Issue 168

Design Your Ideal Baby Through Prenatal Bonding: By Sue Lester Master Practitioner NLP, Hypnosis, Result Coaching!

Gender aside, if you could design the ideal baby what characteristics would you give it? Healthy, contented, slept well, ate well, responded positively to the world, was able to self-comfort, connected easily with others and learnt quickly? It's not pot-luck. From conception the baby is responding to its environment, that is, its mother's body. So the key is to be, do and have all the characteristics you want in your baby, and that includes happily eating vegetables!

What your baby learns in the womb sets up its expectations of what's normal and creates set behavioural patterns which can carry on throughout childhood and perhaps its whole life. Here are 7 easy ways to make a positive difference:

Eat a wide variety healthy food regularly Eating irregularly impacts on your blood sugar levels. Baby adapts by developing her metabolism for lean times, causing problems when she is fed a richer diet after birth, increasing her risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes later. Babies whose mothers' diets are high in sugar, salt or fat and bland in variety will show a preference for those and be 'fussy' eaters.

Hydrate Keeping well hydrated enables our brain to function well, our body to flush toxins, and keep blood pressure steady.

Exercise Exercising regularly within your limits improves your emotional and physical health, and can alleviate leg cramps, backaches, constipation, breathlessness and stress. The hormones you release during exercise pass through to your baby so he receives an emotional lift from your adrenaline and all the feel good endorphins.

Give and receive Love
If the mother is feeling loved, secure and happy, so will her unborn baby. Anger tenses his world, happiness relaxes it. Baby learns its parents' voices and responds to the tones. Loving physical contact between mother and father sends feel-good hormones through to baby too.

Communicate From the moment you know you are pregnant welcome your baby and let him know he is loved. Talk with your unborn baby, stroke and massage her, sing, play music, keep a diary of your thoughts to give to her later. Encourage your partner and other children to do the same.

Sleep Well Allow yourself to rest, to have quiet times to allow your blood pressure to lower, and teach your baby to relax as well.

De-stress A mother's anxiety produces the stress hormone, cortisol, which passes through to the baby, impacting on development. These early experiences set the pattern for how the baby responds to stressful situations throughout life. By eating, resting, exercising and loving well mothers are better placed to counteract some of the effects of unavoidable stress. Take time to consider your priorities in the work-life balance, and to resolve any relationship issues, preferably before conception.

For more detailed information, and the research studies behind these points, please refer to "Bonding Before Birth: prenatal nurturing for your baby" by Dr Miriam Stoppard (2008 DK Publishing).

For assistance with conception and pregnancy support, including resolving relationship, anxiety, self-esteem and healthy-choice issues, Sue Lester of Growing Content offers individual consultations in person and by telephone, and runs Conception Coaching programs, and Emotion Detox workshops.

Sue Lester B.A. Dip Teach. Master Practitioner NLP, Hypnosis, Results Coaching. Facilitator of Conception Coaching and Emotion Detox Workshops. Ph 0428 128679



Diet More Effective Than Exercise for Weight Loss: By Great Ideas in Nutrition!


Researchers recently found increasing physical activity may not be the key to shedding unwanted kilos and diet plays a much greater role in determining body weight.

Australian dietitian and author of Portion Perfection Amanda Clark said this makes sense because we can eat so much faster than we can burn off calories.

"A brisk walk burns about seven calories a minute, but we can swallow 60 calories every 20 seconds," said Mrs Clark.

The recent study by Loyola University Health System in Chicago found weight loss is not likely to happen without dietary restraint.

Dietitian Amanda Clark agrees exercise is not a strategy on its own for weight loss, but it is very important for health and for keeping weight off. Amanda's new book Portion Perfection - A visual weight control plan explains how you can achieve your optimum weight by readjusting portion sizes.

"By gradually trimming off 100 to 200 calories a day, you can accumulate meaningful weight loss over time without feeling any diet deprivation," said Mrs Clark.

"Anyone can learn how to estimate portion sizes and use sensory perception to eat less. You can reprogram your expectations and habits when it comes to the amount of food you serve yourself."

Studies show people can eat up to 20 percent more or less without realising it.

