Issue 197

The Benefits Of Pain: by Sue Lester Head Transition Coach, Master Practitioner of NLP & Hypnosis.

If you are an occasional or chronic sufferer of pain, it may seem odd there are actually benefits to pain, both immediate and ongoing. The immediate benefits are more obvious, but it is the ongoing which can be unconscious and therefore not as quickly or easily treated. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is particularly effective for the latter, and complements more common pain treatments such as acupuncture, massage, osteopathy, physiotherapy and Frequency Specific Micro-current (FSM is available at Paddington Clinic Brisbane).

Pain is our body's way of communicating that something is wrong, and action needs to be taken to remove ourselves from the source of the pain. During the healing process pain persists as a reminder to take care of the injured part. It's important to seek help during this stage as untreated pain in one part of the body can in turn injure another. For example, limping with a sore leg for a few days throws our hips and subsequently back out of alignment.

(Pain during childbirth is different. It can be signalling to the mother to move position to assist baby's progress, but unfortunately the agony many women experience comes more from fear [the body tensing and resisting], and expectations of childbirth pain from the stories heard and movies seen. The mind-body connection with pain is significant, and nothing illustrates this more than the magic of watching a tranquil Hypno Birth, or the amazing orgasmic birth - if every woman could experience one of those our population would explode! In these situations the mother's mind convinces her body that birthing is safe, natural and achievable without significant discomfort or pain, and her body and baby totally agree.)

The benefits of ongoing pain are less obvious, and even the concept of Secondary Gain can be quite confronting to a sufferer. On a personal note, once I was introduced to the concept, my years and years of vomiting tension headaches made sense, and I was able to develop strategies to manage then prevent them occurring. For me, the Secondary Gain, or benefits of an otherwise negative situation, were time out from a stressful job, avoidance of situations out of my comfort zone, a catch-up on sleep, sympathetic attention and some tender loving care from loved ones.

For pain that is ongoing for more than 6 weeks, there is commonly an underlying emotional reason or benefit, and often there is no conscious awareness of that. This is when NLP can be invaluable in both identifying and removing the underlying cause, if desired, or simply training the brain to communicate to the body in a different way so the pain is alleviated. The obvious benefit of the former is that the problem won't later resurface in a different way i.e. back pain replaced with stomach aches.

Remember pain is one way our unconscious mind communicates with our conscious mind that something needs to change. Whether we choose to listen and act, or not, is a personal choice.

07 3103 2679

0428 128 679



Unlock Your Creative Potential with Right Brain Genius Workshops: Brisbane 13/12, Sunshine Coast 14/12 & The Gold Coast 15/12!


To teach you about BALANCE! More specifically, to teach you how to use both sides of your brain in balance. Unfortunately this is not something that is taught in school so most people grow up to believe they are not creative.

Once you discover the right, creative side of your brain and use it , you will have limitless potential to do whatever you want with your life.

Right Brain Genius is designed to positively encourage you to allow the right side of your brain to do what it was designed to do - BE CREATIVE!

For most people in society, the left side of the brain is the more dominant and it definitely likes to be in control.

The left side of your brain is the analytical, logical, verbal side of your brain. You need it for balancing the cheque book.

STRESS is stored in the left side of your brain. By learning how to unlock the right side of your brain your stress will be relieved. Best of all, once you know what it feels like to be using the right side of your brain, you can call on that feeling at will.

The right side of your brain is the creative, visual side of your brain; it is also where your intuition and dreams come from.

Right Brain Genius is so much more than a drawing course. The course will positively encourage you to challenge any negative emotions you hold about your ability to draw or be creative. The affect of this for most is profound.

During the course, you will learn how to un-lock the Right (creative) side of your brain so you can finally give the Left (analytical) side of your brain a rest.

The classes are informative, inspiring and definitely life changing.

A new adventure will begin the moment you enrol in Right-Brain Genius. This course is an excellent kick-starter to a multitude of many other wonderful things you can do with your life.

Relax while building confidence, finding focus and making new friends, (especially with your own right brain). As you progress through the simple techniques, you will thank yourself for the wonderful opportunity of un-locking your creativity.

A number of students begin to realize their dreams, while others simply improve on existing skills. Some notice improved co-ordination skills while others become aware of greater balance in their lives.

