Issue 134

Detoxification through Colon Hydrotherapy: with the Brisbane Holistic Health Centre!

Colon Hydrotherapy is an important part of detoxification. Eating processed food and over consumption of meat and dairy products over time may lead to the build up of toxins. Faecal matter containing toxins and bacteria may have putrefied and set hard, disrupting bowel function and in effect slowly poisoning the body. Compared to an enema, Colon Hydrotherapy is much more effective, since cleansing extends beyond the natural expulsion area.

With the help of modern Colon Hydrotherapy equipment, ultraviolet water filtration spring-cleans the colon and the rest of the large intestine, releases toxins, empowers the immune system, improves digestion, controls weight, reduces cellulite, improves skin condition and energizes.

Conditions treated: Colon hydrotherapy is a treatment of choice in constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, candida and yeast infections, allergies, skin disorders, bad body odor, gout, arthritis, chronic fatigue and gastritis.

Contraindications: Cardiac problems, over obesity, kidney problems, bleeding piles, bowel cancer, bowel surgery and pregnancy.

Procedure: A patient lies on his/her back and gentle insertion of the rectal tube is accomplished. Filling and flushing of water into and out of the colon is done which lasts approximately 30-45 minutes. It is not painful in anyway. The patient, with a specially designed machine, can view waste material going out of the body. A gentle massage is given on the abdomen to enhance the process. When colon cleansing is completed, gentle withdrawal of rectal tube is performed. The patient proceeds to the adjoining toilet and completes emptying the water, washes and changes, ready to start their working day.

Initially it is recommended to have six to eight treatments once a week or once fortnightly and with a follow up treatment of 3 times a year. The frequency of treatments will be determined by the physician based on the individuals needs.


Level 1, 199 Elizabeth Street [opp. Hilton] 07 3229 3661

New Farm

Centro on James 46 James St 07 3854 0611


Experience what over 2800 people found to be the most: significant addition to their health regime*

Network Spinal Analysis or Network Care is a Chiropractic technique that involves a series of precise, gentle touches to specific areas of the spine to release tension stored in the body caused by physical, mental, and emotional stress.

In a study conducted with over 2800 participants, Network Care was found to make incredible improvements to a person's quality of life.

R.H. Blanks, Ph.D from the Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology at the University of California, Irvine stated: "Network Care has a direct effect on client self-reported wellness which is twice that expected from healthy lifestyle practices (i.e. exercise, risk avoidance, optimal food choices). Network Care also has a major indirect effect on wellness by promoting healthy life-style choices."

Even Anthony Robbins the American super coach receives regular Network Care and states "I am stronger, more inspired, creative and healthy because of this work. It has personally and professionally helped me to maximize my ability to contribute to others."

In addition to Network Care, the practitioners at Brisbane Network Chiropractic also offer pre-and post natal care. We utilize the Webster technique ( which helps with breech turning and optimal foetal positioning. It also ensures a more comfortable pregnancy and an easier, faster and safer birth experience for both mother and baby.

For an initial consult contact us at: Brisbane Network Chiropractic Phone: 07 3353 5169 Address: 162 Trouts Rd, Stafford Heights Web Site:

Mention "myhealthspecials" for 50% off initial visit!

*Network Spinal Analysis™: A Research Perspective: The Chiropractic Journal; September, 2000


Lemon Myrtle's Magic Needs to be breathed in to be Believed: Check out this all Australian Oil!

Lemon myrtle's magic needs to be breathed in to be believed. Described as more lemony than lemon, it hints enticingly of refreshing citrus and lemongrass. It not only smells divine, it packs a bioactive clout and scientific tests show lemon myrtle to be a potent anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral more powerful than tea tree oil. It is one of the 'new' Australian oils being explored for its ability to combat even the antibiotic resistant micro-organisms showing up today.

The essential oil of lemon myrtle is wonderfully relaxing, uplifting and soothing. It works through the central nervous system to calm and soothe. Perfect for lifting the blues, enhancing the meditation room or creating a serene atmosphere!

Diffused in the air, it can reduce the symptoms of colds, flus and coughs. It is known to assist with acne, eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions (in very diluted form), and has good anti-inflammatory benefits. Due to its high citral content, only apply diluted to skin.

Lemon myrtle has a high 95% citral content compared to lemon's 3-10%. Citral is the main ingredient that gives you that lemony scent! Lemon myrtle smells clear and clean and indescribably refreshing. Just a spritz into the air will give you a lovely zingy clean scent which kills any airborne germs during the cold season, or refreshes enclosed spaces in any season. Best of all, lemon myrtle just smells "mmmmmhhhhh..."! Don't be surprised at the "What's that nice smell?" questions you'll get!

Lemon Myrtle Essentials Certified Organic body care product range contains pure, organic lemon myrtle essential oil and other life and wellbeing enhancing ingredients with a strong emphasis on high quality, pure, organic, unrefined plant products with bioactive properties. They are designed to appeal to the senses yet provide practical benefits in your life. For great specials, visit or ring Australia +61 3 5476 4100 !