Portion Perfection is a visual weight control plan that shows you exactly the right amount to eat if you want to lose or maintain weight. It includes everyday and occasional foods (such as treats like chocolate or wine) and spells out just how much to eat for various age groups. It has hundreds of pictures showing popular packaged foods, including almost every brand of yoghurt, cereal, muesli bar and crisps available in Australia, as well as common take-away foods. There's also a Portion Perfection plate and bowl to help you serve up the right amount. All the Portion Perfection products are available at

About the Author Amanda Clark is an Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian who received one of the highest accolades in her profession when she won the Dietitians Association of Australia's President's Award for Innovation. Amanda has spent the past 15 years reviewing other nutrition authors' work for listing of the best on her online bookshop at


Iridology and Hemaview Live Blood Analysis : By Robert Mascali ND!


Iridology enhances our ability to visualize and understand our inner world. Iridology is also a pathway to transformation as it transforms the way we feel about our bodies. When you consult a trained iridologist like myself, you are shown your strengths and weaknesses and given an understanding of your consitutional type. Therapy can then be given to treat the underlying cause of your condition or ill health. Early signs of disease can be treated before manifestation of more entrenched disease sets in.

The foundation level of treatment should activate all the eliminative channels (bowel, lymph, skin, lungs, and kidneys) so that toxins, acids, chemicals and inorganics can leave the body without creating a strong healing crisis. This should be done together with constitutional treatment to strengthen any weak systems or organs, supporting your body until it reaches a healthy state. Then your body's inherent vitality and power will overcome disease. Once you have undergone a course of treatment, you develop a greater independence and the knowledge gained through constitutional understanding allows you to better look after yourself.

Hemaview Live Blood Analysis

Hemaview is a form of live blood analysis that helps me to identify and treat your health problems faster and better than ever before. Using only one or two drops of blood taken from your finger and placed under a dark field microscope, I am able to observe size, shape and structure of red cells, white cells and platelets as well as phenomena within the plasma. This scientific method of analysis allows me to identify and demonstrate to you indications of nutritional deficiencies, organ/system dysfunctions, certain biochemical imbalances, and immune system imbalances, which can greatly help in addressing your health needs. It also allows me to monitor your progress and show you the changes taking place as therapy progresses. One of the advantages of this scientific method of analysis is that the results are immediate and sensitive allowing me to develop effective treatment protocols tailor-made to your particular condition(s).

12 Mylne Street, Chermside 3350 2266


Healthy Inspirations:Women's Only Healthy Weight Loss Solution!

When it comes to losing weight, did you know that size doesn't matter….

You don't have to join the worlds biggest weight loss or fitness chains to lose weight effectively. Sometimes it is the smaller, boutique weight loss brands that will deliver more effective & affordable weight loss in a healthy commonsense fashion.

In fact there is a successful and unique weight loss program that is quietly gaining momentum in Australia and New Zealand. Healthy weight loss is now achievable via a program that is female friendly, utilising up to date weight management and exercise research, and putting this together in an affordable, systemised fashion all under the one roof.

Four essential components to healthy, long term and successful weight loss include:-

Nutritional Program

Did you know that 80% of successful weight loss is learning how to eat in a healthy way that sustains an energy deficit? At Healthy Inspirations, members learn how to select and eat foods that they buy from the supermarket, and this is put into dietician supported eating plans that are sensible, filling and tasty. The bonus is the whole family benefits and everyone can now incorporate this eating plan into their lifestyle and which can be maintained daily.

One-on-One Coaching

The National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC) state that people wanting to lose weight, need regular contact and support from health professionals so at Healthy Inspirations, members meet with our trained Lifestyle Consultants up to three times per week during the Healthy Weight Loss stage. These quick but crucial visits help the member stay focused, while ensuring that they are accountable for their eating and exercise habits.

Simple to follow Resistance Based Exercise Circuit

Healthy Inspirations incorporates a 30 minute fitness circuit into the healthy weight loss and exercise program. This Australian made equipment is fully adjustable and allows the members to exercise in an easy, non-intimidating circuit which is monitored and adjusted to suit the members needs. Outcomes include improved weight management, improved muscle tone, improved confidence and the development of new friends. All of this is done in a friendly, relaxed and fun environment.

