind Motivations Hypnotherapy Consultants

Latin dancing: Fitness for the body and soul!

Movements are based on Afro-Cuban, Afro-Brazilian, Afro-Jazz, Afro-Reggae and Capoeira dance styles. It is great for developing the flexibility, rhythm and coordination required of that great, relaxed Latin groove. All movements are performed individually. Latin Fitness 1 is an introduction to the movements in the Latin Fitness program and performed at a slow pace. Latin Fitness 2 is suitable for those with experience, and is at a faster pace.

Add a little spice with Salsa!
Salsa is a literal translation of the Spanish word 'sauce'. This dance is as hot as its tasty Latin American namesake. Salsa music is uplifting and charged with energy. Originating from Cuba and New York, it also incorporates rhythms from the African, Caribbean and Latin regions.
This dance can be done simply or in a more sophisticated way with fancy footwork. The faster the rhythm, the greater the challenge!

Merengue is a happy, simple dance from the Dominican Republic that uses lots of creative arm turns whilst maintaining basic footwork. Even those who think they have 'two left feet' will find this an enjoyable dance to learn.

Slower and more controlled, Cuba's dream-like Bolero is an elegant and romantic dance often referred to as the Cuban 'Dance of Love'.

This sensational Brazilian dance has brought partner dancing back to the dance floor. Lambada has flowing hips and beautiful movements as if two bodies dance as one.

Passion, seduction and sensuality are words that come to mind when we think 'Tango'. Born in the poorer neighborhoods of Buenos Aires over the last century and a half, this dramatic, elegant Argentinean dance is one of today's most popular partner dance styles.

From North East Brazil, this fun, folkloric dance style (which Lambada developed from) is the most popular, social partner dance in Brazil at this time.

The national symbol of Brazil, signifying happiness and carefree attitudes, Samba is a cheeky and energetic individual dance that captures the excitement of Rio's Carnival Parade.

Gafieira or 'Brazilian Tango', as it is sometimes known, is Samba danced as a couple. This is a skilful, playful dance style.

Bossa Nova
The words Bossa Nova translate to 'new wave', an apt name for a style of music which is 'jazz-influenced samba', born in the 1950s in Brazil. This dance is a softer, more relaxed style, danced in a light-hearted, romantic way.

Afro-Brazilian movements
A combination of Afro-Brazilian movements are incorporated into a warm up for the other dance styles, and are based on Afro-Cuban, Brazilian, jazz and reggae.

Rio Rhythmics

Short and Sweet:

Serves 6

½ cup castor sugar*
1 x 875 g can pear slices in natural juice, drained and juice reserved
1 vanilla bean, split and seeds scraped out or 1-teaspoon vanilla essence
1 cup Australian Natural or low fat yogurt
2 Egg whites

Combine sugar, pear juice, vanilla bean and seeds together in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Allow to simmer uncovered until mixture has reduced by half. Refrigerate until cold. Process pears and yogurt until smooth and fold through the syrup. Pour mixture into a large bowl or freezer container and freeze until semi-set. Beat eggs until stiff and fold eggs whites into pear mixture. Gently spoon into a freezer container and freeze until firm.. Scoop and serve.

Nutrient analysis per serve
Energy: 678 kJ Protein: 1g Fat: 1g Carbohydrates: 35 g Calcium: 66 mg Total Sugars: 33 g
* Sugar can be replaced using equal quantities of a granulated artificial sweetener

And the winners are:

Congratulations to the 10 lucky winners of a "Healthy Life" Club Life membership, this months giveaway is a great Yakult pack! Good Luck to all subscibers!


"It is not the strongest of the species that survive,
nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."

Charles Darwin

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