Issue 100

Singing For Fun & Healing: Learn How to Sing, Tone & Heal with Dick Rigby!

AND you don't have to sing well to enjoy the workshop!

In Brisbane Saturday 25 & Sunday 26 November (9.00 am to 4.00 pm for both days)

In Melbourne Saturday 2 & Sunday 3 December (9.00 am to 4.00 pm for both days) At Bayview Conference Centre, Clayton, Melbourne, Victoria

Early bird discount: $255 (Late payment $300)


Rediscover your natural voice.
Develop the potential of your singing voice.
Enjoy singing together
Have fun in a safe learning environment.
No one has to sing solo.
There are four parts to the workshop:

1. Singing together for fun

Enjoy singing lots of songs together.
It's easy to learn a harmony. Instant choir - Oh joy!

2. Develop your singing voice

Learn how to:

improve the power, quality & range of your voice

use your body to project your voice

sing in tune, even if you can't sing in tune now

it's easy - trust me!

3. Improve your confidence


sing and speak with more confidence

reduce the impact of your Inner Critic

reduce performance anxiety

overcome the emotional and physical blocks to vocal expression

4. Singing & Toning to Heal

We use "Toning" (holding a single note) & other sound healing to achieve:

greater self awareness

improved energy flow

better control over voice and breathing

emotional and energy connections

psychological healing, physical healing, personal empowerment & spiritual development


The price includes a free copy of the book "Holistic Singing & Toning". By Dick Rigby. Value: $20.00.
And a free copy of "The Dick Rigby Song book". Value: Absolutely worthless.

LOCATION (Brisbane workshop) Kenmore Hills, Brisbane, Qld, 4069. This is a private residence situated on acreage in beautiful established rainforest. There are many native animals and birds including resident whip birds & visiting wallabies. Ample street parking is available in the quiet cul-de-sac.

FURTHER INFORMATION Phone: Dick on (07) 3378 6267. Email: [email protected] Web: OR

clickhere here and fill out the contact form on the web page.

Dick is a psychologist, music and voice therapist. He has over 25 years experience. He has been a music teacher, a professional musician and professional singer. He has specialized in voice development and overcoming voice production problems. He has had wide experience in running singing and toning workshops. He is author of the book "Holistic singing and toning - Developing voice power for healing & enjoyment". He has also released several CDs.

Penrolment forms can be downloaded from the net You can return this booking form to Dick Rigby via: PRINT & POST: Dick Rigby, P O Box 1345 Kenmore, Qld, 4069, Australia.
PRINT & FAX: (07) 3378 7514
EMAIL: [email protected]

"Singing makes the difference"



Relationships... To Be or Not To Be?: with Mind Matters!

Is your relationship about to join the 60%-80% failure rate?

We know statistically between 60-80% of marriages don't work out. Add to that the failure rate of other arrangements of partnership and we have poor odds of meeting any Hollywood version of relationship imprinted in our psyches from sitcoms.

Even so we all seem to persist in wanting an intimate relationship, to be warm, safe, nurtured, admired, appreciated, adored, certain and cherished.

If our expectation of relationship is from the fairytale portrayals, where every day is filled with passion, money and success, straight A kids who also champion sports teams, are chosen for scholarships and selected as school captains, who come home to laughter and understanding parents who make love every night and listen to each other as they prepare exotic banquets together.

The parents have come home to each other at the end of the work day fresh, perfumed, radiant and completely resolved. They are smiling from the great news that work has offered an all expenses trip to Europe flying first class, staying 7 star all the way with a $100,000.00 in spending money. Of course this is a normal day at the office.

There is the often quoted saying, ' familiarity breeds contempt'; so its not rocket science that over time our idealised romantic fairytale partner is inevitably going to become taken for granted, as are we and a zone for conflict can develop.

Most often theses days the woman is running her race professionally, attending meetings and then flying back from who knows where to meander into the home with one hand holding her mobile chatting to a client and the other wheeling a small efficient carry on piece of luggage entering a dark house, empty fridge and a mail box full of windowed envelopes. She's thinking, "I feel so nurtured".

He, on the other hand is not home yet, as the wonderful traffic exiting the city this evening has him captured with a limp wrapping of wilted roses on the seat and worry beads rolling around the free hand. The desire to be an entrepreneurial business magnate is eating away and the boy hood dream of being a millionaire by 30 seems a betrayal, so he arrives home so calm and centred, not.

What if we connected differently, in a way that works?

There are clear steps to making successful relationships.

It has become evident that there is more to this dance than we first imagined. I mean personality differences, male female difference, same sex difference, habit differences, taste differences, touch me there differences and that we are all uniquely DNA cellularly different.

