Your Health, Natural Therapies, Naturopath & Wellness Centre in Brisbane

Our skilled Allied Health and Natural Therapy Practitioners and Naturopaths help you relax, restore your health & rediscover wellness

Call Us - (07) 3861 5881

Find Your Wellness at Brisbane Livewell Clinic

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Holistic Health Solutions

Discover answers to your unique health issues that go beyond traditional medicine

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Empathetic Practitioner Support

Work with practitioners who understand your struggles and offer genuine empathy and informed care

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Guidance on your Health Journey

Receive unwavering support from professionals who recognise the significance of your health challenges

Whether you have an injury or medically-diagnosed condition you need support for, want relaxation, or need to improve your health and wellness - Brisbane Livewell Clinic has your back

Our 6 Wellness Themes

Our Practitioners work across our 6 Wellness Themes to help women, men and children improve their heath. Click each box below to learn more about how our Practitioners can work with you

Gut Health, Diet & Nutrition

Fertility, Pregnancy, Hormones & Menopause

Holistic Healing & Increasing your Wellness

6 Wellness Themes Flower - Brisbane Livewell Clinic

Emotions, Mental Health & Mindset

Testing, Functional Medicine & Understanding your DNA

Movement, Musculoskeletal Health & Injury Recovery

For example, when you see a Brisbane Livewell Clinic Naturopath, they will look into and focus on:

  • Your Gut Health, Diet and Nutrition
  • Fertility, Pregnancy, Hormones & Menopause
  • Holistic Healing & Increasing Your Wellness
  • Emotions, Mental Health & Mindset
  • Testing, Functional Medicine & Understanding Your DNA
Naturopath consulting with man and child. What is a Naturopath - Brisbane Livewell Clinic. Naturopathic

Brisbane's Top Allied Health, Natural Therapies and Wellness Centre

Brisbane Livewell Clinic, located in the heart of Wavell Heights, North Brisbane, and Cannon Hill, South Brisbane, is Brisbane's top Health, Natural Therapies and Wellness Clinic. Founded in 1979, we're the longest-running Wellness Centre in Brisbane, Queensland.

Our Clinics are home to a team of skilled Allied Health and Natural Therapy practitioners, including Naturopaths, Nutritionists, Dieticians, Physiotherapists, Acupuncturists, Massage Therapists, Kinesiologists, Bowen Therapists, Hypnotherapists, and Mindset Therapists. 

Brisbane Livewell Clinic Reception Desk, Wavell Heights and Cannon Hill. Brisbane's top Wellness Centre

 Each of our Practitioners is highly skilled and qualified, and a member of their respected professional associations. Our Practitioners bring a wealth of expertise and compassion to their work, and the belief that all people deserve to life a life free of pain, anxiety and ill health. Together, we guide our patients towards achieving a balanced, healthy, and harmonious lifestyle and so that they can restore their health, reclaim their life and rediscover wellness.

Our approach is both holistic and integrative, blending the wisdom of traditional medicine with the latest advancements in healthcare. This unique methodology ensures that every patient receives a personalised and comprehensive Treatment Plan, tailored to meet their specific health goals and needs.

We firmly believe in the power of natural therapies and addressing the root causes of health issues, beyond merely treating symptoms. This belief is the cornerstone of our wide array of services, designed to cater to the diverse health needs of our community. Whether you're seeking relief from chronic pain, aiming to improve your dietary habits, in need of physical rehabilitation, or searching for mental and emotional support, Brisbane Livewell Clinic offers a holistic suite of services to help you achieve your health and wellness objectives.

Brisbane Livewell Clinic Wavell Heights - Wellness Clinic, Allied Health and Natural Therapies

Your Trusted Holistic Health & Wellness Centre, Brisbane

Your Leading Brisbane Naturopath and Wellness Clinic

At Brisbane Livewell Clinic, we are dedicated to providing a supportive, nurturing, and empowering environment where you can embark on your journey to better health and wellness. Our commitment to excellence, combined with our passion for natural health, makes us the preferred choice for those seeking to improve their quality of life through natural and holistic means.

We invite you to visit our Clinic and experience the difference that a comprehensive, personalised approach to health and wellness can make. Whether you are looking to address specific health concerns, or simply wish to maintain and enhance your overall health, our team is here to support you every step of the way.

Book your appointment today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier, and more balanced life. Let Brisbane Livewell Clinic be your partner in health and wellness, guiding you to reclaim your life and rediscover how to live well.

Discover Personalised Wellness

Tailored Health Plans Just for You

Your health and well-being are unique, which is why we offer customised Health Plans designed around your specific needs and goals. Our experienced practitioners take the time to understand your health journey, crafting a personalised pathway to wellness that resonates with your lifestyle.

Expert Care You Can Trust

A Team of Accredited Practitioners

Our Clinics boasts a diverse team of health professionals, including naturopaths, acupuncturists, nutritionists, dietitians, massage therapists, and physiotherapists. Each practitioner in our Wellness Centre brings a wealth of expertise and a passion for holistic health, ensuring you receive the highest quality of care across all aspects of your well-being.

Holistic and Natural Healing

Integrating Traditional and Modern Therapies

We pride ourselves on our holistic approach, combining the best of traditional healing methods and the latest in health science. This integrative model in our Wellness Centre ensures that your treatment plan is not only personalised but also grounded in the most effective, evidence-based practices available.

Why Choose Brisbane Livewell Clinic?

Your Wellness is Our Priority

At Brisbane Livewell Clinic, we are committed to your health and happiness. Our practitioners not only provide expert care but also build supportive, empowering relationships with each patient.

We offer ongoing health education, specialised wellness programs, and a community-focused approach to ensure you feel supported by our Wellness Centre every step of the way.

Ready to Transform Your Health?

Begin Your Journey Today

Embark on a path to better health and wellness with Brisbane Livewell Clinic. Our team is ready to support you with personalised care, expert advice, and a holistic approach to your well-being. Book your consultation today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.

Our Services

Our Brisbane Livewell Clinics, located in Wavell Heights and Cannon Hill, both offer a wide range of holistic health care & wellness services and natural therapy treatment options to address all your health issues and needs.

These include:

  • Naturopathy: Harnessing the healing power of nature, our Naturopaths work with you to restore your body's natural balance and health.
  • Dieticians: Transform your health with personalised dietary planning, guided by our skilled Dietitians.
  • Nutritionists: Tailored nutritional advice and diet plans to support your health goals, whether it's weight management, digestive health, or chronic disease management.
  • Acupuncture: A key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine, our Acupuncture services aim to restore the flow of Qi (energy) in the body, promoting healing and relaxation.
  • Massage Therapy: From relieving stress and tension to promoting recovery from injuries, our Massage Therapists provide a range of techniques to enhance your physical and mental wellbeing.
  • Physiotherapy: Offering evidence-based support for a range of physical conditions, our Physiotherapists help improve your mobility, strength, and overall physical wellbeing.
  • Functional Breathing: Learn how to reset your breathing with breathing techniques that cover the Biochemical (building CO2 tolerance), Biomechanical (diaphragmatic breathing over shallow breathing) and Psycho-Physical (the relationship between the mind and body).
  • Kinesiology: Utilising muscle testing to identify imbalances in the body, our Kinesiologists offer personalised treatments to improve health and performance.
  • Bowen Therapy A gentle and effective manual therapy, Bowen Therapy is designed to treat a wide range of conditions, promoting healing and pain relief.
  • Hypnotherapy and Mindset Therapy: Overcoming mental and emotional barriers, our therapists help you achieve a positive mindset, conquer challenges, and reach your full potential.

Locations we Service

Here are the Locations we Service: