Issue 125

E-bar The Organic Day Spa: A Queensland First !

When people first walk through our door at Equalibrium Bar , currently the largest stockist of natural and certified organic Australian skincare, they discover a whole new world they never knew existed. Beyond packaging, beauty trends, or marketing messages they begin to educate their skin and to understand terms such as "truly natural", "certified organic" and "clinical aromatherapy".

The main reason for this trend towards natural and organic is because we live in a society where we are becoming more aware of everything we do to ourselves - the food we eat, the water we drink, the clothes we wear, what we listen to and watch on the daily basis and our effect on the environment & in return its effects on us - we know these are the things that shape our lives, the way we live, the quality of our life and even how long we live.

Toxic-free lifestyle advocate Jo Costello, the owner of Queensland's first and only 'supermarket' for toxic-free and organic bathroom products has a vision for your bathroom: to see it free of products containing toxins which may be damaging to your health.

"e-bar was founded on my belief that if consumers had easy access to a range of products and information about what was actually in them, most would prefer to use non-toxic products," Jo said.

"Every product counts. If you replace just one toxic product you use daily, like toothpaste or shampoo, with a non-toxic alternative, you have started on the road to regaining your body's natural equilibrium," Jo said.

Joanne once again shows her standards of Corporate Social Responsibility by opening Australia's first certified organic day spa, this is accredited through OFC the organic food chain and goes though rigorous stages of auditing to ensure the consumer that the company practices what it preaches.

With e-bar's leading edge in the market today and the consumer market placing the demands on business today to support and protect our planet, we are seeing the veil lifted and the market of certified organic begin.

As Joanne is a member of ASPA Australia's leading Spa Membership and in attending the latest conference at Luna Park in Sydney noticed a positive energy shift towards certified organic, with spa owners recognising that the consumer is now harder to please if the brand is not suited to there ethics. The fact is certified organic is the preferred choice when explained to the consumer, and for the intelligent consumer they investigate the brand you have before booking the appointment. E-bar The Organic Day Spa along with Jasmin Certified Organic Skincare and e-bar certified organic formulations are built to sustain the future of the well-being industry.

"I recommend customers look at the products in their own bathrooms - if they don't understand the ingredients listing, how can they be sure the products are not damaging their health?" Jo said.

The full range of products from e-bar is available to read about and purchase on or by visiting the Indooroopilly Shopping Centre store.

07 3878 6699 or click here for full details


E-bar Organic Day Spa Membership - $350

Your Health Attraction Program will consist of the following.

a) 1 hour Certified Organic facial treatment valued at $125

b) 1 hour Coastal Glow and intense body wrap valued at $110

c) 1 hour Aromatherapy Consultation and take home treatment valued at $150

d) 1 Seminar with Brigit Richards from GreenEarth FengShui valued at $75.00

e) Seminar with Roslyn Higgins from Coaching Life Energies valued at $75

f) One on one coaching with Roslyn Higgins from Coaching Life Energies (all other one on ones will cost extra) Valued at $75

g) 2 hour seminar with Joanne Costello (founder) and Lisa Tristram (e-bar Formulator) "Your Health" the ways that both Joanne and Lisa live their life by, what are there findings and research. What do we take internally to protect ourselves and what do we do ritually to protect ourselves from ageing. valued at $120.00

h)Chances to win a weekend at Gwinganna Lifesyle retreat

i) 5 % off all future full price spa visits including massage facials and body treatments.

Our Promotional membership Price is: $350.00 + 1 package free

This promotion is valued at $1,115 and will only cost you TOTAL COST
$350.00 (not to be used in conjunction with any other discounts)limited spaces are available. terms and conditions apply

Join us for a Magical Balinese Quest: with The Ancient Wisdom Future Success Program!

Balinese are perhaps one of the only people existing today who embody the practices of alchemy in their everyday living. You have the incredible opportunity to experience this first-hand.

Discover the 3 practical relationships that Balinese people have with happiness, and experience how they live these principles.

See how the women embrace their own femininity and power.

Experience how they embody the 12 virtues and alchemic principles in the everyday Bali village lifestyle.

At Mind Matters we have an integrated relationship with one of the oldest and most traditional Balinese Villages

We are working together to establish a contemporary model for self-sustainability in a culturally and environmentally conscious manner.

You will see this social enterprise in action. You also experience the joy of making a significant contribution to the quality of lives of these most beautiful people and your own. It's breathtaking to experience!

Join us for the 'Ancient Wisdom, Future Success' program and you will set forth on a profound, powerful adventure into the amazing wisdom inside you.

Once you discover this wisdom you can use it to work miracles, magic and magnificence in your life.

In only 10 days, in the artistic world of Ubud, Bali you will:

Stay in luxury and be surrounded by beauty, with an amazing group of people.

