For many people giving is an uplifting experience. To experience this feel good factor it is important to understand who and how your money or time is helping. Our links offer you the opportunity to get up close and personal to some of the good causes that directly effect our community. Spend the time to see why your donation of time or money is so important to these charities!
Act for Kids
AIDS Trust of Australia
Australian Bush Heritage Fund
Camp Quality
Cerebral Palsy League
Clean up Australia
Diabetes Australia – Queensland
Endeavour Foundation
Guide Dogs Queensland
Heart Foundation Of Australia
Humane Society International
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
Open Mindness
OXFAM Community Aid Abroad
Royal Children Hospital fund
Surf Life Saving
The Australian Koala Foundation
The Wesley Breast Clinic Kim Walters Choices
The Wilderness Society
Why Support Surf Life Saving?
Volunteer surf lifesavers have been patrolling beaches in Queensland for more than 90 years. What began as fragmented groups of surfers saving lives of people in the unfamiliar environment of the ocean, has grown into one of the nation's proudest and most effective organisations serving the community and keeping Queensland beaches safe. The first Queensland Surf Life Saving Club was founded at Coolangatta Beach on 21st February, 1909.

Why support ACT for kids?
It is a sad fact that thousands of Queensland Children suffer some form of child abuse every year. But the Abused Child Trust can help.
The Trust provides prevention and treatment programmes for families experiencing, or at risk of, child abuse or neglect. These programmes offer the specialised help of a social worker, psychologist, occupational therapist, speech pathologist and nurse to assist individuals and families to resolve the issues that maintain destructive patterns of thought, feeling and behaviour - helping them break the cycle of abuse.
Why Support The Royal Children Hospital fund?
One of the top priorities for the RCH Foundation this year is to expand clinical research at the Royal Children's Hospital. In addition to laboratory research, many studies at the hospital have a clinical, or "hands on" focus. Current research covers a wide range of children's illnesses and injuries.
But research is expensive! And much of it wouldn't happen without the backing of our generous community. You can become part of the team that helps us to CARE FOR KIDS by making a donation to research. Listed below you will find some of the important research carried out at the Royal Children's Hospital in our Prime Research Centres and other areas.

Why Support The Wesley Breast Clinic Kim Walters Choices
1 in 11 Australian women will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer. It is an issue, which affects us all. The Wesley Breast Clinic Kim Walters Choices Programs provide free support services for women with breast cancer and their families. Your gift will help us to continue providing these women and their families with the vital information, care and support they need.

Why support Guide Dogs Queensland?
Since 1961 Guide Dogs Qld has provided services free-of-charge to blind and vision impaired Queenslanders. Although the most visible aspect of our services is Guide Dogs, they represent approximately 15% of our services. The association provides orientation and mobility training, special programs to blind and vision impaired children and counselling services. These services are provided statewide.
The Association receives no government funding but does receive a fee for service payment for a number of programs.This equates to around 3% of our service funding requirements.
Why Support Clean up Australia?
Repairing, restoring, and cleaning up the Australian environment requires the effort of each and every Australian. Finding the money to fund this work is an on-going challenge. In addition to helping on Clean Up Days, supporters can now make financial gifts to assist Clean Up Australia continue its work.

Why support the AIDS Trust of Australia.
KWAIDS stands for Kids With AIDS. It was set up as a project of the AIDS Trust of Australia in 1989 in conjunction with the HIV Paediatric Service of the Sydney Children's Hospital in Randwick. Its purpose is to increase awareness of paediatric HIV/AIDS issues in the community and raise funds to be used for education, medical support and research, and to provide financial assistance for children living with HIV/AIDS. Glen Horder (02) 9310 1066

Why support The Heart Foundation Of Australia?
Every 10 minutes another Australian dies of heart and blood vessel disease.
Seventy per cent of Australians know someone who has had a heart attack or stroke. (Roy Morgan Research, 1993)
You have a one in three chance of early death from heart attack or stroke.
This tragic toll can be reduced through medical research and health promotion programs. Significant gains have been made in the past thirty years, but heart and blood vessel disease remains the biggest killer in Australia.
The Heart Foundation is one of Australia's most respected health agencies.
Heart and blood vessel disease is Australia's single biggest health problem.

Why support The Walk Against Want?
The Walk Against Want is Australia's longest running outdoor fundraising event. The Walk Against Want has been running since 1967. Over that time we have raised more than $10 million dollars to help communities help themselves. We channel funds directly to local partner organisations working with poor communities. We work closely with these partners, who are accountable to our head office. Less than 10 cents in the dollar is spent on administration and reserves. A further 15 cents is used to increase donated income through marketing and fundraising.
How does taking a nice leisurely Sunday afternoon walk along Brisbane's scenic river with friends and family sound? Give a voice to the farmers, labourers, and factory workers who are being disadvantaged by the blatantly unfair rules of world trade. Help make a difference.
Visit our website to find out more details.

Why support the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation?
More than 7000 Aussie kids have insulin dependant diabetes - and at the moment there is no cure. This insidious disease, will for the majority, reduce their quality of life through the development of devastating complications. Our mission is to find a cure for diabetes and its complications through the funding of medical research. JDF is focused, lean and efficient and its proven by the fact that no other private organisation provides more money to diabetes research than we do.

