Issue 130

The Clean Green Friendly Medicine of the 21 st Century: with The Homeopathy College Australia!

Despite being mocked and ridiculed by the scientific establishment from the start, homeopathy flourishes today as one of the leading branches of complementary medicine with millions of converts across the world. Homeopathy is the choice of celebrities like David Beckham, Jerry Hall, Tina Turner, Cindy Crawford and even the Queen! Tina Turner credits homeopathy with helping her recover from years of physical and mental strain while in an abusive marriage.

Homeopathy has been around for over 200 years, but is increasingly the therapy of choice for people who are looking for medicine that is safe (no toxicity), effective (in clinical trials), inexpensive (less than 10 cents a dose), gentle (virtually no side effects) and "green" (easy on the planet and her resources). Homeopathy is part of the sustainable, green living revolution.

Increased public awareness of the dangers of chemicals and additives in food, growing dissatisfaction with the overuse of antibiotics, and concerns about the side-effects of conventional drugs, are contributing to a rethink about the way we view and treat our health issues. Two hundred years after the founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, raised concerns about the damaging effects of the medicine of the day, the public has also grown anxious about how doctors treat them. Homeopathy, with its use of natural substances in minute doses, and holistic person-centred approach, is attracting more and more converts. And it scores one big advantage over conventional medicine. Even though it may do little good, the absence of harmful side effects means it can do little harm.

You can study Homeopathy for self-care, or become a professional practitioner after completing an Advanced Diploma of Homeopathy that is recognised by VETAB, CRICOS and CENTRELINK. A new Brisbane program will commence in March 2008, and other attending options are available in Sydney and Melbourne. Attend one weekend a month for 10 months of the year, or study via DVD and on-line with ECHOES Distance Learning Program.

1 year certificate program
4 year Advanced Diploma
BHSc degree pathway
Short general interest courses

Enrolments are now open for 2008. More details and a full college prospectus are available at: or ring: 02 9437 9857.




Stop Living with pain: Your FREE Spinal Assessement is Only a Click Away!

Many common aches and pains can be out down to Spinal Misalignment. That's the where the team at Well & Wise can help you!

Your Spine is the protective structure encasing the lifeline of your body.. The Nervous System. This system is responsible for everything you do…every function of every organ in your body.

Many simple things in your daily life, such as slips and falls, bad posture or even stress, can cause your spine to shift out of proper alignment, causing symptoms such as pain, stiffness or numbness.

Many people may not realise that these spinal misalignments can, at the same time, also block very important messages within the nervous system, resulting in poor health, reduced energy and reduced immunity to name just a few.

Well & Wise specialises in providing safe, gentle and effective Chiropractic Adjustments along with the soothing benefits of Massage, by qualified, friendly and professional health providers, all covered by private health funds (HICAPS available).

Our clinic offers care to all age groups from newborn to elderly, especially focusing attention on pregnant women, and catering our care to your individual preferences and needs.

4 Reasons you should have a regular Spinal Adjustment (Re-alignment) 1. It will improve your Health
2. It will reduce pain, discomfort and stress
3. It will improve your mobility and flexibility
4. It will improve your quality of life

Offer: Free Spinal Assessment and $10 off all Massage When you mention myhealthspecials. Valid December and January.

Take part in life.. don't just watch from the sidelines!

Book in now and take the first step to a healthier, pain free 2008! It's Wise to stay Well!

2/15 Grange Rd, Grange 4051 07 3356 7211

clickhere for details

Diabetes Scare A Reality Check For Slimmer?: Check out Carolyn Pohlner's Story!

The very real fear of developing Type 2 (adult onset) diabetes was enough to set Carolyn Pohlner, client of The Natural Way Toowoomba on a quest to reduce her weight and regain her health.

Fifty-four year old Carolyn Pohlner experienced the reality check after years of learning to hide her increasing weight behind clothes "for the fuller woman."

Carolyn says that despite the fact that she tried to dress nicely she could never find inner acceptance of her weight and how she looked. That was, until her doctor suggested a referral for a diabetes test.

"That was one journey I was positive I didn't want to take," says Carolyn. "I had tried everything else so when my sister suggested this programme I thought what have I got to lose except my weight - hopefully!"

Carolyn joined the programme and began to lose weight almost immediately. She was impressed at how easy the programme was to follow.

"The best thing about The Natural Way is that I was allowed to make choices for myself around planning menus as well as buying and cooking my own food," says Carolyn. "I think making my own choices made me feel more responsible for what I ate."

Carolyn lost a total of 20kg, and is now a svelte size 12. In fact, her story and impressive weight loss earned her an entry into The Natural Way's National Slimmer of the Year competition, where she was awarded first place. She will now feature in national advertising, inspiring others to 'take the plunge' and lose weight. "I am blown away by this experience," says Carolyn. "Never in a million years did I think I would be here. It's the most amazing feeling." If you want to look as sensational as Carolyn and take part in the Slimmer of the Year competition 2008, you should call The Natural Way NOW on 1300 NATWAY. Make 2008 your year and get back the body you want.



