You’ve been so busy being a wife,mother, business women, daughter, committee member and other roles, that you’ve forgotten who you are. Perhaps you’ve reached the point where you are wondering, “Is this all there is?” or “Who am I?” My speciality is working with women, often business women, who want to put the “I” back into their lives.
Clearing health, emotional and relationship issues, plus negative habits such as over-eating, drinking and smoking, can be part of your overall program.
Many clients are also ‘single wives ’left to juggle home, kids, own career/business while their husbands are working away (FIFO, ex-pat, or extensive work travel commitments), then manage the shift in family dynamics when he comes home exhausted and out of touch.
My Head Transition Coaching programs then provide the ongoing accountability,support needed to keep your momentum in business and personal life. As issues arise we use NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and other mindset shifting techniques to clear them out of your way, not by ignoring them, but by dealing with them effectively. What I teach you can be shared at home and at work.
You'll regain CONTROL and the resilience to move through and enjoy your life again.
Sound good? Call me to arrange your time to change now. Phone 0428 128 679 or 
HEAD TRANSITION/ PERSONAL RESULTS COACHING - get the results you want and deserve, whether in business, health or relationships, through ongoing supportive accountability, PLUS the mindset shifting techniques needed to smooth your path by clearing your head trash out of the way!
Your first step is to book your 1 hour SUCCESS MAP session now ($90 instead of $195 if you mention this website). We’ll measure where you are across all areas of your life, pinpoint where you need to focus to create the most change, identify where you want to be, and map out the first steps to get you there. Discover how you can use it to reclaim your Personal Power, and gain the clarity, confidence and motivation to live your life the way YOU want. Let go and grow!
NLP/HYPNOSIS – these tools are effectively used for clearing health, weight, relationship, self-esteem, anxiety, depression, financial and a wide variety of other issues, including phobias and smoking habits, unexplained infertility and pregnancy fears. In addition to the in-depth coaching programs, Kick Start and Internal Image Makeover 6 session programs are available by telephone/Skype nationally & internationally. (NLP = Neuro Linguistic Programming)
WEBINARS – free monthly webinars on a variety of topics, including De-Stress For Success, Personal Power Boost, and Ditch the B*tch. Sign up to the newsletter mailing list on to receive your invitations, plus a free guide to turning conflict and chaos into calm called “Win-Win Loving”.
PUBLIC SPEAKING COACHING- blast through your fears and learn how to enjoy wowing your audience, whether 5 or 5000! Stage craft, presentation structure, rapport building, group dynamics, learning styles, metaphor magic and more can be included in your personalised program.
KEY NOTE SPEAKER - Sue can inspire, entertain and motivate your group, club or team, designing a workshop or presentation to match your interests. In March 2008 Sue was invited speak and participate in the guest speaker panel for Accenture's International Women's Day forum, along with the Qld Premier, Anna Bligh, and other notable women. Sue was invited to present a half day program for the Australian Board of NLP’s “NLP Experience” in 2013, and at the 8th annual AAPO Australasian conference in 2014. In between Sue had her own weekly radio program “Let Go And Grow With Sue Lester”, and regularly speaks at a wide variety of networking groups, corporate in-house trainings, and as a guest webinar presenter. She is a member of the National Speakers Association of Australia, and the Australian Board of NLP.
RESOURCES - Sue has created a D.I.Y. head trash clearing self-change book just for you, the busy, stressed and over-stretched woman. It teaches you how to reveal & change your own unconscious blueprint, the true source of your head trash. Plus it’s full of powerful yet easy mindset shifting techniques, illuminating exercises, fascinating case studies, inspiring quotes and stories from Sue’s own life adventures. “The Face Within: How to Change Your Unconscious Blueprint” is available from along with powerful ‘change process’ Audios such as Problem Dissolving Process, Learn Self-Hypnosis, and Self-Forgiveness Process.
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a set of specific techniques which align the conscious and unconscious mind and body. It enables individuals to quickly and effectively re-design their physical and emotional responses to their world to produce the best possible results in all aspects of their lives. That is, we can quickly and easily unlearn those childhood lessons which are mis-shaping our adult lives. It is not necessary to re-live any trauma.
Neuro– understanding the nervous system’s ‘reality’ through the five senses, and creating new neurological pathways to broaden the world view.
Linguistic – an awareness of communication, and using language to guide the mind towards change.
Programming – understanding the mind is like a computer with ‘
Not sure which option is best for you? Call or email now to discuss your specific needs. Email Me or 0428 128 679, or Skype.
What would YOU like to CHANGE NOW?
Sue Lester, Head Transition Coach, Speaker, Author
For over 20 years Sue has travelled the globe, working in education and social enterprise, and exploring ways to help people push through their boundaries and reach for their dreams. She has a passion for helping people turn self-sabotage into self-motivation, empowering themselves, and therefore their families, to develop the resilience, skills and strength to live rich lives. Helping one helps many, and that ripple-on effect of her work is Sue’s life legacy.
Sue understands the importance of a holistic mind-body-spirit approach to healing, and to Life itself. She also believes clearing the Past clears the Future, by enabling you to live, and take action, in the Present.
Sue works with individuals and companies both nationally and internationally. Enjoying teaching and sharing through workshops, webinars and speaking engagements, Sue welcomes opportunities whether for a group of 5 or audience of 5000.
Sue Lester B.A. Dip. Teach. Master Practitioner of NLP, Hypnosis, Neurological Repatterning and Master Results Coach.
TO BOOK APPOINTMENTS with Sue Lester: Email
or telephone +61 7 3103 2679 Monday - Friday.
Telephone/Skype sessions are only available Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays by prior arrangement. 7:45 a.m. – 7 p.m. Brisbane, Qld time.