Relaxation Therapy

Although less recognised, weight gain and successful weight loss is influenced by life stresses and pressures. Many women would appreciate that a feeling of hunger can be triggered by stress induced hormonal imbalances. So, at Healthy Inspirations members can enjoy a weekly relaxation session in a luxurious Shiatsu massage chair. Located in a private room, the member can lie back and relax whilst remaining fully clothed and having no other staff involved.

Healthy Inspirations has been in Australia and New Zealand for almost 9 years and now has 38 sites around Australia including 4 in New Zealand. To find out where these boutique healthy weight loss centres are and to receive your free 7 day pass, go to or call 1800 80 90 49 or click on the links below. If you want effective, long term, healthy weight loss that is for life, then you should give Healthy Inspirations a call. Remember when it comes to losing weight, size doesn't always matter!


Call 1800 80 90 49 for an obligation-free 7 day trial membership (mention

South East Qld locations

Healthy Inspirations - Kenmore 07 3878 5222

Healthy Inspirations - Mt Gravatt 07 3420 4233

Healthy Inspirations - North Lakes 07 3491 3966

Healthy Inspirations - Helensvale 07 3491 3966

Healthy Inspirations - Noosa 07 3491 3966

Healthy Inspirations - The Pines 07 3491 3966

North QLD

Healthy Inspirations - Cairns 07 3491 3966

Healthy Inspirations - Gladstone 07 3491 3966

Healthy Inspirations - Townsville 07 3491 3966



Sustainable Design:At Dental Wellness!

A deep appreciation for sustainability principals, coupled with an increasing public demand for a health model that incorporates the best of natural and modern medicine have resulted in Dr David Cowhig moving his established surgery from Brisbane city to the leafy suburb of The Gap. Originally known as Queensland Holistic Dental, David's new practice - Dental Wellness™ - represents a whole body approach to oral health achieved through the integration of dental excellence and the philosophies of complementary and progressive general medicine.

One of Australia's first 'holistic' dentists, Dr Cowhig has long been the dentist of choice for natural health care professionals and their clients. With patients travelling from interstate and overseas, it had become obvious that moving out of the city to a cleaner environment was an essential next step.

"It was a big leap for us to take," Dr Cowhig said "because we weren't really sure how our patients would respond. But at the end of the day, this move is as much about a better and more relaxed life for my family, as it is creating a better environ- ment for my practice. "We've lived in this area for 11 years and it's a great environment. Now I can walk to work and go home and have lunch with the kids during school holidays."

Designing and building a modern dental practice according to a more comprehensive health model is no simple task. From air and water filtration, mercury disposal, full spec- trum lighting, VOC-free paint and building materials, through to furniture, floor coverings and interior design, Dental Wellness is a model of what dental surgeries in the future will need to look like if they are to meet the requirements of an ever better- informed and more demanding public.

"Increasingly we find our patients are curious about more than the dental pro cess. They are as concerned about climate change as they are about health, and they want to know what we are doing to protect the environment as well," Dr Cowhig said. Rather than creating a brand new practice, Dr Cowhig and his team have repurposed and redesigned an existing pre- war home, making use of the established building and hence minimising the carbon footprint associated with the project - as well as retaining some of its unique architectural features.

A rainwater fed Australian native and edible garden surrounds the building, providing a more natural environment for patients to relax pre or post surgery.

The process of creating this new space fell to a project team consisting of three separate parties - sustainability marketing strategists uncompromise™, branding and design studio visure™ and the project man- agement team at Elite Projects. "We didn't just want to move our existing surgery to a new location," Dr Cowhig said. "We wanted to completely revitalise our business and to do that, we needed to look at how the market had moved in terms of its understandings of 'holistic'. "Over the last ten years we have seen the rise of the LOHAS [an acronym for Lifestyles Of Health And Sustainability] demographic, who are educated, but extremely discerning. They are looking for a unique, integral boutique experience - and their primary interest is in quality service and their overall wellbeing. Having said that, you can't just pay lip-service to sustainability - these people are extremely vocal and critical of any hint of green-wash." From start to finish, Dental Wellness is focused on providing a specific and consistent brand experience and from the moment you walk through the entrance, there is no doubting the efficacy and integrity of its approach. Once inside, the usual interface between the waiting room and reception is conspicuously absent. An overwhelming feeling of calm meets your senses with meditative images, music and non- clinical aroma.

