Issue 137

Is Poor Thyroid Function Impacting Your Fertility?: with Christine Sullivan!

If you have been unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant for more than 6 months, before you embark on invasive medical procedures and spend thousands of dollars for assisted reproductive technology, ensure that your thyroid is functioning at its optimum.

Many women don't realize that good thyroid function is necessary for fertility, the ability to conceive and to maintain a pregnancy. An under (or over) functioning thyroid can prevent you from achieving that much desired pregnancy. While there are many and varied reasons for infertility, suboptimal thyroid function may be that "missing link" especially for those with no specific reproductive problems.

A full thyroid evaluation is essential, and should be done as soon as possible for any woman who wants to get pregnant, especially if she -

Has been trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant for more than 6 months
Has had two or more miscarriages
Has an irregular menstrual cycle
Has any family history of thyroid problems.


1. Do you have any of the common signs & symptoms associated with low thyroid function?
Inability to conceive / infertility
Menstrual irregularities
Period pain
Low libido
Lethargy & fatigue
Susceptibility to the cold / cold hands & feet
Inability to lose weight
Changes in texture of skin, nails, hair, hair loss
Recurrent infections

2. Is your basal temperature consistently below 36.5° C?
Take your oral temperature at rest first thing in the morning before moving out of bed for 7 -10 days in the first 14 days of your cycle. Your temperature should be between 36° and 37° C but ideally above 36.5°C.

3. Blood Tests
For full thyroid assessment you require readings for TSH, T4, T3, rT3 & Thyroid Antibodies. TRH may also be required. For optimum fertility, your TSH level should be between 1 and 2. Your doctor or naturopath can order these tests for you.

4. Urinary Iodine
Iodine is a key component of thyroid hormone. Excessive iodine as well as a deficiency of iodine can result in low thyroid function. Your doctor or naturopath can order this test for you.

5. Diet & Lifestyle
Our modern western diet is a major contributor to increasing thyroid health problems. Foods detrimental to thyroid health include refined grains, simple sugars, soy products, peanuts & peanut products, caffeine, hydrogenated oils, cigarette smoking and alcohol. Excessive consumption of vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, turnips, Brussels sprouts have the ability to block the absorption of iodine.

Exposure to heavy metals e.g. mercury (amalgam fillings) and fluoride (water supply, toothpaste) may also be detrimental.

Stress management is imperative. Stress results in elevated levels of cortisol, the main hormone released by the adrenal glands. Increased cortisol will inhibit the conversion of T4 to the active T3 hormone.

Exercise is beneficial as it will stimulate thyroid hormone secretion and increases tissue sensitivity to thyroid hormones.

Treating thyroid function is not a magic cure for all fertility issues but I have found that for many women, once thyroid health has been improved, their fertility issues were resolved and they have gone on to have a healthy pregnancy and enjoyed the treasures of motherhood.

If you suspect that less than ideal thyroid health may be contributing to your fertility difficulties or just impinging on your health generally, take action now!

Want to know more? " Click this my link to My Health Specials " Email [email protected] " Visit " Call 07 3857 8515 SPECIAL OFFER

Contact me regarding a complimentary ½ hour appointment to see how I can assist you with your thyroid health, preconception care and your particular fertility concerns. Mention My Health Specials.



Your Kidneys Are Amazing: Playing a Vital Role in Your Body's Overall Health!

Your kidneys are amazing and play a vital role in your body's overall health. Their four main roles are to: remove waste and excess water from your body, assist in making red blood cells, control blood pressure and make strong and healthy bones. Neverfail Springwater is a proud partner of Kidney Health Australia, to help raise awareness of the risk factors for kidney disease, as well as promote the vital role water plays in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which is essential to ensure good kidney health.

When things go wrong there are often no warning signs - you can lose up to 90 per cent of kidney function before even feeling sick. But one in three Australians is at increased risk. 1

Who is at risk?"

Over 50 years old
Lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure are both major risk factors.
If you are a smoker, are obese or are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent
Have a family history of kidney disease2 ]

If you fall into these groups talk to your local doctor about being tested for kidney disease. Early detection and treatment can help prevent kidney failure and the need for dialysis or transplant treatment.

