Issue 149

Living With Truth + Action = Freedom: an Afternoon Talk with Mike Robinson, International Spiritual Teacher Noosaville!

It does not matter who you are, where you have come from and where you are going. If you have not faced the truth of the illusions that keep you trapped, then the journey of life will be a constant struggle between the ups and downs of pleasure and pain.

What does it mean to 'face the illusions'? If you truly look at yourself you will see that everything you know about yourself has been given to you by your parents and society or it is something that you have learned and accepted as an authority, i.e. your name, the country you were born in, the religion you adhere to, the beliefs you have around finance, love, career, family, etc. If you were to stop for just a moment and let go of all these things, you would see yourself for who you really are. From this point of letting go you can make deep decisions about what you want to change in your life. You can see things anew, including those to who you have given over your personal power and how you have allowed them to govern your life.

In the constant struggle for survival we have forgotten who we are. We accept the way that the world is run and its huge impact on our lives, but who is the world? Who is society? Is it something separate from ourselves? If we created it as a human race, surely we can change it? Yet we blame something or somebody else outside of ourselves when the real point of change needs to come from within. Our external world is a reflection of our internal world. You are the director of your own show.

This talk will help you to go within and look at the underlying causes that stop the flow of freedom (which is love) in your life.

When: Sunday 19th October 2008, 1.30pm - 3.30pm

Where: Evergreen Lifestyle Centre

'Suba Hevana'

(bookstore and meditation centre) Shop 10, 95 Eumundi-Noosa Rd, Noosaville contact Victor or Julie at 'Suba Hevana' for Bookings on (07) 5449 9542 Cost $5.00

Mike Robinson's 'True Dynamics of Relationships' Book will be available for sale on the day

Upcoming courses/workshops: Whole Woman Workshop

Sunshine Coast, 27-30 October 2008 Inner Search

Sunshine Coast , 3-7 November 2008 Inner Search

Mike has called this course 'Inner Search' as he feels that ultimately that is exactly what people are searching for. They want to know inside of themselves and be exactly who they are. They want to find the hidden meaning of life: in reality they are searching for the truth. This course has been constructed to allow participants to find the truth for themselves and not be 'told' the truth from some external source.

The old world is dying. It is time to shed the illusion of the past and all that has been 'told' and wake up to the inner dynamic truth that is not your past or your future, but that which is who you really are. This course is individually tailored and each participant will receive a unique program to guide them in their progress. A truly inspiring and liberating course.

See for more information on Mike's upcoming workshops.

Individual consultations with Mike are available, for more information please contact:

Noosa - Miriam - 0413 024 901

Bribie Island - Nicole (07) 3166 9771

"You can read a million books and sit at the feet of a thousand gurus, but unless there is an inner change, you will not move one inch upon the path" - Mike

Living With Awareness: Meditation Workshop!

If you've ever been distracted by unwanted thoughts, lost in internal dialogues, or unable to stop thinking about something, then you're a chronic thinker. Conditions such as stress, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia and depression are all associated with chronic thinking, while an inability to stay focused and keep unwanted thoughts at bay can reduce your effectiveness and enjoyment in all aspects of your life.

Meditation is arguably the most effective means we have of intelligently cultivating our thinking, quieting the mind, and relaxing the body. Anyone can meditate. It's just a matter of deciding that you want to, and then being willing to practice regularly, even if only for a few minutes a day.

With regular practice you can expect to develop greater clarity, feel more relaxed, enjoy an enhanced sense of general well-being, and gain insight into who you are and why you do the things you do.

This workshop is offered in a 1-day format and consists of six sessions. The first three address particular obstacles to meditation by examining and clarifying our understanding of ourselves, our relationships with the world, and how we interact with others. The final three cultivate a keener awareness of the faculties of willing, feeling and thinking in order to bring more awareness into our daily lives.

Facilitator: Peter Douglas has a PhD in philosophy and has lectured on various topics in European philosophy at both the University of Queensland and Griffith University in Brisbane for the last five years. His research interests span both Western and Indian traditions, and include the nature of the relationship between philosophy and spirituality. Peter has also been a student of yoga in various forms for over twelve years, maintaining and developing his practice of Hatha-Yoga and meditation, and deepening his understanding of Jnana-yoga. He has taught dynamic forms of Hatha-yoga in Brisbane for eight years, and now lives in Melbourne.

