JETTS 24 Hour Gym Annerley has a wide range of facilities and services of the highest quality.
Air Conditioning
Changing Rooms
Conditioning Machines
Free Weights
Qualified Personal Trainers
- Squat Racks
- Qualified Sports/Exercise Scientists
- Qualified Nutritionist
Group fitness Classes include fun and social outdoor group classes incorporating, Boxing, Medicine Ball/ Tyre activities and cardio equipment. We also have a great running club available to get you ready for runs like the Bridge to Brisbane.
No Lock In Contracts. Low fees. Open 24/7.
Get started with Jetts and don't pay for facilities such as steam rooms,
pools,creches and classes that you pay for at other clubs but never get
time to use. Plus with close to home facilities and access to over 200
clubs in Australia and New Zealand there really aren't any excuses for
missing a workout. With no lock in contracts, low fees and 24/7 access,
you can workout on your terms at a time that suits you. It's the gym that works out better - simple.
Use one, use them all.
Jetts members have access to all clubs across Australia and New Zealand.
So everywhere you go, there we are! We pride our reputation on
convenience for all of our members. If you are visiting friends, family,
or working away from home you will find a Jetts club just around the