You can cut your risks by being a non-smoker, controlling your blood pressure, staying fit and maintaining a healthy weight. Eating a healthy diet, making water your drink of choice and consuming alcohol only moderately will also help you look after your kidneys. 2 Remember 24 May - 31 May 2008 is Kidney Health Week.

Visit Kidney Health Australia at or free call 1800 682 531,

1 Chadban SJ, Briganti EM, Kerr PG et al. Prevalence of kidney damage in Australian adults: The AusDiab kidney study. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. 2003;14:S131-S138.

2 Kidney Health Australia, Early detection and prevention health book, issue 3 2007.


Concerned about buying your own Fitness Equipment: Check out Only Fitness!


Concerned about buying your own Fitness equipment? Not sure if you will use it enough? Unsure on which piece of equipment you need? So much range, where do I start?

This testimonial from Sarah McWhinney clearly demonstrates what we at Only Fitness are all about :

"My partner and I both like to run to exercise, but with the recent rainy weather and our long working days combined with the dark mornings/nights it wasn't a habit we were sticking to. We decided to rent a treadmill, rather than buy, just to see if that could be a good solution. The rental plan that Only Fitness had was the best we found - if we purchased the machine after 3 months we got our rental money off the full price. They also had a great variety of machines to choose from which helped as my partner really likes to run and I like the variety of run/walk/hill climbs etc.

Admittedly it was a novelty as first, but after 3 months I was hooked, on the treadmill every morning watching the news from the comfort of my living room, in the comfort of my daggiest running clothes. Needless to say we purchased the machine (and we were given a brand new to replace the rental) and I'm still treadmilling every morning, catching up on the news"

If buying outright suites your needs, we deal direct from the importer. This allows us to give competitive prices on top performing treadmills, bikes, rowers, ellipticals, strength equipment and much more.

It doesn't stop there! We are proud to offer the best after sales service in the business. Strong warranties, with a 48hour turn around service. Other companies can have you waiting up to three weeks on parts and repairs. Keeping you exercising is our main priority.

We have stores positioned on the north and south sides of Brisbane, Toowomba and service the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast Regions.

Don't delay start today - call us - ONLY FITNESS.

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The Medical Director of SureSlim: Covers the Alarming Rise in type 2 Diabetes!

Dr Robert Vial, medical director of SureSlim, has observed an alarming rise in type 2 diabetes over the last few years.

There is a direct relationship between type 2 diabetes and obesity. The more overweight you become, the higher your chances are of developing type 2 diabetes.

When you become overweight (BMI > 26) or obese (BMI >30), there is a greater chance your body has developed a level of resistance to the actions of the hormone, Insulin. Insulin controls the way glucose is processed in the body. When your body resists the action of Insulin as a consequence of extra fat gain, glucose levels rise in the blood. Type 2 diabetes develops when blood glucose levels can no longer be controlled efficiently from the increased Insulin secretion, or when the pancreas has reached 'exhausted levels', leading to diminished output of Insulin.

Pre-diabetes can occur before type 2 diabetes. Other names for this condition are Metabolic Syndrome and Syndrome X. This condition is characterized by impaired glucose metabolism and early Insulin resistance. One of the most important indicators is an expanding waistline. Losing excess weight can help to reverse pre-diabetes and also help prevent type 2 diabetes.

SureSlim provides individualized dietary plans utilizing everyday food and can help improve type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes by gradual weight loss and better glycaemic control. Research conducted by University of Otago on 36 SureSlim clients with type 2 diabetes showed average weight loss at 24 weeks was 15.31kg or 13.8% , a reduction in fasting glucose of 24%, a reduction of HbA1c of 17.4% and reduced cholesterol and triglycerides,

SureSlim has helped thousands of people with type 2 diabetes and below is Valeria's story:

At 73 years old, Valeria weighed 126 kilograms and was taking 78 units of insulin a day to control her Type 2 Diabetes.

She had been overweight for much of her life, and at 35 developed Osteoarthritis which reduced her mobility. By 55 Valeria required both a wheel chair and walking stick. Reduced mobility had resulted in significant weight gain, worsening her diabetes.

As can happen with Type 2 Diabetes, Valeria had a heart attack. Five years later she underwent triple bypass heart surgery.

Valeria was dependant on a variety of medications including insulin, blood pressure medication, cholesterol and arthritis medications.

"My doctor told me that if I did not address my weight I would die." so Valeria decided to join SureSlim.

"16 months later I had lost an amazing 48 kilograms and my insulin had been reduced to 6 units per day. Three months after that, I no longer required any insulin and have significantly reduced all other medications

SureSlim showed me that through healthy eating I could have my health back. With the weight gone I have my mobility back and my husband and I are now fulfilling our life long dream of caravanning around Australia" says Valeria.

Call 1300 130 696 today or visit to find our how SureSlim can help change your life!


Brisbane Locations - Brownsplains, Cooparoo, Ipswich and Strathpine



Introductory Offers: Fitness!

Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link and fill out the contact form,

Bodyfocus Health & Fitness(Capalaba)
$30 Initial Chiropractic Consultation & Examination.. Save $40 (normally NEW YEAR SPECIAL - $79 for 1 MONTH + 1 MONTH FREE for a friend! ( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

BTC Pilates & Yoga Studio (Kelvin Grove) Try it FREE! ( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

Fit4 Personal Training(Stones Corner, Paddington, Norman Park)
NTRODUCTORY OFFER 1 x Introductory Group Fitness Class (GFS) FREE
or invest in 10 personal training sessions and receive 1 FREE session!
( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

more specials at off the Fat of the Land!

by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig, PhD

Of all the peoples visited by Weston Price during his historic research expeditions of the 1930s, none elicited as much awe as the Australian Aboriginal People, whom he described as "a living museum preserved from the dawn of animal life on the earth." For Price, Indigenous Australians represented the paradigm of moral and physical perfection. MORE... . . MORE....


Brought to you by

Short and Sweet:Japanese Noodle Salad with Wasabi Yoghurt Dressing!


1x 270g packet soba noodles 1 tablespoon sesame oil 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 butter lettuce, washed and separated 5 spring onions, thinly sliced 1 continental cucumber, halved, deseeded and thinly sliced 200g smoked salmon, thinly sliced 1 x 200g tub Liddells Lactose Free Plain Yoghurt 2 teaspoons wasabi paste


1. Cook soba noodles according to packet instructions. Refresh in iced water and drain well. Combine with sesame oil and soy sauce. 2. Reserve 12 lettuce leaves and finely shred the remaining leaves. Combine the shredded lettuce, spring onions, cucumber and stir half of the salad mixture through the noodles. 3. Divide 12 lettuce leaves equally between 6 plates and top with noodles, salmon and remaining salad mix. Combine yoghurt and wasabi and drizzle over salad.

Notes The combined yoghurt and wasabi makes a perfect Japanese inspired dip. Serve with seaweed rice crackers and ice cold Japanese beer

Laughter is the best medicine!

A young man finds the woman of his dreams and asks her to marry him. He tells his mother he wants her to meet his fiance, but he wants to make a bit of a game out of it. He says he'll bring the girl over with two other women and see if his mother can guess which is the one he wants to marry. His mother agrees to the game. That night, he shows up at his mother's house with three beautiful young ladies. They all sit down on the couch, and everyone has a wonderful evening talking and getting to know each other. At the end of the evening, the young man asks his mother, 'OK, Mom, which one is the woman I want to marry?' Without any hesitation at all, his mother replies, 'The one in the middle.' The young man is astounded. 'How in the world did you figure it out?' 'Easy,' she says. 'I don't like her.'

Quote of the week!

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours...If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them." -- Henry David Thoreau

For a Good Cause: Why Support CP Australia?

CP Australia - works towards creating a national focus on cerebral palsy - to promote the interests, rights, roles and wellbeing of people with cerebral palsy and similar disorders.



In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • The Natural Way!
  • Body Focus !
  • Results Skin Centre!
  • Nirala Jacobi, BHSc, ND (USA)
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.