Holoysnc: Meditate Deeper than Zen Monk!

The benefits of meditation on the mind and body have been known for thousands of years and have recently been validated in scientific studies. Unfortunately, many people find it difficult to meditate and give up without receiving these benefits. This problem has now been solved with the release of a powerful audio technology called Holosync that sends a very specific stimulus to the brain and creates states of deep meditation, quickly and easily.

Stimulating the brain with Holosync releases stress-reducing chemicals that are highly pleasurable. Most people go easily into a deep, trance-like meditative state normally only attained by experienced monks who have been meditating for over 20 years. In fact, EEG studies show the brain patterns experienced are actually deeper than those attained by monks.

As new neural pathways connect and synchronise the two sides of the brain, individuals develop what scientists call "whole brain functioning," which improves learning, intuition, mental clarity, creativity, concentration, and intelligence, as well as amazing quantum leaps in insight and self-awareness.

New research also reveals that even short-term exposure to Holosync creates significant increases in DHEA which is a precursor, or source ingredient, to virtually every hormone your body needs and is a buffer against stress-related hormones . It is a key determinant of physiological age. When DHEA levels are high, the body is at its peak - vibrant, healthy, and able to combat disease effectively.

Holosync also increases your ability to deal with stress and releases emotions such as anger, fear, sadness and anxiety. When Holosync is used regularly over time, many people discover that dysfunctional feelings and behaviours fall away - even those that have stubbornly resisted change in the past.


For more details and a FREE report and demo audio CD (or tape), call Freecall 1800 70 70 47 (24hrs, 7 days) ( mention myhealthspecials) or clickhere

Introductory Offers: Xmas Gift Voucher Ideas!

Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link and fill out the contact form,

Purely Nails & Beauty (Cannon Hill)
Bring a friend for any pampering package, massage or facial and receive the 2nd appointment 1/2 price! ( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

Urban Retreat Massage Day Spa - Hawthorne/Paddington Receive a”Complimentary Ion Cleanse Detox Spa” with every Detox & Tone Salt Scrub.. ! ( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

The Vitality Zone(Mt Gravatt)
$50 massage between 8am-12pm Mon – Fri *conditions apply limited spaces available
( Please fill out the contact form on the page)


GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE for Health, Fitness and Beauty available at, Cancer: Disease of Civilisation!

by Barry Groves

After more than three decades, the "War on Cancer," declared by President Nixon in 1971, is far from won. A new cancer is diagnosed every 30 seconds. Every three minutes, two people in the US die from cancer. Considered to take over heart disease as the number one killer, it will take one if 5 lives. What are we doing to cause such an epidemic? MORE...


Brought to you by

Short and Sweet:Salt and Pepper Ice cream with Seasonal Fruits!

Ingredients 350ml Australian thickened cream 175ml Australian milk 125g Australian mascarpone cheese 200g sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or essence 2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper 1 teaspoon finely ground sea salt Method 1. Heat cream, milk and cheese till near boiling point. Beat egg, sugar and vanilla until pale and creamy, stir into cream mixture. Cook gently without boiling over low heat for 5 minutes, until the mixture just coats the back of a spoon. Cool. 2. Ice cream maker

method: Add salt and pepper to cooled custard, then freeze in an ice cream maker until firm before transferring to a container and allowing to freeze completely. Freezer method: Freeze the mixture until semi solid, remove from the freezer and beat with electric beaters until smooth and thick, stir in the salt and pepper then freeze until solid. Serve Salt and Pepper Ice cream with seasonal fruits, try macerated strawberries, char-grilled pineapple, rockmelon, mango or fresh berries.

Laughter is the best medicine!

An elderly couple came back from a wedding one afternoon and were in a pretty romantic mood. While sitting on their loveseat, the elderly woman looked at her companion and said, "I remember when you used to kiss me every chance you had."

The old man feeling a bit obliged leaned over and gave her a peck on the cheek. Then she said, "I also remember when you used to hold my hand at every opportunity." The old man again feeling obligated reached over and gently placed his hand on hers. The elderly woman then stated, "I also remember when you used to nibble on my neck and send chills down my spine." This time, the old man had a blank stare on his face and started to get up off the couch. As he began to walk out of the living room, his wife asked, "Was it something I said, where are you going?" The old man looked at her and replied, "I'm going in the other room to get my teeth!

Quote of the week!

There would be nothing to frighten you if you refused to be afraid. -Gandhi

For a Good Cause: Why Support Adopt A Pet?

Choosing the right pet for you is fun, but takes time, planning and lots of research. You need to consider very carefully both your needs and the needs of any animal that comes into your life; for example, how much time you can spend for exercise, how much space you have and how much you can afford to pay for food, toys and possible vet bills. To make this process easier, the RSPCA has introduced Adoptapet, a national website that lets you view some of the animals waiting adoption at RSPCA shelters across Australia.



In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Pranic Healing!
  • Mass Attack!
  • Proactive Therapy !
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.