As we recognise the differences and learn to negotiate them a whole new world of dynamic connection takes place inter-dependently rather than co-dependently.

Steps to growing relationships:

.It is vital to receive our partners as unique and very different people from us.
.The most wonderful gift we can provide our partner with is acceptance of their differences.
.Never criticise each other for anything
.Fully realise we are not here to have our partner make our life successful, that is our job.
.Understand we are in relationships to assist each other and support each other to realise dreams and goals and then share the magic of those outcomes and the bootie.

Now make a list of how you personally could develop the above qualities further to enhance your potential in relationship.

Relationships Workshop

Are you sick of waiting for the perfect partner relationship to come only to find it ends in misery? Are you in a relationship desperately seeking the happiness you deserve? If asked, most people will say that what is most important to them is the people in their lives, their family, their friends, their partner. Yet these relationships are also the source of the greatest drama in people's lives. We spend countless hours studying math and history in school, but no time learning to build relationships based in love, and mutual respect.

In our 2 day relationship workshop you will: Look at the beliefs and behaviours that undermine relationships. Build an understanding of the difference between men and women - how we're hard wired between different functions and how the difference in our needs means we don't always understand each other. Look at the illusions we create about relationships and instead base them in truth so that they become the rich experience of connection that we long for. Whether you are single or in a relationship, male or female this relationship workshop is for you. Isn't it time you stopped doing the same things over and over again and hoping for a different result?

Brisbane Dates: Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th November

clickhere for more information

Register Your Interest

1300 761 617




Give the Gift of Health and Beauty: with these Great Ideas!

Every week leading up to Xmas we will be featuring 8 businesses that have great Gift Ideas. Each business also has a great special that will add even more value to your gift.

To contact a business please click the business link and fill out the contact form on their web page.

Gift Vouchers also available!


Day Spas

Belle Affair Skin Therapy & Day Spa- Albany Creek

Beau Lys Skin Therapy and Beauty- Alexandra Hills

Bodysense Natural Health & Beauty- Wavell Heights

Massage Therapy

Ulta Health Centre- Woollongabba

Ambience Body Therapies - Mt Gravatt

Natural Made Products

EarthSentials Skin Management- Nationwide

Health Retreat

Hibiscus Health Haven - Merritts Creek (near Toowoomba)

Fitness Equipment

Kickbike- Nationwide




Why Sprouts are so Good?: and Easy to Grow at Home!

Sprouts have the greatest nutrient activity of all raw foods. This is because sprouts are actually still in the process of growing. They are at the peak of their life force.

The body readily absorbs these nutrients from sprouts, and they are easily digested. This saves your body energy. Because sprouts, or germinated seeds, are pre-digested food, they have what's called a "higher biological efficiency value" than whole seeds, whether raw or cooked.

Sprouts also have a regenerating effect on the human body. Why? It's due to the high concentration of RNA, DNA, protein and essential minerals that's found only in living cells.

The automatic sprouter by Easy Green takes the mess out of sprouting.

If you love consuming fresh sprouts but have had difficulty with the continuing process required to grow them such as pre-soaking and rinsing (between 3 and 6 times a day), then this sprouter is the perfect compliment to your living food kitchen.

The Easy Green sprouter automatically soaks, rinses, mists, oxygenates and drains the sprouts - ready for you to eat in about 7 - 10 days.

This sprouter has 5 trays so you can sprout an abundant mix of organic sprouting seeds at the one time such as alfalfa, broccoli, lentil, mung, sunflower and wheatgrass.

Easy Green Sprouter is the easiest sprouter to use

1. Seeds that are sprouting generate heat during germination and need to be cooled to avoid mould and rotting. This seed sprouter is so successful because water is misted onto the seed using a timer set to 96 activations. This is critical to controlling the humidity which affects the sturdiness of your sprouts.

2. People in warm climates often say they have difficulty preventing mould. With this seed sprouter, you can add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide to the water which disinfects the sprouts and prevents the formation of mould.

3. This sprouter uses about 2.3 litres of water in 24 hours due to its fine misting activity. Some automatic irrigation systems use 5 times this amount.

4. Conventional sprouters require a pre-soaking operation of 8 hours up to 24hrs, before commencing the propagation of the seed. The Easy Green requires NO pre-soaking. Seeds are placed in the tray or cartridge DRY and the machine takes over, thus saving you an extra day of pre-soaking and the manual handling of the repeat daily rinsing.