"Surgery waiting rooms are usually pretty formulaic in their layout and can be too often like a typing pool - phones ringing, keyboards clacking - our experience has been that this is as uncomfortable for staff as it is for patients. We want them to relax, read a magazine, drink a cup of tea while they wait for their den- tist to collect them for their appointment. If they need to discuss accounts, we have a side entrance to the office behind the main surgery doors where they can step through and chat in private. HICAPS machines are appointed in each surgery. It's much more serene and patient-oriented than any other surgery I've been to." This design rationale extends to staff facilities as well with a private and secure area for staff to store their belongings, and a staff room for lunches and tea-breaks looking out across the gardens to Mt Nebo.

07 3511 13991056

Waterworks Rd, The Gap Brisbane Qld




My Health Specials: Weight Loss!

Sierra FItness(Gold Coast) Receive $150 off your new member enrolment at Sierra Fitness. ! clickhere for details

Clarks Lifestyle Centre (Tarragindi) to celebrate their fifteenth birthday Clark's Lifestyle Centre is offering exciting incentives to men and women of all ages. These include: - One month's free membership offer - One free fitness class clickhere for details

YMCA (Bowen Hills) First Session is Absolutely Free. clickhere for Details

Brisbane LiveWell Clinic (Wavell Heights)- FREE zen spa treatment voucher Valued at $50! . click here for details



Short and Sweet:Vegan Nutty Banana Muffins!


2 c. white flour 1c. brown sugar 1 1/2 t. baking soda 1/2 t. salt 1/3 c. olive oil or applesauce to lower fat 4 very ripe bananas 1/2 c. water 1c. chopped walnuts or almonds


Mix flour, baking soda, salt,nuts in large bowl. Beat sugar and oil in another bowl. Add bananas and mash them. Stir in water. Add to flour mixture and mix til just combined. Do not over mix or will turn out tough. Pour mix in 12 cup muffin tin sprayed with oil and Bake 350 F for 20 -25 min or til toothpick inserted in a muffin comes out clean.

Brought to you by the Vegetarian/Vegan Society of Queensland





Laughter is the best medicine!

Here are a few reasons why guys like girls:

1.They will always smell good even if its just shampoo

2. The way their heads always find the right spot on our shoulder

3. How cute they look when they sleep

4. The ease in which they fit into our arms

5. The way they kiss you and all of a sudden everything is right in the world

6. How cute they are when they eat

7. The way they take hours to get dressed but in the end it makes it all worth while

8.Because they are always warm even when its minus 30 outside

9. The way they look good no matter what they wear

10. The way they fish for compliments even though you both know that you think she's the most beautiful thing on this earth

11. How cute they are when they argue

12. The way her hand always finds yours

13.The way they smile

14. The way you feel when you see their name on the call ID after you just had a big fight

15. The way she says 'lets not fight anymore' even though you know that an hour later....

16. The way they kiss when you do something nice for them

17.The way they kiss you when you say 'I love you'

18. Actually ... just the way they kiss you...

19. The way they fall into your arms when they cry

20. Then the way they apologize for crying over something that silly

21. The way they hit you and expect it to hurt

22. Then the way they apologize when it does hurt. (even though we don't admit it)!

23. The way they say 'I miss you'

24. The way you miss them

25. The way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn't hurt her anymore..... Yet regardless if you love them, hate them, wish they would die or know that you would die without them ... it matters not. Because once in your life, whatever they were to the world they become everything to you. When you look them in the eyes, traveling to the depths of their souls and you say a million things without trace of a sound, you know that your own life is inevitable consumed within the rhythmic beatings of her very heart. We love them for a million reasons, No paper would do it justice. It is a thing not of the mind but of the heart. A feeling. Only felt.

.Quote of the week!

"Three billion people on the face of the earth go to bed hungry every night, but four billion people go to bed every night hungry for a simple word of encouragement and recognition." Cavett Robert

For a Good Cause: Why Support Voiceless?

“Voiceless will bring the institutionalised suffering of animals to the forefront of Australia’s agenda; ensuring that animal protection is the next great social justice movement.”



In the next issue of "Naturally Happy" - Now Monthly!


  • Pinpoint Health Centre!
  • Green Apple Wellness Centre!
  • Brisbane Live Well Clinic!
  • Health and Harmony College!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.