Issue 133

Recharging Through Summer: with The Correct Fluid Intake!

As the weather heats up this Summer, exercising and eating well can help maintain your energy levels and keep you looking and feeling great, as long as you're well hydrated.

Get moving With the sun out, Summer is a great time to recharge and get motivated to exercise more. You may find it easier to get your 30 minutes of activity daily, or even turn 30 minutes into 60 minutes with a few longer sessions. Try some great Summer activities like swimming, aqua aerobics, tennis, walking or bike riding.

Top up your fluids When it's hot outside or you spend time in air conditioning or exercising, the body loses more fluid than usual. Staying hydrated makes it easier for your body to maintain energy levels and maintain your body temperature. Even mild dehydration can cause serious side effects, such as headache, tiredness and light headedness, and dry, flushed skin1.

What to drink and how much Fluids from your favourite drinks such as water, juice, cordials, milk, soft drink, tea and coffee all count toward your daily requirements, though water should make up the majority of your total fluid intake for the day.

When you're in the sun or exercising it's important to keep your fluids up even if you're not thirsty. Aim for 2.1 Litres a day for women and 2.6 Litres a day for men 2, more if you're spending a lot of time in hot weather or if exercising. Carrying a water bottle with you will help you reach your fluid needs easily.

Fresh tastes

Summer is a great time for fresh, light meals and refreshing drinks. Try adding crushed or shaved ice to turn your favourite drinks into Summer slushies, or use the natural goodness of Summer fruits like berries, apricots, nectarines, peaches and plums, lychees, grapes, mango, pineapple and passionfruit blended with spring water and plenty of ice for fresh, fruity smoothies.

1. Sawka, M. N., Cheuvront, S. N. & Carter, R., 3rd. Human water needs. Nutr Rev 63, S30-9 (2005). 2. National Health and Medical Research Council. Nutrient Reference Values for Australia and New Zealand including Recommended Dietary Intakes (NHRMC, Canberra, 2006).

Prepared by Sharon Natoli



Happy Ears, Ear Candles:Cleaner, Quicker!

Made of unbleached cotton, 100% Beeswax & infused with Propolis.

Ear candles are an ancient, universal form of therapy used by nations all around the globe, from China to Italy, its origin is unknown.

In ancient times cone shaped instruments made from pottery clay were used. The cones had a double helix carved inside to create a downward spiral energy flow of the smoke and heated air. Now due to health regulations we have to use disposable candles.

Happy Ears ear candles are cone shaped. The spiral of the cone causes the smoke & propoli vapours to be pulled down into the ear canal. This causes the ear canal to warm up and the wax to soften. As it heats up, the candle burning creates a vacuum in the ear canal. The vacuum draws out the wax and any waste material from the ear canal into the base of the candle, where it collects on the filter. For ear candles to work effectively you must create a seal around the base of the candle & the ear canal opening. Both ears should be treated, one after the other.

It is a painless, harmless and totally relaxing experience. If it weren't for the crackling and hissing sounds, due to the burning of the waste deposits you would never know anything was happening to your ear. When it's all over you may want to unroll the remaining candle to look at the 'gory' wax that has collected on the filter.

Happy Ears ear candles have a band around them indicating when to extinguish the flame. Our ear candles also come with a disc to reflect the heat away & simple instructions to guide you.

Order online or call 07 3371 6765



Cellular Memory Release, Mudage & Valley Vistas: with!

Valley Vistas was created 8 years ago by Mary Groves with naturally happy stress management in mind. Those were the days when 'Stress' was not acknowledged as the root of most illness, as it is today. The retreat was designed as your affordable alternative; for those who were not inclined or could not afford the time required to attend regular health retreats. Today this boutique still offers, bed and breakfast accommodation, fabulous views, and is a great hideaway to relax and unwind with home-style food and pampering therapies.

The premium therapies offered at the retreat are firstly the Mudage. The best way to explain Mudage is sheer bliss! As Paula says, we use only the finest, silkiest Dead Sea mud to paint your body from head to toe. Following this is a 20min detox and a hot towel exfoliation, before the most sensational, pampering moisturizing massage and facial by two most attentive therapists. What's your idea of Bliss? .

Mary explains her signature therapy is C M R or Cellular Memory Release- 'Because we are having such wonderful and positive results with the CMR, I have decided to concentrate entirely on providing that and Mudage as future therapies. Clients of all ages and stages, from all walks of life are empowered when the energetic blockages, memories or considerations are removed, allowing them a more enjoyable, thus healthy way of life. Major life changes are possible. .