5. The in-built reservoir allows you to choose the type of water you want sprayed over your sprouts and allows for liquid minerals to be added such as kelp to further assist growth.

Vitality 4 Life stock a variety of organic sprouting seeds.


10% off on any purchase!




Amazing Introductory Offers:For Natural Health, Fitness & Beauty Businesses!

Check out these great offers from South East Qld's finest health and beauty businesses! - simply click the link and fill out the contact form,

Personal Best Total Fitness Solutions(6 locations - Brisbane/Sydney)$100 off any personal training package (conditions apply). ( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

Body Industries - Katrina Newell (Greenslopes): One blend of Australian bushflower essences with an initial consultation. ( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

Neverfail Spring Water (National):“3 Bottles + 12 x 600mL bottles FREE* with your first order! (Call 13 30 37 to order – be sure to mention myhealthspecials)”

Home Fresh Organics (Brisbane wide)- $10 off your first box of organic vegetables!( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

The Skin Managment centre (Brisbane City) Complimentary Brow wax with your first consultation ( Please fill out the contact form on the page)

Dayboro Pool & Gym 1 Free Swim! (Please fill out the contact form on the page) Health, Wellness and Lifestyle!

New York to Outlaw Trans Fats in 24,000 Restaurants By Joanne Hay

Hail the good news! Finally some one is doing something about trans fats. According to plans agreed this week by the board of health, under the mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, all the city’s restaurants, cafes and street stalls will be forced to keep to a limit of half a gram of trans fats in any item served from their menus. A small serve of Fries have 8 grams of trans fats. They are commonplace in doughnuts and bakery goods including bread and cookies, pastry, some margarine, crackers and deep fried foods. They have no nutritional value, the body simply can’t use them and they are associated with heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity and liver damage. (more…)


Brought to you by

Short and Sweet: Washed Rind Cheese with Pepper Glazed Peaches!

Serves 4


3/4 cup sugar 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 3 free-stone peaches, each cut into 6 wedges 1/2 - 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 160g Australian Washed Rind Cheese, cut into wedges


1. Place sugar in a large saucepan or frying pan over medium heat. As sugar melts and caramelises, shake pan to assist even melting.

2. Once all the sugar has dissolved and turned a golden caramel colour, remove from heat and carefully add vinegar. Swirl pan to combine. Add peaches and pepper. Toss to coat and cook for 2-3 minutes or until peaches have softened.

3. Transfer peaches and syrup to a heatproof bowl and allow to cool. Serve peach slices and a drizzle of pepper glaze with Tasmanian Heritage Red Square. .

Brought to you by

Laughter is the best medicine!


Doctor Doctor I keep thinking I'm a caterpillar
Don't worry you'll soon change!

Doctor, Doctor you've taken out my tonsils, my adenoids, my gall bladder, my varicose veins and my appendix, but I still don't feel well. That's quite enough out of you!

Doctor, Doctor I've got bad teeth, foul breath and smelly feet.
Sounds like you've got Foot and Mouth disease!

Doctor, Doctor I'm a burglar!
Have you taken anything for it?


Quote of the week!

“All personal breakthroughs begin with a change in beliefs." - Anthony Robbins

For a Good Cause: Why support Star Hearts Christmas Appeal?

Make a Donation Share the spirit of Christmas with Star Hearts

Let Star Hearts turn your Christmas tree into a magnificent Giving Tree this Christmas.

By participating in our Star Hearts Christmas Appeal, your tree will decorate itself and you'll raise funds for abused children at the same time.

It’s easy to do.

1. Set up your Christmas tree at home or at work.

2. Complete and return our fax order form or contact us on (07) 3857 8866 to Star Hearts for your tree.

3. Download and print our Giving Tree sign for the base of the tree so people know proceeds go to the Abused Child Trust.

4. Promote Star Heart sales through notices, emails and message boards. 5. As the number of donations grow, the Giving Tree will become covered in big red hearts

. 6. After Christmas, send a cheque for the donations and return unsold Star Hearts to us at Abused Child Trust, PO Box 94 ALBION QLD 4010.


In the next issue of "Naturally Happy"

  • Water!!
  • My Health Yoga!
  • Brisbane Aquatic Centres!
  • Xmas Ideas !
  • Introductory Offers!
  • Short and sweet!
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My Health Specials provides this information for your personal education and enrichment. Information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Nor should the information replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Always seek professional advice if suffering an illness. My Health Specials Pty Ltd and all parties involved in the conception, production, ongoing maintenance and operation of Naturally Happy accept no liability and no responsibility for any damage whatsoever arising from or in connection to your use or operation of the website or information contained in this e-magazine.