WHEN :: Sat 1 November

TIME :: 10.00 AM - 4.00 PM

FEE :: $180, early bird and concession $150

Each student will receive a booklet to take home

Body Essence 612 Brunswick Street New Farm 07 3358 3100

or email [email protected]


Herbal Medicine For Everybody: By Miriam Young!

If the whole of humanity knew what I know about herbal medicine, all those in the Western world using orthodox medication for their primary form of health care would consider, if not make the full change to herbal medicine. Herbal Miracles

Mary, (not her real name) is 43 years old, working part-time and has two children. When I first met Mary, she had a respiratory infection, (with fluid on the lungs), a urinary tract infection, an ovarian infection resulting from a cyst, as well as thrush due to years of repeated use of anti-biotics. She was currently taking antibiotics for her infections, on anti-depressants as well as on medication for her asthma. She was tired of being on medicines, which were "not making me any better" and wanted to try something different.

I prescribed two bottles of herbal tinctures (liquid concentrates), one for her lung infection and one for her urinary and ovarian infections.

Two weeks later Mary came back to see me, a different person. Her lung infection had cleared up, she had no congestion in her nose or throat and the fluid on her lungs had completely lifted. She was no longer short of breath and had experienced no asthma attacks since being on the herbs. (And therefore had taken no asthma medication). When I saw her this second time Mary had only been taking her anti-depressants every other day, but now hadn't taken them for 3 days and didn't feel she wanted to go back on them. Mary reported that she could now think straight, was more alert and didn't "just accept things!" Her symptoms of stinging upon urination had disappeared along with the frequency of visits to the toilet. Her symptoms of thrush had also disappeared.

Two weeks after I saw Mary the second time, I had a quick telephone conversation with her. She was absolutely thrilled as the day before she had received the results back from a pelvic ultrasound and the cyst had completely disappeared. The specialist said to her that it must have hemorrhaged and that she must have experienced a lot of pain. And in response Mary said, "actually I have been taking herbal medicine and there was absolutely no pain involved whatsoever!"

If these kinds of results can be achieved within a few weeks on herbal medicine, imagine what a lifetime of herbal medicine, for preventative care as well as treatment, can avoid and treat.

Herbal medicine may be an integral part of a child's life and well being just as much as it can be for an adult. In fact the younger you start children on herbal medicine the better. I regularly worm my 5-year-old daughter, Elle with Wormwood, Black walnut, Fennel and Barberry. She takes the medicine in water with a water chaser and does not complain as I explain to her what the herbs are for and she understands. Colds and flu are also treated with herbs such as Echinacea, Licorice, Thyme and Mullein and Elle has never had an anti-biotic or immunization in her life. My clients who are parents often have my "Children's Coughs Colds and Flu Mix" on hand for when their children come down with that inevitable bug. They take great delight in treating their children naturally and drugs are a thing of the past.

I once met a friend of my parents, who said to me "oh yes we've tried herbal medicine, for my husband's prostate problem, he brought some Saw Palmetto tablets from the chemist and took them for 5 days, but they didn't work."

In response to this I explained that liquid herbal tincture concentrates (preferably 1:1) need to be taken if a person wants to treat a specific health complaint. From my experience, tablets although manufactured by many natural medicine and pharmaceutical companies, often do not give the powerful results experienced by those who take herbal tinctures prescribed by a Medical Herbalist, formulated especially for their specific health condition.

For the treatment of prostate conditions, such as benign prostate Hyperplasia, herbal medicines, such as Saw Palmetto, Small Leafed Willow, Nettle Root, Hydrangea etc need to be taken at the dose of 10mls 3 xs per day for 3-6 months straight. I have achieved many positive results with shrinking prostate enlargements with frequent visits to the toilet a thing of the past by using these doses with these herbs sometimes up to 9 months if necessary.

I have met numerous female clients over the years whom have expressed their concern that their doctor has told them they will never be able to have children because of their reproductive health complaint such as endometriosis, polycystic ovarian disease etc. Yet time and time again I have seen these women over-come these health issues and many go on to have natural births and healthy babies. These types of conditions cannot be cured in 2 weeks; sometimes it takes 2 years for the symptoms of endometriosis to be alleviated. But it is worth the journey and definite health improvements may be enjoyed often as early as 2-4 months into herbal treatment.

The Medical Herbalist

The medical herbalist will often use iridology (iris analysis), tongue and nail observation in order to make a naturopathic assessment of an individual. Some herbalists will also use Live Blood Assessment (LBA), which helps to determine the health status of an individual. Using only one drop of blood, the practitioner will use LBA to investigate the size, shape and ratio of red cells, white cells and platelets in a person's blood.