Engineers, Architects, Mums & Dad's, Builders, Accountants, Professional Artists, Doctors, and Nurses, in fact people from all walks of life, young & old have and will continue to benefit in one way or another from this truly amazing course.

Workshop testimonial

Before my Right Brain Genius was given her head, I truly thought I could not draw. Now I know I can. And now I believe I can do anything I put my mind to. In the process of overcoming the fear that my artwork would not be 'good enough', I have also begun to minimize my panic attacks and social anxiousness, and have been able to substantially reduce my anti-depressant medication. Thank you for this healing opportunity Helen Joy. Your mother named you well. Robyn Ellen


TUESDAY THE 13/12/11



Click the below Links to register or call Helen direct on,

07 4041 5080 / 0408 249 545

Click Here for Course Information

Click Here To Register







Why Dancing Fulfils The Most Basic of Human Needs: By Rio Rhythmics.

What would make you get up and dance? Like so many things, dance is both adored and avoided. Adored for the beauty, skill and fun of it- avoided for our fear of looking a fool. Dancing can make us feel invigorated, empowered and contented, and it provides an opportunity (especially in partner dances) for the most basic of human needs- relationships and connections with others. It has also become a skill on which we are judged- we're quite happy to laugh at those less- than- rhythmic specimens we see on reality TV shows. We just don't want to be them.

Weddings, parties, nightclubs- life gives us many chances to let loose and shake our stuff… and if our stuff's not so flash? Learning to dance can be a very humbling process. It can help to find which styles of dance- or music- put you at ease; overcoming the feeling of intimidation many new students feel can be a key step to really enjoying dancing.

In West End, Rio Rhythmics introduces students to various Latin dance styles, encouraging them to develop an individual understanding and enjoyment of dance. Key to their teaching philosophy is that "dance" is more than performance or competition. Steps and techniques learnt in a dance class can definitely make the "conversation" of dancing with a partner smoother, but without the engagement, joy, and presence in the moment, this "conversation" can also fall flat.

Weekends at the Rio Rhythmics studios are devoted to guest artist workshops, casual courses and Dance Party nights on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. These events drive dancers to thrive in an environment with new and familiar faces- dancing with people from all backgrounds and levels of experience. Hosting international guests and teachers is also an exciting way for the Academy to offer their students novelty, and the latest variations of dance styles. To complement this, their teachers frequently travel to experience new unique dance forms, to inspire and share with their students.

The gathering of these students, teachers and guest artists together displays the essence of what "dance" means to these people. Dance offers the experience of community, an expression of joy, and an invigorating outlet to exercise and relieve stress. These things are central to our wellbeing and the enjoyment of our lives- well worth overcoming the initial trepidation of enrolling in your first dance lesson!

As the New Year approaches, many of us will resolve to achieve something. Often it's an unrealistic something, and one we've tried at before. It might be simpler if we only resolved to do something, not achieve it. Have fun. Get fit. Make friends.

Why wouldn't you dance?
For more information, visit or phone 3844 1824.

Special Offer: Mention My Health Specials and receive a *$50 Rio Rhythmics Gift Voucher

*Gift Voucher can only be used to purchase an 11 week term dance course from Rio Rhythmics Latin Dance Academy .Gift Voucher is not redeemable for cash. Gift Voucher can be redeemed up until the end of 2011 for use up until the end of 2012.

Christmas Gift Voucher Ideas!.



APOLLOS DAY SPA (South Brisbane)

FITNESS MARKET- 5 Locations!

Soul Living Natural Therapies( Zillmere)

Nirvana Rejuvenation Spa & Hair Salon (Lutwyche)



The Float Centre -Ashgrove

Clinic Aesthetic - South Brisbane

Cosmetic Elegance - Toowoomba

Reveal Medical and Aesthetic- Medical Spa Laser Hair + Vascular Clinic : (BRISBANE CITY)

Rainesforest Massage and Day Spa Indooroopilly Brisbane

Fresh Skin + Spa - (Toowoomba)





Stephanies Ocean Spa ( Noosa)

Pure Indulgence Day Spa ( Toowoomba)

Stephanies Mountain Spa ( Clear mountain)