Preganacy and Post Natal Massage: with the Lavander Snug Therapy Centre!

Pregnancy Massage

Treatments are carried out in the Lavender Snug Therapy Centre, in a tranquil and private setting. Massage and support at this important time help prepare your body for labour, alleviate problems and help you to relax into your pregnancy. Gentle and effective relaxation, remedial and lymphatic techniques help

Reduce Stress
Calm fears
Address aches and pains effectively
Encourage optimal health
Reduce fluid retention
Develop a positive attitude

Custom made table accommodates your growing body for comfortable positioning, lying face down! Safe oils and techniques ensure good health and well being. Prepare yourself for a positive birth experience!

Postnatal Massage

Treatments are carried out in the Lavender Snug Therapy Centre, in a tranquil and private setting. Nine months of pregnancy followed by nine months of recovery! Soothing postnatal massage promotes relaxation and helps you recover. Your personal needs are addressed in the treatment, ensuring a beneficial experience Regain a sense of self
Physical recovery from the birth experience
Emotional recovery from the birth and baby experience
Tone, relax and reduce tension in hardworking bodies
Relief of aches associated with caring for babies
A nurturing treatment for mothers who have experienced natural or assisted birth. Great for promoting health and well being, or simply as a pampering treat, giving you valuable time to yourself!

Massage treatments from $85 Home and hospital visits also available

Health Fund rebates apply

Baby Massage Training Dates: May 24 - 25 and October 11 - 12 (Saturday and Sunday 10 am - 4 pm ) * Suitable for Massage Therapists, Child carers and Paediatric Health Professionals * More practical, hands-on experience now included * Practice and theory of massage, stretches and handling * An emphasis on learning techniques which can be applied in many circumstances, and address the common problems associated with babies. * Learn how to help parents and carers, whilst developing your own skills.

Pregnancy Massage Training Dates: April 5 - 6 and August 23 - 24 (Saturday and Sunday 10am - 4pm) * Massage experience essential * Safe and effective * A wonderful dimension to add to your work! * Explore aspects of pregnancy needed to ensure a safe and effective massage * Learn techniques, positioning and good practice * Knowledge of physiology and development will enable you to carry out a beneficial massage * Needs of the mother, both physically and emotionally are included.

Email: [email protected] Phone: (07) 3878 9302



Introductory Offers: Fitness!

Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link and fill out the contact form,

Bodyfocus Health & Fitness(Capalaba)
$30 Initial Chiropractic Consultation & Examination.. Save $40 (normally NEW YEAR SPECIAL - $79 for 1 MONTH + 1 MONTH FREE for a friend! ( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

BTC Pilates & Yoga Studio (Kelvin Grove) Try it FREE! ( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

Fit4 Personal Training(Stones Corner, Paddington, Norman Park)
NTRODUCTORY OFFER 1 x Introductory Group Fitness Class (GFS) FREE
or invest in 10 personal training sessions and receive 1 FREE session!
( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

more specials at Insulin Resistance: The Real Culprit!

by Ron Rosedale

The article the Food Giants and Big Pharma don't want you to read... Filled with shocking science that flies in the face of common nutritional recommendations and exposes medical lies, Rosedale focuses on what truly creates chronic disease. . MORE....


Brought to you by

Short and Sweet:Apple Tarte Tain!


2 cups plain flour 125g chilled Australian unsalted butter, cubed 1 egg 1/4 cup caster sugar 2 teaspoons water 4-5 apples or pears, peeled, cored and sliced 100ml water 2/3 cup caster sugar 1 1/2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice, extra 50g Australian unsalted butter, cubed, extra


1. Blend flour, butter, egg, caster sugar and water in a food processor until pastry comes together. Form into a ball, flatten, wrap and refrigerate 15 minutes. Roll out between two sheets of baking paper to 5mm thickness. 2. Arrange apple slices in a buttered 25cm round flan dish. 3. Heat water, sugar and lemon juice, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Bring to the boil without stirring until a golden caramel. Stir in extra butter and pour evenly over apples. 4. Cover with pastry and trim edges. Bake at 200°C for 20-25 minutes until golden. Cool before turning out upside down onto a dish and serve with cream. Tip: For picnics, transport this tart in the flan dish and turn out just before serving.

Laughter is the best medicine!

The new father ran out of the delivery room and announced to the rest of his family who were waiting for the news: “We had twins!” The family was so excited they immediately asked, “Who do they look like?” The father paused, smiled, and said, “Each other.”

Quote of the week!

The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson. Tom Bodett

For a Good Cause: Why Support The Everest Virtual Challenge?

The Everest Virtual Challenge is a walking program designed to count the steps of a team of people – family, friends or work colleagues. Using pedometers and the official Everest Challenge website, teams can track their progress along the virtual route during the month of March to keep fit, help sick kids and maybe pick up some great incentive prizes along the way!.



In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • The Skin Managment Centre!
  • Healthwise Clinic!
  • Neverfail Spring Water !
  • Fit4 Personal Training!
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.