Experience an exquisite environment where you can reclaim the abundance which is your birthright.

Tap into the collective unconscious and release your innate wisdom into your life.

Learn to manifest your deepest dreams for a lavish life of joy.

Connect with your own alchemical nature in a truly profound way.

Install profoundly powerful attractor patterns into your neurology to produce successful behaviours effortlessly.

Learn the Diamond Cutter Principles - the Buddhist secrets of business success.

Illuminate your spirit and expand your consciousness. The changes in your life from this alone will be astonishing.

Tap into your intuitive powers.

Harmonise your body to its true balance and be nurtured with rejuvenating massages.

Learn to create extraordinary relationships.

Reconnect to the 12 ancient power principles for truly centred and charismatic leadership.

This is an absolutely unique program that will truly surprise and delight.

If you have ever felt there is something missing in your life, this could be the reason -

An imbalance of feminine and masculine energy over the previous centuries has disconnected us from our true power.

As part of the Ancient Wisdom experience you restore that yin-yang balance to your life and re-connect with your own integral power.

Feel your spirit dance like never before.

Ascend to a whole new level of awareness and know a profound inner peace.

Soak in your own omnipotence.

This is such a sacred, life-altering experience for absolutely everyone!

When: 3rd to 12th October 2007

Where: Luxury boutique resorts in the beautiful hills of Ubud, Bali

Extraordinary value and fun for you!

Includes exquisitely, beautiful experiential workshops, accommodation in an opulent, eco-friendly setting, delicious meals during the formal parts of the program, exciting, fun, organized activities, transport to activities in Bali, nurturing massages and pampering moments for an investment of only $6900. Make your way from whereever you are in the world by 4pm on the 3rd of October, 2007 for this magnificent program

clickhere for full details or call 07 3166 8859

Take Control of Your body & Improve Your Well-Being:with Ortho-Bionomy Self-Care Classes!

ORTHO-BIONOMY® SELF-CARE CLASSES can bring you Pain Relief.

Ortho-Bionomy is Greek for "the correct application of the laws of life". These classes are run regularly by Instructor Eileen Jeboult who has been involved with this Holistic Body Modality for close to 15 years. Classes are conducted as an hour and a half short course or a full day course.

Self-care exercises are undertaken in an appropriate manner, either lying down, sitting or standing. Students are encouraged to work within their own range of motion and comfort.

The aim of these gentle exercises is to improve flexibility, tone, comfort and circulation.

To join one of our Self-care classes contact Allanah Moore on 07 3350 2249.

People with issues that can't be addressed with Self-care exercises are encouraged to discuss their concerns with an Ortho-Bionomy Practitioner or Associate in their area.

If you wish to have the names of an Ortho-Bionomist close to your locality contact Anne Paterson 07 3824 3700 who is the Database Manager for Practitioners & Associates.

clickhere for details



Natural Animal Care: Treating the Symptoms Not Just Disease!

Natural Animal Care is a Brisbane based business that promotes and advocates natural therapies and products for animals. We use Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Nutrition, Reiki and Massage to assist all animals including dogs, cats, small animals, and horses.

At Natural Animal Care we recognise the importance of treating symptoms, not just disease. When presented with a dog with dermatitis, for example we establish during consultation that his skin is itchy, swollen, and inflamed. Treatment may involve natural anti-inflammatories, fish oils, herbal tonics and creams, detoxification and natural foods to help remove any preservatives, by-products and other additives from the diet. These natural treatments help to stimulate the body's own healing ability. We ease the inflammation with supplements the body recognises; we eliminate chemicals from the body, and apply topical treatments to the skin, allowing the body to slowly and effectively heal the dermatitis.

A conventional veterinary may diagnosis the dermatitis, and prescribe antibiotics and cortisone. This helps in the short term, but often the problem reoccurs. This is because drugs suppress the underlying cause of the condition. For example, a dog with dermatitis (stage 1) is given a course of drugs; he starts vomiting as a side-effect (stage 2) and is given anti-nausea medication. The skin improves and the vomiting stops and all is well. A month later the dog develops an ear infection and is lethargic (stage 3). The dog is then given conventional ear drops... and so it continues. With each new prescription the problem is suppressed deeper and deeper within the animal until eventually a far more serious problem, such as liver disease or cancer presents.

There are of course cases that require assistance from conventional drugs, and we like to work alongside veterinarians as much as possible but often natural alternatives can be introduced to promote natural healing.

$5.00 off your initial consultation fee when you mention this advertisement!

07 3352 3108 - Appts' available in Alderley + products on-line 24 7

click here for full details

(written by Eileen McLean, Natural Animal Care).

The Healing Power of Touch: With Ambience Body Therapies!

The power of touch is often underestimated. Touch, in the form of massage, can have immense positive effects on a person, physically and psychologically. There are many more benefits of positive touch experience such as massage than are widely recognized, with many validated by scientific study.

Studies conducted at the Touch Research Institute show that beyond merely reducing muscle tension, regular massage can lead to:

Increased energy levels
Better sleeping patterns (reduction of insomnia)
Reduction of stress and depression
Increased immune activity, resulting in less risk of illness

Medical researchers have estimated that 80% of all diseases are related to physical or mental stress. Soothing and relaxing massage therapy treatments can help counteract the negative effects of stress, and therefore maintain wellbeing.

Massage has also been shown to have powerful psychological benefits. Clinical trials where blood samples were taken before and after massage therapy have shown that blood serum levels of certain chemicals increase after massage, mainly endorphins, serotonin and oxytoxin. Endorphins tell our body to "feel" blissful while serotonin relaxes us and oxytoxin aids us to feel "connected" with others. This explains why we not only feel a natural "high" after massage, but also feel emotionally warmer and more connected.

It is interesting to note that studies also show the opposite effect- people who are neglected and do not receive physical affection or touch during childhood are much more likely to abuse their own children and / or become violent. In light of this, it becomes apparent how important massage can be in today's low-touch society.

Massage has been utilized for its healing benefits for over five thousand years-it is an age-old tried and true healing therapy. Many scientific studies have validated the use of massage to reduce pain, stress and depression, increase immunological function and aid in the healing process of many illnesses. Today regular massage is considered by many not as a luxury but as an essential to maintaining good health.


Book your Regular Massage today at Ambience Body Therapies - (07) 3511
7355 - Ask about our regular rewards - 1hr Massage from just $35!

Located in Bardon - click here for full details




Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link and fill out the contact form,

Radiant Body Bar( Capalaba)Want to trim/tone or both? Then book in for a 1 hour complimentary session with your own personal trainer in our motorised gym. First session free. Memberships available. (Please call and mention myhealthspecials or click this link)!( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

Wings Health Spa (Surfers Paradise)1. Spend $100 with us on any service and receive a FREE 1/2 hour facial valued at $55! 2. We will completely eliminate the joining fee for your Gym Membership if you mention MyHealthSpecials. Save $85. Book in today for your FREE personal training session! ( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

Pondera Physio and Pilates(West End)
Pilates Start up Special Receive a $20 reduction in your initial consultation and a 2for1 remedial massage voucher when you purchase your first 10 visit Pilates pass.mention
( Please fill out the contact form on the page) Serving The Earth!

Serving The Earth: by Vicki Robin

"I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know; the only ones among you who will be truly happy will be those who have sought and found a way to serve."- Albert Schweitzer. All hands are needed in working to protect the planet. This article, while written in 1990, still rings true for many. Earth Care is spiritual work, which we all now know we must engage in, there is no longer any choice. For a spirituality of the Earth to be bold and robust, it must include action. And to act on behalf of something is to be of service. What does it mean to be of service, and especially of service to the Earth? Vicki Robin has some answers. . MORE...


Brought to you by

Short and Sweet:Ambrosia Whip!


1 x 140g tub peaches in natural juice 1 tablespoon passionfruit pulp 2 teaspoons desiccated coconut 1 cup Australian reduced fat regular or evaporated milk, chilled 1 cup apricot nectar 1 scoop Australian vanilla ice cream 2 ice cubes, crushed extra desiccated coconut, for sprinkling


1. Blend the peaches, passionfruit and coconut together in a blender until finely chopped. 2. Add the remaining ingredients and blend until thick and frothy. Serve sprinkled with extra coconut. Brought to you by

Laughter is the best medicine!

Signs You've Chosen a "No Frills" Airline

You can't board the plane unless you have the exact change. Before you take off, the stewardess tells you to fasten your Velcro.

The Captain asks all the passengers to chip in a little for gas.

When they pull the steps away, the plane starts rocking.

The Captain yells at the ground crew to get the cows off the runway.

You ask the Captain how often their planes crash and he says, "Just once."

No movie. Don't need one. Your life keeps flashing before your eyes.

You see a man with a gun, but he's demanding to be let off the plane.

All the planes have both a bathroom and a chapel.

Quote of the week!

"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." -- Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. president

For a Good Cause: Why Support the Brave Companion Dog Rescue?

Brave Companion Dog Rescue Was setup by volunteers in the Laidley Community in 2001 to give unclaimed pound dogs a second chance to find a loving home. Abandoned Dogs are also rehomed through our program. All dogs are health checked and are then cared for by volunteer foster carers. We are always in need of donations and foster Carers. If you can help in any way please contact Mrs Ludelle Milne on 07 54651751 0419 731 459



In the next issue of "Naturally Happy" back 10/10

  • Douglas Peacock - relationships Seminar!
  • Foot Patches!
  • Australian College of Medicine!
  • Green Apple Wellness centre!
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.