Beauty Central (BRISBANE CITY)

Radiant Day Spa (Capalaba)

2outshine and Outshine - (West End/New Farm)

SASI Skin Spa - (Warner)

Le Mirage - (Brisbane City and Sunnybank)

Urban Retreat and Day Spa ( Hawthorne)

Body Essense - New farm

Body Essense - Kedron

Elysium Hair and Beauty - Brisbane City

Bodysense Natural Health & Beauty - Wavell Heights





Ifeelgood247: Oxley and Indooroopilly

We know you’re busy so that’s why we make it super easy for you to squeeze in a feel good workout by offering:

Quick and Convenient Workouts,
When You Need Them. We know it’s not always easy to fit long training sessions into your busy schedule. So that’s why we’ve developed the ifeelgood Express Workout just for you! All it takes is 30 minutes to complete so you can get in, get out and back to your life quicker. So visit one of our clubs today to find out more.

Flexible Memberships
From Just $8.95 a Week.
Sure, the idea of lap pools and saunas is nice. But you’re so busy you would never use them, so why pay for them? At ifeelgood, you’ll get access to the state of the art workout equipment that you’ll actually use. And with memberships starting from just $8.95* a week, that’s value to make you feel good. Check out our full range of memberships.

24/7 Club Access.
Our door is always open to our members so you can pop by any time you like. 24 hours 7 days a week. Night and day. Around the clock. You’ll feel good about our affordable membership options and express workouts when you need them. So what are you waiting for? Join us today and start feeling good.

Programs & Support
The Way You Like It.
Whether you want a little support or a lot, we’re here to help. You’ll have access to personal trainers, workout programs and loads of other helpful info to keep you motivated and feeling good. So what are you waiting for? Join us and start feeling good

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I Feel Good 24 7 - Indooroopilly

I Feel Good 24 7 - Oxley

Vitale Blog! is a blog (weblog) website aimed at those interested in Natural and organic skin and body care. You will find: * A repository of useful articles for education about how to choose the best organic and natural skin care. These articles are aimed to help you with all aspects of understanding the ingredients and making the right choices for your skin and the environment. * A collection of videos about natural skin care. You can listen to the recordings at any time through your computer speakers rather than having to read through pages of content. * Fresh content is added regularly including vidoes on ingredients, interviews with other skin experts, how-to instructional articles dealing with current hot topics like greenwashing and effecitve ingredients, as well as news and information from the natural beauty world.



Short and Sweet:Slow- Baked Lima Beans in Tomato Sauce.

Serves 4

This recipe is taken from my recipe book "Walked, Grown, Flown, Swam", available as an ebook from the online store.

1 cup lima beans, soaked overnight in

4 cups cold water

4 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped

1 large onion, peeled and chopped

2 tablespoons brown sugar or agave syrup or substitute with stevia drops or powder to equivalent spoons according to packet directions.

* 2 tablespoons olive oil

2 bay leaves 2 tablespoons chopped fresh oregano

2 x 400g cans chopped tomatoes sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Drain beans and place in a saucepan with plenty of fresh cold water. Bring to the boil, then simmer for 30 minutes until beans are almost tender. Drain and discard cooking liquid.

Preheat oven to 180ºC. In a large, ovenproof casserole dish, combine beans with remaining ingredients, except salt and pepper. Cover and bake for 2 hours, stirring once or twice. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve with greens such as pan-fried spinach, and use warmed tortillas to mop up the sauce.

*NOTE: brown sugar is red-listed so should be avoided in the first two phases of your program .

Brought to you by Mass Attack.

Laughter is the best medicine!

Question: Why was Santa's little helper depressed? Because he had low elf esteem.

Question: What do you get when you cross an archer with a gift-wrapper? Answer: Ribbon hood.

Question: What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus? Answer: Claustrophobic.

Question: What do snowmen eat for breakfast? Answer: Snowflakes

.Quote of the Month!

“Fear less, hope more; Eat less, chew more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Love more, and all good things will be yours”


For a Good Cause: Support Unicef This Christmas.

Give an Inspired Gift this Christmas.




In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"


  • Christmas ideas
  • Living Edge Health.
  • Barham Chiropratic.
  • Skin Management Solutions
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.