This gentle process is the ultimate relaxation and meditation. Everyone's experience is different, but generally people experience a deep alpha state and the feeling of floating. Some have euphoric and others quite visible physical releases. This is a process that can be used successfully prior to your stressed condition taking control of your life. When people come to me stressed and confused, I naturally suggest C.M.R'.

191 Little Nerang Road Springbrook Mudgeeraba 07 55253333


The Most Important Organ: with Back to Balance Colonics!


One day. The body organs got together and decided to have a board meeting. Here's what went on behind closed doors.

There was intense discussion to determine WHO WAS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE BODY.

The BRAIN was the first to speak."Without me, nothing would be accomplished."

Then the HEART spoke up, "without me pumping blood to your brain, you could not function'"

The Arms Laughed. "You're both wrong. Without me to put food in the mouth, nothing would work"

The STOMACH said. "Without me. Your food would not digest"

The LUNG bellowed back, "Without me you could not breathe."

The EYES blinked,."Without me, you could not see."

The KIDNEYS snorted," Without me, you could not detoxify and eliminate"

Then the COLON meekly spoke up." I am important. You need to eliminate all of the garbage from your systems" Everyone laughed and made fun of him. "How can you be as important as we are? You're just a smelly old sewer"

The poor COLON- his feelings were hurt! He turned away and thought, "I'll show them"' HE SHUT DOWN!!!!

Then he sat back and watched what happened.

The BRAIN was stupefied.

The HEART'S beat was weak and irregular.

The ARMS were weak and couldn't move.

The LUNGS- gave in to shallow breathing.

The EYES became clouded.

The KIDNEYS quit.

ooked around and decided it was time to call another meeting. It wasn't too lively this time, but everyone was in total agreement. THE COLON WAS THE MOST IMPORTANT ORGAN!!!

0416 330 322

103 Browne Street New Farm

clickhere for details


Introductory Offers: Fitness!

Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link and fill out the contact form,

Bodyfocus Health & Fitness(Capalaba)
$30 Initial Chiropractic Consultation & Examination.. Save $40 (normally NEW YEAR SPECIAL - $79 for 1 MONTH + 1 MONTH FREE for a friend! ( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

BTC Pilates & Yoga Studio (Kelvin Grove) Try it FREE! ( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

Fit4 Personal Training(Stones Corner, Paddington, Norman Park)
NTRODUCTORY OFFER 1 x Introductory Group Fitness Class (GFS) FREE
or invest in 10 personal training sessions and receive 1 FREE session!
( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

more specials at Where's My Centre? A Closer Look at Child- Centered Parenting!

By Scott Noelle

We were clueless.

That, in a nutshell, describes how much my wife and I knew about parenthood when we started on this path. Fortunately, we knew enough to question conventional parenting wisdom..." Scott Noelle shares with us some insight into Jean Liedloff's Continuum Concept. .. MORE....


Brought to you by

Short and Sweet:Canteloupe Crusher!

Serves 4

Ingredients 1 small cantaloupe (750g) 1 1/2 cups Australian vanilla ice cream, softened cinnamon

Method 1. Puree cantaloupe until smooth. 2. Add ice cream and a shake of cinnamon and blend until light and fluffy. 3. Serve immediately in tall chilled glasses. .

Laughter is the best medicine!

A woman goes into an antique shop and says to the owner, "when I was in here last week I saw a big mug with a flat head that holds a lot of beer. I'd like to buy it." "Sorry," replied the owner, but I can't sell you that." "Why not asked the customer?" "Because that's my husband."

Quote of the week!

When you fish for love, bait with your heart, not your brain. – Mark Twain, 1835-1910, American Writer and Humorist

For a Good Cause: Why Support The World Society for the Protection of Animals?

For a world where animal welfare matters, and animal cruelty ends. For 25 years, WSPA has aimed to promote the concept of animal welfare in regions of the world where there are few, if any, measures to protect animals. Politically, we have campaigned to convince governments and key decision makers to change practices and introduce new laws to protect or improve the welfare of animals.

With generous donations from our supporters, WSPA has helped indigenous people set up new animal welfare groups, enabling the local community to have key involvement in the improvement of animals‘ lives. Understanding that human ignorance is a major factor in the continuation of animal cruelty, WSPA‘s education programmes facilitate a change in people’s attitudes towards animals, and their plight, for the better. Our rescue teams provide direct help to animals that have been abandoned, neglected or caught up in natural or man-made disasters all over the globe.



In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Network Chiropractic!
  • Lemon Myrtle Essentials
  • Pro Active therapies!
  • Brisbane Holistic Centre!
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.