Health and Harmony Colleges

Health and Harmony Colleges is an Australian owned and managed organisation dedicated to helping people achieve their dreams through flexible, self-paced and affordable distance education course.

Health and Harmony Colleges was founded in 1994 by a visionary woman, Gwendoline Ford, to help empower others in the knowledge and application of natural and holistic therapies for health and wellness. Proudly Australian owned and managed, Health and Harmony Colleges reflects Gwendoline's passion for self-development and life mastery, with a strong focus on providing all people with affordable study, regardless of their life and career circumstances.
Today, Health and Harmony is one of Australia's largest distance education providers, offering 150 courses covering a variety of subject matters within the natural and holistic field. Including natural therapies, counselling and coaching, nutritional sciences, stress management, massage and many more. Health and Harmony Colleges courses are written in a clear and concise way, making learning an enjoyable experience. We also offer all our students excellent tutor support throughout their study, and work with our students to make their life and career goals attainable!  

If you an existing practitioner and would like to offer more services to your clients, these courses are the perfect way to continue your professional development. Or, if you are just beginning your first steps towards becoming part of the rewarding and lucrative wellbeing industry, we provide an abundance of specialised training and guidance that will help you achieve this.


My Team / Memberships

Platinum Training Provider - International Institute of Complimentary Therapists | Approved Trainer Provider - Holistic Health Associates Int. Our tutors are industry experienced and qualified, with over a decade of experience in practice and training.

Health and Harmony Colleges Special Offers

$50 off any Health and Harmony Course!
Always Valid

Contact Health and Harmony Colleges

Phone: 1300 13 1XXXX (click to view)
Address: Suite 3 Nile Palms 16-36 Nile Street
Wooloongabba QLD 4102

Tuesday to Friday 8am to 4pm
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Health and Harmony Colleges Wooloongabba