The blood magnified and viewed in this manner can reveal your current health status involving your cardio-vascular system, digestive system, any possible liver stress or pathology, your nutritional status and immune function, potential inflammation and oxidation, existing allergies and/or infestation (parasites). Many medical herbalists also have a heightened sense of intuition when working with clients, which guides them in their treatment regimes.

The Herbalist's Philosophy The herbalist's philosophy comprises the fact that humans, like plants, are biologically complex. This means that to achieve a long lasting medicinal benefit with few or no side effects, a plant with its complex active principles will be utilised by the body more easily than a single isolated drug.

A major aspect of the philosophy of the medical herbalist is in the treatment of the person as a whole, rather than treating mere symptoms in an isolated part of the body. Herbalists use the whole herb.In fact, use of the whole herb is the very foundation of herbal medicine. We know that the whole part of a plant be it the berries, roots or leaves etc, is the most powerful part of the plant, in its entirety, having a gentle but long lasting affect.

We are called Medical Herbalists due to the many hours involved training in anatomy and physiology, biochemistry and clinical medicine. Many of these subjects are taught to us by Medical Doctors.

Orthodox Medicine and Herbal Medicine

It has always amazed me that the mainstream view in the western world is to trust orthodox medicine over the healing herb. Since the beginning of time humans have used ONLY remedies from nature, the pharmaceutical industry has only been around for approximately 75 years. The pharmaceutical industry is the world's most powerful industry. It would seem the result of powerful marketing and millions of dollars. Herbal medicine is natural, created by Mother Earth - orthodox medicine is created by humanity, scientists in laboratories.

In earlier years, when humanity was more in harmony with nature, we would have been more suspicious of a substance concocted by scientists in laboratories, than a plant that grew wild in the meadows that we would pick seasonally and make into tea. Today however the opposite is true, drugs are more the norm and herbs are something to be feared. The Doctor is God and the Herbalist may be considered a dangerous weirdo.

"An herbal tonic has a non specific regulatory and restorative effect on the organ it addresses…It is ok that we are unscientific - there is not a pharmacological explanation for why every single herb has the healing activity that it does. From the older system of orthodox medicine, a whole body tonic was essential in addressing the vitality, immune function and general well-being of a person." Denis Stewart, God Father of Herbal Medicine, Australia.

The medical herbalist does not attempt to play doctor and nor does he/she want to. If someone you love contracts meningococcal disease, take them hospital, give them antibiotics and do it quickly! (I would also grab the homoeopathic remedy for meningococcal after the trip to the hospital)

Billy Connolly makes a mischievous comment about the natural therapist who hops out of her car, post motor vehicle accident where two people are bleeding all over the road. She is heroically clutching a bottle of lavender oil! Thanks Billy we get the message!

At it's very best, herbal medicine is preventative medicine. Sometimes it can be difficult for a person to make the change from orthodox to herbal medicine. This may be due to the fact that they are used to the 'quick fix'. Generally speaking, although not always, orthodox medication may be seen to work much faster than herbal medicine.

Orthodox medicine in the way that it works is a bit like a moving arrow. It has a particular target inside the human body and reaches it very quickly, however along the way it can sometimes destroy and create havoc. Herbal medicine will also reach its target, but tends to do so at a slower pace. However, herbal medicine also tends to heal other ailments along the way. For example when dissolving a person's gallstones, herbal medicines may also clear their headaches, resolve their acne, reduce their fatigue and apathy and may motivate decision-making along the way.

A medication will have one action. An herbal medicine has many. Herbal medicine works on the physical body, and will often produce a wonderful balancing affect on the emotions simultaneously.

For appt's with Miriam call 0413 024 901 available at Fig tree Pocket and Noosa.

Proactive Therapy: Physiotherapy, Pilates and Massage!

"Proactive Therapy is a personal, professional, time efficient service to guarantee you leave noticing the difference!!"

Proactive Therapy is a unique physiotherapy clinic located in Springwood designed to cater for all aspects of an individual's health and well being. Our services are ever expanding and our abilities ever improving in our quest to improve health.

It's time to be Proactive! Take control of your health TODAY!

Why Be Proactive?

Here some great reasons to spread the word!