Why you should support Diabetes Australia?
Diabetes Australia - Queensland (DAQ) raises money to continue education programs and activities around the state and to provide funds for the Diabetes Australia Research Trust (DART) which allocates grants for research into a range of diabetes related issues. 100 years ago diabetes was a death sentence…
Today it is a life sentence
Tomorrow….we may have found a cure!

Why you should support The Wilderness Society?
It was 25 years ago that Australians came together and fought for the protection of the Franklin River in Tasmania from a massive hydroelectric dam. This is when The Wilderness Society was formed and 25 years later with the help and support of thousands of volunteers we still have a campaign center in every state. Queensland campaign center for the Wilderness Society is currently running a number of campaigns including: The protection of Wild Rivers in Queensland, Cape York Peninsula, Landclearing (of which Queensland is the highest clearer in the nation) and Indigenous partnerships in joint management national Parks.
The Wilderness Society is an independent, self-funded, non-profit, community-based organisation that relies heavily upon volunteer activists. Our Queensland campaign center essential funding is derived from membership fees, donations and bequests and from community activities such as raffles
The best way to support our campaigns to protect Australia's wild places and endangered plant and animal species is to become a Wilderness Defender member
Why support the Australian Koala Foundation?
The Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) is the international organisation whose prime focus and aim is the long-term conservation and effective management of the wild Koala in Australia.
The AKF is totally non-government funded
The AKF is politically neutral, unbiased and dedicated entirely to the preservation of the koala.
The AKF's mission is to be a highly credible, respected and compassionate international scientific organisation that will diminish the threat to the survival of koalas.
The AKF further serves as an example of how to reverse the rapid degeneration of all the world's flora and fauna.

Why support the Humane Society International?
Humane Society International envisions a world in which people meet the physical and emotional needs of domestic animals; protect wild animals and their environments; and change their interaction with other animals and their environments, evolving from exploitation and harm to respect and compassion.
Humane Society International seeks to create a humane and sustainable world for all animals, including people. Through education, advocacy and empowerment, particularly in developing countries worldwide, we seek to forge a lasting and comprehensive change in human consciousness and behaviour; to relieve animal suffering; to prevent animal cruelty, abuse, neglect, and exploitation; and to protect wild animals and their environments.

Why support the Endeavour Foundation?
The Endeavour Foundation is one of the largest non-government organisations in Australia supporting and providing opportunities for people with a disability.
To make a donation, buy a ticket in Endeavour Prize Homes or volunteer your time, please visit
Why Support The Australian Bush Heritage Fund?
The Australian Bush Heritage Fund is a national, independent not-for-profit organisation that acquires and manages land and water of outstanding conservation significance. It selects vegetation communities which are under threat, and poorly represented in public reserves.
Bush Heritage currently has 13 Reserves throughout Australia, protecting over 60,000 ha of land. About 60 vegetation communities are represented. Thirty one of these are of high conservation significance. They include 49 plant species of conservation significance, and habitat for 29 bird and animal species which are listed “at risk”.

Why Support the Cerebral Palsy League of Queensland?
Did you know that one child is born with cerebral palsy every 18 hours in Australia? It is not genetic, so it can occur in any family, and there is no cure. Cerebral palsy is the name given to a condition, which affects the brain’s control over muscles of the body. This results in difficulties in movement and posture. The Cerebral Palsy League of Queensland supports and empowers people with cerebral palsy to create and access opportunities to lead valued lives as equal members of society. Your financial assistance will help to provide education, therapy, and support services to over 1600 children and 1000 adults across Queensland.

Why Support Camp Quality?
We believe in building resilience in the lives of every child living with cancer and their family in Australia. We create an optimistic community for our families through fun therapy and education.
We are committed to
- Ensuring we exceed the needs of everyone in the Camp Quality family
- Being an open and transparent organisation
- Ensuring the highest standards of safety and ethical behaviour to protect children
- Enhancing the opportunities for development of our staff and their future

Why Support HAND?
HAND is a not for profit organisation in North Brisbane supporting people with intellectual disability by enhancing leisure and lifestyle opportunities. As part of its services to people, HAND manages the Leisure Access Program, the HANDS UP! Program and the Day Respite Program.
HAND is sponsored by the Catholic Church through Centacare and is funded by Disability Services Queensland and the Home and Community Care Program.
The Aims of HAND are to: Provide support which promotes opportunities for individuals to develop skills, access the community and become more independent. Promote inclusive opportunities for people with disability. Promote awareness of the value and needs of people with disabilities

Why Support Open Minds?
Open Minds is a not-for-profit and charitable organisation with a mission to support people with mental illness, intellectual disability or acquired brain injury to live independently and well within the community.
Based in Woolloongabba, we have been part of the community since 1912 and were formerly known as the Queensland Wattle League. Our 150-plus staff believe in the right of people with disability to receive equal access and opportunity within the community, and this principle guides the support we provide to hundreds of people throughout Brisbane and south-east Queensland. With almost a century of experience and recognition we like to think we know a thing or two about supporting individuals, families and the community with the highest quality services.
Our range of services includes:
Disability Employment Services
Lifelong Planning Support Program
Acquired Brain Injury Support Service
Personal Helpers & Mentors Program
Lifestyle Support Service
Residential Support Service