1. RESULTS We are Hands On Physios, meaning that you will always get results and will leave noticing the difference!

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3. SAME DAY APPOINTMENTS When you get injured, you need attention on your injury ASAP! We will always give you an appointment within 24 hours from the time you call.

4. PROMPT APPOINTMENTS We are always in time. You will never have to wait for more than 10 minutes from your scheduled time for you appointments.

5. MASSAGES Our Trigger Point Club means you can claim private health cover on all massages performed by our physios. Ensuring you can stay in peak physical condition and rid yourself of those nagging aches and pains.

Congratulations for being Proactive with your health, see you soon


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Introductory Offers: Beauty & Weight Management!

Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link and fill out the contact form,

Plush Hair Body ( Brisbane City, Carindale, Indooroopilly, Pacific fair)

At Plush Hair Body it's private with no hustle or bustle at your front door. You at Plush Hair Body, can be you. The choice is yours. Whether your looking for New, Traditional, Funk, Classic or Bold Plush Hair Body will have a solution.

$20 off any hair or beauty Service minimum spend $25. ( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

Body Central ( Tenerrife)
Book in yourself and a friend at the same time you will receive your second treatment at half price OR "Summer Package" includes full body scrub, full leg and bikini wax, spray tan ONLY $99 ( Brazilians $30 extra! ( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

Purely Nails and Beauty (Cannon Hill)WAXING SPECIALS Female Brazilian, Full Leg, Underarm & Eyebrow Wax $99 TANNING SPECIALS Caron Spray Tan $20 St Tropez & Liquid Sun $29 ( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

Curves (Robina) 50% off your joining fee (when joining for a 12-month membership)( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

more specials at Food and Behavior!

by Sue Dengate

Ever wondered if children's behaviour is affected by food? Sue Dengate has spent many years researching food, chemicals and behaviour. Some of her discoveries will surprise you. .. . MORE...


Brought to you by

Short and Sweet:Cheesy Crumbed Chicken!


1 cup fresh breadcrumbs 1/2 cup finely grated Australian 50% reduced fat cheddar cheese 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley 4 x 125g skinless chicken fillets, pounded flat 1 cup Australian low fat or skim natural yogurt steamed vegetables, for serving


1. Combine breadcrumbs, cheddar cheese and parsley in a bowl. 2. Dip the chicken fillets in the yogurt to coat and then into the cheesy breadcrumbs. 3. Place onto a paper lined tray and bake at 200°C for 10 minutes. Turn and cook for a further 5 minutes, or until cooked and golden. Serve with steamed vegetables.

Notes Place chicken fillets between plastic wrap before pounding to minimise mess. Recipe is reduced in sodium (salt), containing between 120-350mg/100g.

Laughter is the best medicine!

A man's car stalled on a country road one morning. When the man got out to fix it, a cow came along and stopped beside him. "Your trouble is probably in the carburetor," said the cow. Startled, the man jumped back and ran down the road until he met a farmer. The amazed man told the farmer his story. "Was it a large red cow with a brown spot over the right eye?" asked the farmer. "Yes, yes," the man replied. "Oh! I wouldn't listen to Bessie," said the farmer. "She doesn't know a thing about cars."

Quote of the week!

"The deep root of failure in our lives is to think, ‘Oh how useless and powerless I am.’ It is essential to think strongly and forcefully, ‘I can do it,’ without boasting or fretting.” -- Dalai Lama

For a Good Cause: Why Support The Zig Zag Foundation Race Day?

Zig Zag Foundation Race Day 10 September, 2008 - 22:00

Support the Zig Zag Foundation as well as enjoying a great day out at our Annual Zig Zag Raceday at Doomben Race Course, Brisbane. Enjoy the thrill of the races, great food and drinks in our exclusive track side marquee.

Prizes to be won, entertainment to be enjoyed, and Fashions on the Field. Date: 4th October, 2008

Time: Start Time 11.30am (Gates open from 10.30am)

Venue: Doomben Race Course, Brisbane Cost: $50 per person Inclusions: Complimentary drink on arrival BBQ Lunch Entry into venue and exclusive access to Zig Zag St Ledger Lawn area Entertainment Features: Pin and Win tickets for sale with the chance of winning a holiday valued at $2,500. Fashions on the Field

Contact Details: Tom Wilds - 0412 238 849 [email protected]



In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • The Work with Fara Curlewis
  • Detox 4 Life with Miriam Young!
  • Belgravia Aquatic centres!
  • Mary Staggs Detox
  • The Health Club @ New Market!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.